How discovering my past life improved my current life. Book: Denise Lynn “Past Life Experiences. How to learn about your own mistakes and correct them Experience of past lives

Past life experience. How to recognize your own mistakes and correct them Lynn Denise

Like opening my past life has improved my current life

Discovering my past life in the Blackfoot tribe allowed me to let go of other barriers in my current life. Every time the tribe moved to another place, we had to carry heavy things over long distances. Now I constantly carry heavy things, even when I don't need to. Sometimes I would just pick up a large stone and carry it for a while without visible reasons. Besides the fact that this habit was quite strange, it also caused harm to the spine. Once I understood where this habit came from, I no longer felt the need to carry heavy things.

As a Blackfoot woman, I was a healer who could prescribe herbs, assist in childbirth, and heal wounds (all of which I had done in my current life). Even though I was an excellent healer, my hip problems made me feel unworthy of marriage. It seemed that I equated physical condition with human dignity. I was never married in that life and blamed it on my tribe, believing that it was the tribe members who considered me unworthy.

However, upon returning to Blackfeet life, I realized that it was not the bad opinion of the tribe that caused me to reject suitors, but my own. It was I who considered myself unworthy of love. In my current life, from early childhood, I believed that I would not get married. Later, due to the injuries I received from the gunshot wound, I began to feel inferior as a woman. This further strengthened the opinion that I would never marry. Going back to the time when I initially made this decision and reliving those events seemed to help me get rid of a lifelong obstacle to entering into a long-term and fulfilling relationship. Now I have an amazing husband, the man of my dreams, with whom we have been together for thirty-four years.

Many things in my current life have changed since the door to my life in the Blackfoot tribe opened. I have always suffered from poor circulation in my legs and arms, even in a warm climate like Hawaii. I inherited this after dying from cold in more early life. I also found that whenever I was cold, I felt isolated and numb. I never understood winter sports like skiing - I didn't see the point in people deliberately chose being in the cold.

After changing the decisions I made in that life, my circulation improved so much that it was better than many people. And I fell in love with winter sports. In fact, cross-country skiing is somewhat similar to the feeling of oneness with the Creator. I love the pure white blanket of snow and the tranquility of the winter forest. It's amazing to watch how snowflakes fall from the branches of tall trees when they are swayed by a light breeze. I would never have known this joy if I had not explored that past life.

After watching life in the Blackfoot tribe, another old habit began to gradually disappear - an irresistible need to take part in group activities. I wanted to be liked by everyone, even if it meant denying what I intuitively believed was right.

IN high school I got the title myself beautiful girl, which was considered incredibly honorable at the time. However, later I realized what it really meant. It was ingrained in my subconscious that if people liked me, then I would survive. In order to please everyone, I gave up many of my own truths. When I was dying as a Native American woman, I kept thinking that if I had been more liked by my fellow tribesmen, I probably wouldn't have been abandoned. Therefore, I came into my present life with the firm confidence that should everyone likes it. Ultimately, I realized that I didn’t have to get anyone’s approval in order to find the truth that would make a big difference in my life.

Every past life has seeds that sprout into today's life.

The circumstances of death from cold and hunger and the feeling of betrayal by relatives from the Blackfoot tribe created a certain emotional mood in relation to betrayal. In my current life, in my younger years, I have repeatedly experienced situations in which I felt rejected. And each time I was overwhelmed by a whirlwind of emotions, I felt rage, bitterness, resentment, frustration and grief. In every situation in which I felt abandoned, I wasn't really betrayed. But I was able to understand this much later.

Exactly the same circumstances existed in the Blackfoot Indian tribe. Nobody betrayed me. I knew that if I couldn’t keep up with everyone else, they would leave me. I knew that this was the law of the tribe. In reality, I was not betrayed, although it seemed so to me at the time.

We continue to recreate the same patterns throughout different periods of life until we remove them from our personal energy fields.

I stopped creating situations in which I would feel betrayed by someone. But, if something like this happened, I considered myself an outside observer, watching the emergence old model behavior, instead of, as before, being at the epicenter negative emotions, which usually accompany such situations.

After experiencing my past life as an Indian, I began to understand why I had such an interest in herbs. I once owned a herbal supply company and still use herbs for medicinal purposes. Then I was able to explain my craving for nature. I understood why I collect deer antlers. Native Americans used horns for various purposes, including as tools - subconsciously I still feel the value of these beautiful products.

Now I have realized my love for drums and drum rituals. Many of my current views are rooted in my life experiences in the Blackfeet Tribe. I have performed various ceremonies in my life, such as medicine wheel, vision casting, and Native American cleansing ritual (steam bath). I also taught drumming and made and painted drums. All this brought great joy. In this life, I have continued to develop everything that was beautiful and divine in that past life, and combined it with modern conditions. This experience is useful not only for freeing oneself from limiting behavior patterns, but also for activating talents and abilities inherent in past lives.

In this life I have Cherokee blood, and in one of my previous lives I was also a Native American. In going back into my patients' pasts, I have found that today's roots can provide information about past lives. In the past, being a Native American has brought with it hard times and challenges, but in my current life, I am proud to be Cherokee. Respecting my background in the present time has helped me get rid of the difficulties that I had in the past.

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Where did you live in a past life? There is a popular method of obtaining information about a past life, by which many manage to find out that they lived in countries far from Russia, many centuries ago. It must be nice to think that in some past life you were a ruler

Denise Lynn has been called "America's Best Secret Keeper." Over the past three and a half years, she has traveled to the farthest corners of the world. Denise's spiritual journey began as a teenager when she was near death, wounded by an unknown terrorist.

Denise Lynn's discoveries on the "other side" and subsequent amazing recovery led her to eventually become an internationally respected healer, author, and teacher.

As a world-renowned expert in Feng Shui and space cleansing, Denise Lynn brought the information and wisdom into her teachings, which she collected from indigenous cultures around the planet - the Aborigines of Australia, the Zulu of Africa, the Maori of New Zealand (where she was given the title of "priest "), as well as among native American ancestors.

Denise has conducted workshops in 20 countries and is the author of 15 books, including the best-selling books Sacred Place and Soul Training, as well as the recently published personal memoir If I Can Forget, So Can You! Denise Lynn's books have been translated into 26 languages, and she has been a guest of honor on the Discovery, BBC, NBC and CBC channels. Denise Lynn is the founder of the International Soul Training Institute.

Denise has a daughter named Meadow, she is 28 years old and is studying French at Southern California College.

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Reader comments

Rina/ 05/22/2019 I would like to express my gratitude to your site! For providing and the opportunity to download books. You may want to take a closer look at some to decide what to buy. Good luck in your activities!
The author Denise Lynn was recommended to me, I will definitely read her books.

Tatiana/ 11/21/2018 The book “Sacred Space. Happiness and Energy of your Home” opened up new frontiers for me in understanding what surrounds me. A lot has become clear and understandable. It turns out that even the number of the house in which I live has changed me for the better. You should not just read the book, but immediately follow the recommendations and improve the health of the space in your home. Then life will become happier and more joyful. Believe me, I was convinced of this myself!

Julia/ 11/17/2018 Thank you! Books are very valuable to me!

Lyudmila Chigrik/ 11/12/2013 Her very powerful piece is “Feng Shui and the energy of your home”, and also “Feng Shui for the soul”

St./ 01/14/2013 The point of Lynn’s books is to not only read them, but to use them. FOR THOSE who do not understand her book, it is better not to use the exercises.

St./ 01/14/2013 I would like to see Lynn’s books on the site - in particular “Training the Soul”, as well as “If I Could Forget, So Can You!”

WITH/ 01/14/2013 thank you for your book “Past Lives, Present Dreams”
The technique described in this book changed my life - before I was exhausted by life, but after the first session I began to think positively and look at the world differently, at my situation in general. I am very grateful to YOU ​​for this book.
The book is written in kind language.
Every person at a certain stage needs knowledge to develop, and people surprisingly come across books that help them find a way out of the situation (I’m talking about good books now).

El/ 06/23/2011 Very bright and strong feelings from the author. The heart opens...

Karabas/ 02/12/2009 Amazing book. The author gives a technique on how to work with your past incarnations using visualization techniques. He writes well about children's dreams as reminders of past lives.

Ave/ 03/18/2008 I read and reviewed the book “Past Lives, Present Dreams” - I can say with confidence that with the help of simple recommendations from this book you will be able to remember the main events of your past life (as I remembered, although I can’t check it yet :)) - but only if you intuitively understand how to remember this past life. But in reality it is very simple. And yet, I prefer the book “Memories of Past Lives” (the practice of remembering them) by the author Richard Webster.
Good luck:)

Love/ 01/11/2007 Lillian liked that better

Dedicated to my husband David and my daughter Madow as they journey through time and space together

Past Lives, Present Miracles

Publication on English: 2008, Hay House Inc., USA

“Tune in to Hay House at:”

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the copyright holders.

The time has come!

Miracles can happen in your life simply and without much difficulty. You just need to remember who you are - this process helps remove the barriers that stand between you and your soul. Almost all of these obstacles have their roots in the distant past, so to free yourself from them, it is very useful to travel back in time. However, most of us are so conditioned by limited beliefs about who we really are that making this journey becomes almost impossible. This book will teach you how to do it.

If you truly want to discover who you are and are ready for miracles in life, Past Life Experiences will reveal secret paths that will help you free yourself from inner chaos to truly discover why you are here. Using this knowledge, you will learn to express your deepest dreams. The time has come! You wouldn't be holding this book in your hands if you weren't ready to start the journey.

Why now?

It's an amazing time to be alive. There has truly never been a more effective time to move beyond your personal limitations and begin moving down the karmic path towards your maximum potential. Right now, after billions of years of evolutionary turns, you really have the opportunity to go through the full cycle of the soul program. As our planet enters a new millennium and a new vibration, you will finally be able to resolve old problems from past lives...and as a result, life will be filled with miracles!

My teacher Dansing Feather of Taos Pueblo in New Mexico planted the seeds of this book many years ago. He was simple and modest, but carried great wisdom. Although he and I were representatives of different clans, this calm old man helped me connect more deeply with my Cherokee ancestors. He shared with me prophecies for our time and spoke about the importance of liberation from the shadows of the past.

I remember one warm summer evening that I spent with him. Wearing a faded T-shirt and badly worn jeans, he sat cross-legged on the grass of a sun-scorched plateau. A soft breeze rustled the dry leaves and scattered them around us. I diligently listened to the voice of my teacher. It seemed that his skin was glowing, reflecting the crimson sunset. Even though deep wrinkles his face was furrowed, and his once blue-black hair was diluted with gray; during the conversation he showed a lively, childish humility. Sometimes he interrupted his speech and looked into the distance. His eyes, covered with the veil of time, seemed to peer into his inner world. After a moment he continued talking again.

A new cycle begins

Dancing Feather told me that the Earth is at the end long cycle- a time of completion and rebirth - and numerous changes await us in the structure of life. He said that rebirth will be a difficult process for many people because they are lost, that is, they have lost touch with their roots and do not know who they are. They are not able to find themselves in all parts of nature without exception. My good teacher said that human beings are inseparable from the mountains, the endless sky, the meadows and the seas... we are part of everything: big and small. Unfortunately, some people have forgotten about this.

He spoke about the significance of dreams and how our nightly journeys are the entrance to inner worlds. Over time, they will become a source of inspiration and healing and will play an increasingly important role in our collective evolution. He also explained that it is necessary to get rid of traces of past pain, suffering and resentment, as they keep us from fully perceiving the beauty of the world around us. We must learn to listen to the wisdom within us and to the spiritual founders and guides around us. To remember who we really are, we must aim high.

My teacher spoke with excitement about our great potential that we must discover in the future. Although he did not speak specifically about past lives, he discussed the need for internal and external cleansing and healing of old wounds.

Years after Dance Feather's death, I understood the wisdom of his words. Our planet is indeed changing rapidly - just as he predicted. There are enormous changes in technology and natural resources that affect the way we interact with each other and with the environment. Society for the most part has forgotten that everything on the planet is interconnected, classifying us all as the world of the living in the narrow sense of the word, forgetting about the spiritual side of every creature. We have forgotten that our world is full of the sounds of life and vibrates with the energy of the Spirit.

Global cleansing

The Universe's response to planetary imbalance is similar to the body's response to trauma. When we suffer from bodily injury, the body responds by sending healing energy to the painful area.

We are not aware of the countless biochemical processes that occur in the immune system. One way or another, when we are injured, the body automatically reacts - this is a natural process.

The human body is a microcosm in the Universe. In other words, our planet can be compared to a cell in the body of the living world. Right now the planet is damaged and we are all affected by it. The Universe sends healing energy to us, just as the human immune system activates when it detects damage.

Global cleansing is similar to cleaning a pond of standing water. The top six inches of water may appear clear, but beyond that it is filled with sediment and various vegetation. When there is an unexpected influx of fresh, clean water from springs gushing at the bottom, all the foul-smelling water rises to the top. The short-term effects seem chaotic, as the body of water appears worse - it is cloudy and polluted with rotting particles. However, the purification process is very important for the health of the reservoir, the water in which soon becomes crystal clear and tasty. Our planet today is like a pool of stagnant water: the new rising currents are like refreshing springs, causing circulation, as they give rise to amazing cleansing and healing.

Personal cleansing and renewal

With exciting, difficult, but interesting times ahead, we have unprecedented potential for liberation from the heavy burdens that everyone carries throughout their lives into old age. The destruction of old structures and hierarchies at the cosmic level means that ancient prohibitions and obstacles have come to the surface. The planet is filled with new energies, and people are witnessing the resurrection of problems of the past, which is expressed in feelings of disorientation and anxiety. Many are dealing with—and re-dealing with—their grief, fear, and anger about situations that were previously bottled up or denied.

Repressed pain and suffering in this life, as well as in past lives, is now coming to light as many people try to overcome barriers to their wholeness. All of our pain caused by disconnection from the Soul, accumulated within us over countless lifetimes - and existing within us as repressed memories - is crying out for release. Never before in the history of the planet have we had such an opportunity as now to truly free ourselves from the limitations of the past.

Deep within each of us lies a vast, interconnected world where past, present and future are intertwined in a great harmonious combination of light and sound. This is the dwelling place of the soul - a place within us, genuine and reliable. It is eternal and limitless... not subject to any changes during numerous incarnations. We have entered a new millennium, and the veil between our inner worlds and the outer world around us is becoming thinner. We are able to penetrate into our own mystical world and see the inner truth that has been hidden from us for a long time.

There are many dark spots that manifest themselves in life: fear, low self-esteem, anger, sadness, poverty, loneliness, self-limiting views, illness and death. They almost always originate in past lives. The challenge for the coming years is to pay attention to our dark spots and see who you were in past lives, so that your present life becomes richer. But the journey beyond the darkness will require a willingness to take risks—and only those who take risks will truly live.

The journey ahead also invites you to exercise the grace of forgiveness—to be willing to forgive what you have done to others in the past and what others have done to you in this life and beyond. True forgiveness helps you accept a lifestyle different from yours, and this is a manifestation of strength. The time has come. Past life travel can be a turning point and reveal your deepest levels of grace and transformation.

The process described in this book activates the sacred journey of the soul, and once you choose this path, you cannot go back. One way or another, if you take this path, miracles will begin to happen in your life, your ability to perceive the powerful depth of love will increase - love for yourself, for other people and for the planet as a whole. This path will help change the world for the better.

About this book

As the transformation of our planet intensifies, studying past lives can become an expanding source of healing and inspiration. But how can we best take advantage of the energies currently available for personal growth and development? How can you remember who you were in past lives and then free yourself from the negative programming carried into your present life? How can releasing the barriers of the past help create miracles in your present life? What can you do to remember your dreams and understand what they are trying to tell you? Why is this time so significant in history? In the following chapters I will give simple, life-like answers and solutions.

This book offers easy-to-follow techniques to help you trigger events in your previous lives. She provides an interpretation of reincarnation and karma, and explains why these concepts are so important at this time. She will teach you how to use past life information to determine who you were in previous incarnations. On the pages of the book you will find special methods for liberation from persistent conditions such as fears and phobias, physical illnesses, communication difficulties and obstacles to prosperity and creativity. In addition, you will learn about your spirit guides and learn exercises that will allow you to make contact with them.

As the rate of vibration of the planet continues to increase, it is vital that you listen to the secrets of your soul. I will teach you how to program, remember and explain these messages.

The book contains examples of returning to the past - some of them belong to my patients, others I took from letters that came to me or from conversations with people who took part in my seminars on past lives. In some cases, I directly used excerpts from letters, but if I allowed paraphrasing or shortening of descriptions to make them easier to understand, I tried to preserve the individual character of the author’s feelings to the greatest extent possible. In some stories, I have changed the names of the participants to avoid intruding on their privacy.

It is now that the incredible, exciting changes predicted by national cultures from around the world are beginning to occur at many levels of human evolution. The purpose of this book is to provide information and techniques that will show you how to change the past to create miracles, experience joy from everyday life and prepare for upcoming events.

We are the spiritual heirs of our planet. If we can free ourselves from the old barriers and limitations of the past and listen to the guidance of our soul, we will be able to boldly enter the future.

Chapter 1
My Journey to Past Lives

My journey into past lives began very dramatically in the summer of 1967, when I was seventeen years old. I was riding my moped on a rural road outside our small farm in the Midwest. It was a quiet, hazy day. My hair blew in the wind as I drove past lush green corn fields.

Suddenly, my calm was shattered when an unknown car blocked my way, knocking me to the ground. Jumping to my feet, I saw a man pointing a gun at me. The dark barrel of the gun seemed huge. I had no idea who it was. I didn’t do anything to him... and I didn’t know why he behaved this way towards me.

Before he pulled the trigger, a thought flashed through my head: “ He's aiming too low." A shot rang out, and I was left lying on the side of the road, bleeding. A sales agent passing by discovered me and called an ambulance.

The lights in the emergency room were too bright. A sharp pain literally pierced me, and sharp voices echoed in my brain. I heard people screaming in horror: “She was shot!”

Gradually the lamps began to dim and the pain subsided. I felt like I was sleeping in a cozy, soft darkness, where I was resting as if in an inflatable cocoon. This was precisely the moment when, as I was later informed, the doctor thought that I had died.

Suddenly the cocoon burst and I was bathed in golden light. In fact, I was not just enveloped in light - I myself was light. The strange thing was that it didn't seem unusual to me; it felt completely normal. Then I heard incredibly pleasant and clear-sounding music. Waves of sound and light flowed through me until I had the feeling that I was became music and shine. I consisted only of streams of light and sound. And although it may sound strange, the light and music seemed inseparable from each other, merging into one. At that moment it didn’t seem unusual to me at all.

I had no idea of ​​the past tense. Everything existed only in the present. The past and future were simply not perceived. Represent linear time there was as difficult as imagining non-linear time Here. Each thing simply existed and did not seem like anything special at all. I was filled with a deep sense of awareness. I knew I had been here before—many times. It was the most real feeling I've ever experienced. Everything else was an illusion.

Immersion in this feeling was an amazing manifestation of love, as natural as breathing. She was limitless like the Universe itself, permeating all of me. I absolutely knew that this was the only truth. Word God doesn’t even begin to express the enormous, yet intimate love that I felt.

Absorbed in this perfect feeling, I was not alone. You were there too - in fact, there is no one and nothing that has not been there. We were all There - without restrictions and separation. I was each of you, and each of you was me. I was you and you were me. We were all one, but at the same time each was individual. I can't find the words to describe it and I know it doesn't sound real... but it was true.

The feeling was no longer limited to my body, I felt the absence of any framework and unity with the whole world - I was happy to return to my real home. I saw before me a great river of sparkling golden light. Looking at the distant shore, I realized that when I reached it, I would never return to my seventeen-year-old body. When I entered the river, I realized that I had never been happier, but somewhere in the middle of the way a powerful voice boomed: “You cannot stay here. There's something else you have to do."

But even as my mind screamed, “No!”, it felt like someone had lassoed me and was slowly dragging me back to my physical body.

I woke up in a hospital bed. Day after day I fought for my life, overcoming not only physical pain, but also the intense grief of returning to the physical body. I had no desire to stay on Earth. I wanted to go back to the light. It was the greatest homesickness imaginable.

However, every evening I experienced a miracle. After the lights were turned off and I was left alone, I closed my eyes and felt someone’s hand gently slip into my hand, and my being was filled with an amazing feeling of peace and security. When this happened the first time, I experienced a shock, because, having opened my eyes to see who came into the room, I did not see the hand holding mine, although I quite clearly felt the shape of the fingers and palm, as well as the heat it radiated. Sometimes the hand would let go of my hand and another would gently slip into its place. I especially remember a very small, child-like hand that comforted me one night. I knew I was safe and not alone. I believe these hands belong to my spiritual guardians.

The doctors thought I wouldn't survive. My body suffered numerous injuries from the collision with the car, and the shot went through the spinal cord and damaged the lung, ruptured the spleen and adrenal gland, as well as the stomach and intestines. Over time, one of my kidneys was removed and a plastic tube was inserted into my heart to replace the aorta. In addition to being told that I would likely be disabled for the rest of my life (I was not expected to live very long), I was told that I would never be able to have children.

Somehow, within those few minutes when the doctors thought I was dead, my consciousness changed, and this in turn changed my life forever. The doctors' dire predictions did not mean anything, because the ability to heal was activated within me, and I knew that I would live. In those mystical and wonderful moments of being on the border of life and death, part of my former essence changed, making my survival and speedy recovery possible. This transformation made healing easier. When I realized that my body was not “me” - it was only where a part of me lived - I acquired many more resources for my own healing than what my physical body had at its disposal. As a result of this new realization, I recovered very quickly and was released from the hospital after just a few weeks. The doctors called it a miracle, but I knew that it was due to a change in my consciousness.

Transformed life: past, present and future are not a strict sequence

After clinical death, my perception of myself completely changed. After I was shot, I no longer believed that I would die along with my body. I knew that life was eternal, and my existence did not begin at conception and would not end at death. I no longer felt separate from anything or anyone on Earth. Time is not linear, and neither is the Universe. The evolution of my consciousness has forever changed my views about the nature of reality.

As a result of otherworldly sensations, I realized that, from a spiritual point of view, our past, present and future lives do not strictly follow each other... but occur at the same time. Because we are linear beings and perceive everything in terms of past, present and future, our lives seem to follow a chronological order.

To understand this idea of ​​parallel lives, imagine a multifaceted mirror ball hanging from the ceiling of a circular hall, with reflections reflected throughout the hall. As the ball rotates, the individual highlights also rotate. Focus on a single highlight and imagine that it is your real life.

You start moving forward. The environment around you changes, as if you are steadily moving through time. There are other highlights in front and behind. Those that follow you - as you move around the room - can be perceived as your past lives. They give the impression of past lives because they are behind you. The glares ahead are your future lives. They also move in time.

The distances between the reflections seem to be constant - about two feet to the one closest behind, and three feet to the reflection in front. Given that you are in a perfectly round room, these distances will not change even if the mirror ball is spinning. This makes you believe the illusion that time is stationary - no matter how your reflections move around the hall, there will always be two feet between you and the nearest reflection behind you, and three feet between you and the nearest reflection in front. This is a measurable and constant quantity.

Considering this from the point of view of past and future lives, assuming that one foot is equal to one hundred years, we find that between your present life and your last past life there are two hundred years, and between your present life and the next life there are three hundred years. However, when you move the light beam closer to the mirror ball (which is the source of your reflections), the nearby reflections in front and behind you will change and the distance will be greatly reduced. This demonstrates how the separation between past, present and future is diminishing. The closer we all get closer to the Source, the more our perception of time and space begins to change. The closer we are to the Source, the more difficult it is to discern the boundaries between past, present and future.

There is another way to understand the blurring of time boundaries: imagine that you left your individual reflection of a mirror ball and began to move “forward in time” along the walls of a circular room. Eventually you come full circle and reach your past lives. Likewise, if you were to move “backward in time,” you would soon come full circle to future lives.

All the reflections on the wall of the hall seem separate and independent. Some glimpses are your future or past lives, and some can be considered the lives of other people. However, if you move from your individual reflection to the Source (mirror ball), you will see that all lives - past, present and future - all people and all matter come from the same Source. We exist inseparably from each other and inseparably from what we call the past and the future. All lives coexist, intertwine and depend on each other right now. (Please note: in this book, I am talking about the sequence of our past lives only because this is how we, as human beings, perceive time in our reality.)

Denise Lynn

Past life experience. How to recognize your own mistakes and correct them

Dedicated to my husband David and my daughter Madow as they journey through time and space together

Past Lives, Present Miracles

Publication in English: 2008, Hay House Inc., USA

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© Electronic version of the book prepared by liters, 2014


The time has come!

Miracles can happen in your life simply and without much difficulty. You just need to remember who you are - this process helps remove the barriers that stand between you and your soul. Almost all of these obstacles have their roots in the distant past, so to free yourself from them, it is very useful to travel back in time. However, most of us are so conditioned by limited beliefs about who we really are that making this journey becomes almost impossible. This book will teach you how to do it.

If you truly want to discover who you are and are ready for miracles in life, Past Life Experiences will reveal secret paths that will help you free yourself from inner chaos to truly discover why you are here. Using this knowledge, you will learn to express your deepest dreams. The time has come! You wouldn't be holding this book in your hands if you weren't ready to start the journey.

Why now?

It's an amazing time to be alive. There has truly never been a more effective time to move beyond your personal limitations and begin moving down the karmic path towards your maximum potential. Right now, after billions of years of evolutionary turns, you really have the opportunity to go through the full cycle of the soul program. As our planet enters a new millennium and a new vibration, you will finally be able to resolve old problems from past lives...and as a result, life will be filled with miracles!

My teacher Dansing Feather of Taos Pueblo in New Mexico planted the seeds of this book many years ago. He was simple and modest, but carried great wisdom. Although he and I came from different backgrounds, this quiet old man helped me connect more deeply with my Cherokee ancestors. He shared with me prophecies for our time and spoke about the importance of liberation from the shadows of the past.

I remember one warm summer evening that I spent with him. Wearing a faded T-shirt and badly worn jeans, he sat cross-legged on the grass of a sun-scorched plateau. A soft breeze rustled the dry leaves and scattered them around us. I diligently listened to the voice of my teacher. It seemed that his skin was glowing, reflecting the crimson sunset. Despite the fact that deep wrinkles furrowed his face, and his once blue-black hair was diluted with gray, during the conversation he showed a lively, childish humility. Sometimes he interrupted his speech and looked into the distance. His eyes, covered with the veil of time, seemed to peer into his inner world. After a moment he continued talking again.

A new cycle begins

Dansing Feather informed me that the Earth is at the end of a long cycle - a time of completion and rebirth - and many changes in the order of life await us. He said that rebirth will be a difficult process for many people because they are lost, that is, they have lost touch with their roots and do not know who they are. They are not able to find themselves in all parts of nature without exception. My good teacher said that human beings are inseparable from the mountains, the endless sky, the meadows and the seas... we are part of everything: big and small. Unfortunately, some people have forgotten about this.

He spoke about the significance of dreams and how our nightly journeys are the entrance to inner worlds. Over time, they will become a source of inspiration and healing and will play an increasingly important role in our collective evolution. He also explained that it is necessary to get rid of traces of past pain, suffering and resentment, as they keep us from fully perceiving the beauty of the world around us. We must learn to listen to the wisdom within us and to the spiritual founders and guides around us. To remember who we really are, we must aim high.

My teacher spoke with excitement about our great potential that we must discover in the future. Although he did not speak specifically about past lives, he discussed the need for internal and external cleansing and healing of old wounds.

Years after Dance Feather's death, I understood the wisdom of his words. Our planet is indeed changing rapidly - just as he predicted. There are enormous changes in technology and natural resources that affect the way we interact with each other and with the environment.

Manufacturer: "IG Ves"

Series: "Your own psychologist"

Abstract Who were you in a past life, who did you love or hate, who did you suffer from and who did you hurt? It is a mystery, but it is what determines how you live today. Denise Lynn, an experienced psychotherapist and researcher, became interested in the topic of past lives at the age of 17 - after experiencing a clinical death as a result of a tragic accident. A long path of spiritual and scientific search, own experience healing and numerous journeys into the past, as well as the experiences of hundreds of patients with whom Lynne worked - all this formed the basis of the book you are holding in your hands. In addition to exciting stories, you will find simple psychological techniques in it, thanks to which you can activate memories stored in the deep layers of the subconscious. The practices proposed on the pages of this book will help you heal from guilt, resentment, fears and physical ailments, activate talents and hidden abilities, and establish connections with angels and spiritual guides. What is the book about? Returning to a past life to understand the reasons for current failures and limitations and correct the situation - sounds like Science fiction. However, the story of Denise Lynn and hundreds of her patients proves that it is possible. In the book `Past Life Experience` she shares the knowledge gained as a result of her many years research work, and also practical recommendations, which will help readers uncover the secrets of past incarnations. The technique includes working with the subconscious layers of the psyche through the analysis of current preferences, childhood impressions, habits, behavior patterns, favorite and least favorite activities. In addition, the author gives effective exercises, which help unblock clamps in the body that have arisen as a result of past emotional and mental trauma. The book also describes some ways of working with dreams, meditative techniques and practices for establishing connections with angelic beings that protect us and help us overcome life's difficulties. Why the book is worth reading The author gives in his book a technique for awakening memories of past lives, thanks to which you can heal yourself and your destiny from the influence of traumatic experiences received in the past, repeated negative scenarios and limiting beliefs. As a result, you get a chance to establish harmonious relationships with loved ones, regain your health, improve your financial situation and strive to achieve new heights in life. various areas life. Who is this book for? The book is addressed to readers interested in the topic of past lives, karmic lessons and self-knowledge. It will be useful for people who have difficulty communicating with parents, the opposite sex, who suffer from low self-esteem, and various physical and psychological ailments. The practical significance of the book will be appreciated medical workers, professional psychologists and psychotherapists. Why did you decide to publish? The topic of reincarnation is becoming more and more popular, largely due to the fact that today it is being studied not only by adherents of religion and esotericism, but also by psychologists. The methodology outlined in Denise Lynn's book is based on the experience of hundreds of people and a scientific approach to the study of the human psyche. Its advantage also lies in the fact that it is simple, safe and universal, which means it can be useful to a wide audience. Key Concepts Travel, past, life/death/rebirth, guardian angel, guide, meditation, trance, soul, subtle body, time.