How to cast on needles. Another set of loops with knitting needles or how to cast on loops on knitting needles so that the edge of the fabric does not pull together. Types of loops. Purl loops

The knitting process for each product always begins the same way, namely with the fact that we need to cast on loops on the knitting needles. Absolutely every knitter knows about this. But if you have just started learning this wonderful craft, then we will be happy to tell you how to cast on stitches and start knitting.

So there is various options set of loops. You can choose absolutely any of them, whichever is more convenient and faster for you. But the choice of one method or another depends not only on your personal preferences, but also on what kind of edge you need to get on the finished product. The row of cast-on loops (cast-on) should not be too tight and not too loose, as in this case the edge of the product will not look very neat. If you are making too tight stitches, then use slightly larger needles to complete the cast-on row. If your loops turn out to be quite loose, then on the contrary, take the knitting needles a little smaller.

In our article we will look step by step at three methods of casting on loops.


One of the most simple methods set. To complete it you will need only one knitting needle.


For this method you will need two knitting needles. The set row with this method turns out to be quite free. This method is great for making things that don't need a tight edge. The procedure is as follows:


This method is performed similarly to method number 2. To implement it, you will also need a pair of knitting needles. The only difference is that the right knitting needle is not inserted into the loops themselves on the left knitting needle, but between the loops.

Friends, today I want to show you how to cast on stitches with knitting needles for 1*1 rib knitting. This technique is needed so that the edge of the canvas is not pulled together by the typesetting row. This may be useful to you...

We all knit things that start with elastic bands, for example, mittens, socks, hats... and in various sweaters, usually the bottom of the product and the sleeves are also decorated with elastic.

Two of them will be ears. Fold them almost halfway and use a small part to attach the ear with a little glue. Wait for him to fix it, then draw the ears. On the third cardboard bullet, put on your boot. If you have it, you can use small paper.

Take a chenille thread and cut out five pieces. Another one is the tail, the other four are equal. If the watercolors are dry, use a thick needle to make five holes in which you will attach the limbs and tail. Attach the oysters and botiss and the monkey is ready.

And it often happens that this same elastic band turns out to be looser than the very beginning of knitting. Those. The elastic band stretches, but the bottom of the product does not.

Agree, this is not very good))) and sometimes you just need to know how to cast on loops with knitting needles for knitting an elastic band so that the elastic band is completely elastic, including the cast-on row.

So, the method of casting loops that I will show you today solves this problem... True, despite the fact that this technique is quite simple, you still have to practice.

Cork ballerina. Cork stopper, mobile gloves, red pebbles, two toothpicks, two large beads, two small ones, a piece of wire, a piece of polystyrene, cotton yarn, a piece of strong paper, a thick and strong needle. Of all the creatures we had as a model, Iris chose the ballerina. It was fairly easy to do, but it turned out he needed some help cutting out the plug and wire.

First, prepare your materials. Cut the cork stopper into a piece no larger than one centimeter to be used for the head. Cut toothpicks for the neck and arms. Add a little glue to the plug and insert the diaper, then onto the bodice. We used chenille thread for the waistband to make sure it didn't pull out. Use a thick needle to make the limbs and neck holes and secure them.

Let's get started...

How to cast on stitches with 1*1 rib knitting needles

The first thing to remember is that this set of loops is made with thinner knitting needles than those that are supposed to be used to knit the pattern, otherwise the edge of the fabric will be loose and not beautiful. Personally, I usually don’t use smaller needles, but simply cast on stitches on only one needle...

On the Internet, this method of casting on knitting needles is often called Italian... I’m not sure of the correctness of this statement, because... printed publications describe Italian set a little different...

I myself learned about the method described in the article twenty years ago, while attending machine knitting courses... Our teacher was good, he did not limit himself only to machine knitting techniques, but shared his experience “in full”

With that, let me take my leave... Until next time!

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Knitting is not only an interesting hobby, but also a way of psychological relaxation. In addition, this type of needlework can help decorate your appearance and your home.

History of knitting

Hand knitting is one of the most common types of needlework, known since ancient times. With its help, beautiful and comfortable things have been created throughout the centuries. When clothes began to be created using machines, hand knitting faded into the background. But this type of needlework has not completely disappeared. And now many needlewomen create a variety of products using hand knitting: socks, hats, sweaters, dresses, jackets. Hand knitting is so popular that there are now magazines dedicated to this type of needlework. These are “Sabrina”, Verena, “Mom Knits”, “We Knit Ourselves” and others.

Knitting is not only a way to create beautiful things. Many needlewomen use it to get rid of internal tension and improve their state of mind. Let's try to understand the basics of knitting.

Selection of threads and knitting needles, knitting for beginners

If you want to start mastering hand knitting, then you first need to select knitting needles and threads for knitting. To start learning knitting, it is better for you to choose a blend of acrylic and wool yarn and knitting needles that are about one and a half times thicker than the thread. To knit things such as sweaters, jackets, skirts, scarves, you will need knitting needles 35-45 centimeters long, which have plugs at the ends. If you want to knit socks, mittens and gloves, then you will need five knitting needles, each 20 centimeters long. Pay attention to the fact that the knitting needles with which you knit are smooth, without roughness, then your fabric will turn out beautiful and neat.

How to cast on stitches on knitting needles

To start knitting a project or pattern, you need to cast on the stitches of the initial row. The loops are cast on two knitting needles folded together. This is done so that the loops in the initial row are more elastic and it is easier to knit the next rows.

To correctly cast on stitches with knitting needles, you first need to place two knitting needles together. Then, from the ball of thread, you need to unwind a thread about three times longer than the expected length of the product, and throw it on the index finger of your left hand. The thread will pass between the index and middle fingers of the left hand. You throw the second end of the thread onto your thumb. Now, using knitting needles folded in half, pick up the thread on your thumb and pull it through the thread located on your index finger. This is how the loops of the first row are obtained.

Set of loops for different products

This set of stitches on knitting needles is suitable for knitting all products. Therefore, knitting any item requires knowledge of But after you have cast on the loops of the first row, you can act in different ways. So, if you are knitting a product on two knitting needles, then you simply take out one knitting needle and knit the second row with it, knitting the loops from the first row. If you are knitting a product on five knitting needles (say, socks), then after casting on the stitches on two knitting needles, you then need to evenly distribute them on four knitting needles. For example, you cast on 60 loops and now you need to distribute them so that there are 15 loops on each of the four knitting needles. In this case, you can then knit in the round, you will get a round knitted fabric without seams. Usually socks and mittens are knitted this way.

Types of loops. Face loops

Knitted products are varied and beautiful. You can see various patterns on their surface. Creating patterns on knitted fabric is possible by knitting loops in different ways.

If you already know how to cast on stitches on knitting needles, now you need to master knitting different types loops Loops can be knit or purl. Alternating these types of loops makes it possible to knit a variety of patterns. The knit stitches are knitted in two ways.

With the first method you enter right knitting needle under the top lobe of the loop on the left knitting needle, from left to right. At this time, your working thread lies on the index finger of your left hand. After you have inserted the right knitting needle under the upper lobe, you use it to pick up the thread from your index finger and pull it through the loop lying on the knitting needle. You discard the loop from the left knitting needle through which you pulled the thread, and put the loop that you got on the right knitting needle. You can knit a knit stitch in another way. In this case, you use your right knitting needle to grab not the upper part of the loop on the left knitting needle, but the lower one. The right needle is inserted into the middle of the loop on the left needle. Then the working thread from the index finger is pulled through this loop. The fabric knitted with facial loops of the first type differs from the fabric knitted with facial loops of the second type.

Types of loops. Purl loops

Purl loops There are also two types. The main difference when performing facial and purl loops is that when making knit stitches your working thread is behind the knitting needle, and when making purl stitches your working thread is in front of the knitting needle. When you knit a purl loop in the first way, insert the right knitting needle from right to left into the middle of the loop on the left knitting needle and grab the thread lying on the left knitting needle with it. The loop on the left needle is discarded, and a new loop is made on the right needle. In the second method of knitting a knit stitch, the right knitting needle goes from left to right under the back bow of the loop lying on the left knitting needle, grabbing the working thread lying on the left knitting needle. The loop is dropped from the left needle, and a new loop is formed on the right needle. If you master knitting all these types of loops, then it will not be a problem for you to learn how to cast on an air loop.

How to calculate the number of loops to start knitting

When you are just planning to knit something, you need to know how many stitches to put on your knitting needles. Let's say you're interested in knitted socks. This problem is especially relevant in winter. You can find out how many stitches to put on your socks this way. You need to measure the circumference of your leg at the ankle using a centimeter. Then you need to knit the sample. That is, 10-20 stitches are cast on the knitting needles and then a small square is knitted, about five centimeters high. This sample then needs to be washed and dried. Then its width is measured in centimeters. The number of stitches in the cast-on row is divided by the width in centimeters, and you will find out how many loops there will be in a centimeter. By multiplying the number of loops per centimeter by the leg circumference in centimeters, you will get the number of loops needed to start knitting.

Knitting patterns

So, now we know how to cast on loops on knitting needles and how to calculate the number of loops to start knitting. How can I now learn to knit beautiful fabrics?

There are knitting patterns for this. The central concept in these schemes is rapport. Rapport is that part of the pattern that is repeated periodically. The diagram shows cells, each cell representing a loop. Knit stitches may be indicated by white checkers, and purl loops may be indicated by black checkers. Or vice versa. Edge loops or loops of the first row are not indicated in the diagrams.

If you already know how to cast on stitches on your knitting needles, then you should learn to read knitting patterns. Usually all knit and purl stitches are knitted using the first method, unless otherwise specified. And often the diagrams show only the front rows (odd). It is understood that in this case the even rows will be knitted the way the stitches are facing. That is, knit stitches will be knitted above the knit stitches, and purl loops will be knitted above the purl stitches. Yarns in even rows are knitted with purl stitches.

For beginners.

Welcome to magical world knitting! Today we will learn a little about what kind of knitting needles there are - the main knitting tool, and we will also learn:

  • choose knitting needles and yarn for your first knitting exercises;
  • cast on loops to start knitting;
  • knit knit and purl stitches in two main ways;
  • Let's get acquainted with the features of edge loops;
  • we will learn how to finish knitting (we will learn to “close” or “fasten” loops).

Knitting- this is a type of needlework that does not require any complex devices, mechanisms, etc. You need knitting needles and threads, and the skill of a knitter, of course. To be fair, it is worth noting that there are some other “things” that make a knitter’s life easier; we will talk about them later and learn how to use them. In the meantime, we don’t need anything other than knitting needles and yarn.


They may vary:

  • size (or number)

The number of the spokes corresponds to their diameter in millimeters. Knitting needle numbers range from 1 to 10 with half-number intervals.

  • Using knitting needles No. 1-2 we knit light items from thin threads, openwork napkins, blouses, tops;
  • knitting needles No. 2-3.5 - the most popular in hand knitting, they are suitable for threads of medium thickness;
  • knitting needles No. 4-6 for thicker threads, as well as bulky yarn (mohair, yarn with the addition of down thread), fancy yarn (ribbon, grass, etc.)
  • No. 7-10 - knitting needles with this number are suitable for knitting from thick threads in several folds; we knit some very volumetric models scarves and hats, decorative rugs, bedspreads, panels.
  • the material from which the knitting needles are made.

    It could be

  • aluminum
  • tree
  • bone
  • plastic

In addition, the knitting needles can be connected to each other (on a fishing line, special wire or cord). My advice to beginners: when you are just learning to knit, choose medium-sized knitting needles (No. 2.5-3.5), preferably on a fishing line, light but durable.

Knitting for beginners. Yarn selection

An equally important component in knitting is yarn. We will get to know what yarn to knit with, how to choose it correctly and how to care for it later. For now, it is enough to choose woolen or mixed yarn, of medium thickness, preferably light color so that the patterns are clearly visible and possible errors student. So, we have selected the yarn and knitting needles, and we begin to knit.

Set of loops for knitting needles

A set of stitches on knitting needles is where knitting begins. There are several ways to cast on loops. If I were writing a theoretical treatise, I would consider most of the several dozen existing methods. Maybe I’ll describe them later, but today we have a practical lesson, I’ll give you two methods that I’ve been using for many years.

Method No. 1 (main) – set of loops for knitting needles from two ends of the thread.

This method is suitable for most knitted items.

  • We throw a thread on the thumb and index finger of the left hand;
  • We hold the ends of the thread with the index and little fingers of the left hand;
  • We connect two knitting needles together, pass the thread between the thumb and forefinger and pull it towards ourselves and down;
  • Holding the thread on the knitting needles with the index finger of the right hand, insert the knitting needles under the thread on the thumb of the left hand;
  • Next, grab the thread from the index finger of your left hand and pull it into the resulting loop;
  • Drop the thread from thumb left hand.

We cast on the first two loops. Next, we again throw the ends of the thread onto the thumb and index finger of the left hand and repeat steps 4-6. So we cast on as many loops as we need, then we tie the ends of the thread so that all the loops are the same size and the beginning of the knitting is even.

Method number 2 – set of chain stitches for knitting needles from one end of the thread.

It is used less frequently than the first, usually to decorate the shaped edge of parts made of thin threads. To be honest, I use this method very rarely. But sometimes this method of casting loops is simply necessary.

  • In your right hand we take the end of the thread and one knitting needle
  • Place a thread on the palm of your left hand and draw it around the index finger of your left hand clockwise
  • Using a knitting needle, we pick up the thread from below and throw it off the index finger.

  • The first air loop appeared on the knitting needle. Next, repeat steps 2-3.

Edge loops.

First and last stitch knitted fabric is called extreme or edge loops. They do not take part in the formation of the pattern, but they are taken into account when casting on loops on knitting needles.

How to knit edge loops?

To get a smooth edge

  • the first outer loop is knitted only in the first row,
  • in all other rows it is removed without knitting from left to right.

But how we knit the last edge loop determines how the fabric will look vertically. Usually the last loop is knitted purl-wise, resulting in a smooth edge with a “pigtail”, the number of loops in the braid is doubled less quantity rows. If we knit the last edge stitch, the edge will be ribbed; it can be used if we do not plan to sew the edges of the knitted fabric; this technique is also used when knitting vertical buttonholes. However, while we are having knitting lessons for beginners, we are not knitting large items today; while we are studying, we remember, until we have learned how to knit confidently, that we always knit the last edge loop purlwise. And now, the most important thing is to learn how to knit the main types of loops.

Face loops.

How to knit facial loops? You probably guessed that there are several ways J.

Method No. 1 (for the front wall, (considered the main one).

The right knitting needle is inserted from the left side into the loop, moving away from you and from left to right, grabbing the thread, pulling it into the loop and dropping the knitted loop from the left knitting needle.

Method No. 2.(for the back wall or lower lobule, sometimes called “grandmother’s”)

The right knitting needle is inserted into the loop, moving from right to left behind the back wall, then, grabbing the thread, pull it into the loop and drop the knitted loop from the left knitting needle.

Purl loops.

Method 1

Using the index finger of your left hand, place the working thread before knitting. We insert the right needle under the thread from right to left into the loop on the left needle. By moving the knitting needle clockwise, grab the working thread and knit a loop

Method No. 2 “grandmother’s”

Using the index finger of your left hand, place the working thread before knitting.
We insert the right needle under the thread from right to left into the loop on the left needle. We pass the working thread behind the loop on the left knitting needle and pull it through from left to right. Drop the knitted loop from the left knitting needle.

Closing the loops.

Closing the loops last row you can do it too in various ways, strict rules No:

Method No. 1. closing loops by knitting according to the pattern with pulling two loops

The first loop is removed without knitting, the second is knitted with a knit stitch. We insert the end of the left knitting needle from left to right into the first loop (as when knitting in the 1st way) and pull the second loop through it. There is one loop left on the right needle. We knit the next loop from the left knitting needle. There are two loops on the right needle, and again we pull one loop through the second. So, alternating knit and purl loops, we knit to the end of the row until 1 loop remains on the right knitting needle. Pull out the loop and thread the end of the working thread through it. This method of closing loops is used in stocking, garter knitting, and knitting. openwork patterns. When knitting relief patterns closing the loops is done according to the pattern of the last row.

Method No. 2. closing the loops by knitting two stitches together behind the back wall.

We knit the edge loop together with the next knit loop behind the back wall. We return the resulting loop to the left knitting needle, consider it to be the outer loop and again knit two loops together, etc. to the end of the row.

Method number 3. Closing loops without working thread

This is the so-called method of closing loops without a working thread. It is rarely used, the edge of the product is very tight. We close the loops of the last row without a working thread, if this thread itself has run out, there is nothing to tie with, and the pulled fabric does not bother us. But seriously, I use this stitch closure when knitting baby and women's scarves, which will have a pompom at the ends, i.e. a pulled edge is even welcome, and this is also how I finished knitting scarves from ribbon yarn. In general, there are a maximum of 6-8 loops in the work and the edge is not visible due to the texture of the yarn. So, we begin closing the loops of the last row from the side opposite to the one on which the working thread is located. We remove two loops on the right knitting needle and, according to the principle of method No. 1, we pull one through the other. So we close all the loops, pull the end of the working thread through the last loop, finally we have met it.

Method number 4. with auxiliary thread

I can’t help but mention one more way to finish knitting. It's not even a cast-off, it's just that instead of casting off the stitches, we knit another 4-6 rows with a different thread, usually a thinner cotton thread. Then we steam the edge. This way we prepare it for subsequent stitching with a special knitted seam. But today, in a knitting lesson for beginners, we are talking about this method only for familiarization, but with the first two, I recommend being on a first-name basis.

If you haven’t knitted before, but really want to learn, it’s never too late to do so. Let's learn to knit.

How to cast on loops on knitting needles - the one-thread method “Air loops”

Depending on how you cast on the loops on the knitting needles, this will be the edge finished product: thin and stiff, thick and elastic or fringed.

The “Air loops” method is very simple:

  • We take woolen or half-woolen threads of medium thickness and 2 knitting needles with a diameter of 3.5-5 mm.
  • To cast on the loops, put the knitting needles together, take them in your right hand, tie the end of the thread once on the knitting needles closer to the edge.
  • The thread is in our left hand, looped over the thumb.
  • We thread both knitting needles into the loop, slip them off the finger and tighten the loop. Then we put the loop over again and tighten it on the knitting needle. So we cast on the remaining loops. The method is characterized by the fact that the edge of the product will be constricting and thin. If you haven't knitted before, you can start by knitting a swatch.
  • We have cast on the loops, now we begin to knit.
  • We pull out one knitting needle from the cast-on stitches (the other knitting needle remains with the loops), and begin knitting loops: knit and purl. If you alternate one knit stitch and one purl stitch (you can do two knit stitches and one purl stitch) you will get an elastic band. Most sweaters usually start with this.
  • If you cast on stitches on two needles and then pull one out, the stitches will be loose and it will be easier to knit the first row, since it is the most difficult.

How to cast on stitches on knitting needles - the “Double” method of two threads

Using this method, casting on loops on knitting needles is more difficult than using the first method.

  • For it, we unwind the thread and calculate its length, depending on the width of the finished product: for 1 loop you will need 3.5 cm of thread. For example, for a sample of 10 loops you need 35 cm of thread, plus another 3-4 cm should remain free thread.
  • Let's prepare woolen or half-woolen threads for knitting of medium thickness.
  • Take 2 knitting needles folded together in your right hand.
  • We mentally divide the measured thread in half (you cannot tear it off from the ball).
  • We throw the middle of the thread over 2 fingers: the thumb with the index finger of the left hand.
  • We press both threads coming down from two fingers with three free fingers.
  • We lift the thread between two fingers with knitting needles and pull it tight.
  • We insert the knitting needles with thread on them under the thread near the thumb, grab the thread near the index finger and pull it out.
  • We throw the yarn off the thumb and tighten the loop on the knitting needles. We got 2 loops.
  • We continue to cast on more loops. To do this, we throw the thread again on the thumb (we did not drop the thread from the index finger) and then cast on 1 loop at a time.
  • To create a loop, you need to do 5 manipulations: insert the knitting needles under the yarn on the thumb, grab the yarn near the index finger, pull it out, slip the yarn off the thumb, tighten it.
  • So we cast on the number of loops needed for the front or back strap.
  • We take out one knitting needle, transfer the knitting needle with the cast-on loops to the left hand and knit the first row with the right hand.