Is it possible to freeze the light for the winter. Russian appetizer "Spark" of garlic and tomato (classic recipe)

Russian appetizer "Spark" of garlic and tomato ( classic recipe )! "Ogonyok" or Gorloder is a simple Russian, or rather Soviet folk appetizer made from tomato and garlic. I tried to trace the history of this dish, but did not find anything worthy of attention. Apparently, gorloder began to be mass-produced in the 70s of the last century in the USSR, as a homemade preparation for the winter. The appetizer recipe is not found in Soviet cookbooks. They do not make such a dish abroad, even in those countries where, as they say, heaps of tomatoes. I do not know why. The appetizer is delicious and easy to prepare. Well, okay, they don’t, and they don’t need to, we will get more. For a classic gorloder, you need only three ingredients - tomatoes, garlic, salt. Some housewives add horseradish here. Their ratio is best chosen to taste. Forget programs. A purely folk appetizer, what scales, what calculation? Put everything in as much as you like. The approximate ratio is for one tomato one clove of garlic and a pinch of salt. But these are purely approximate proportions. You still have to try and bring to taste by adding one or another ingredient. So when cooking, be prepared to eat a few tablespoons of this spicy and odorous snack. So, we have tomatoes with garlic. Let's start cooking. You can remove the skin from the tomato beforehand. How this is done is described in the recipe for a simple Chinese tomato salad. But you can not remove it, this is an optional condition. Next, you will need to chop the vegetables. How you do it is completely irrelevant. In classical cooking, everything is passed through a meat grinder. But you can not mess with this kitchen appliance, but chop the tomatoes with a mixer, blender, food processor. An ordinary coarse grater will do. It's even more comfortable with her. Rub a tomato on a grater, and the skin from it remains in your hand. And, even if you don't have any kitchen utensils, gorloder can be made. Just cut the tomato with a knife, and with a fork, or by hand, turn the pieces into a pulp. We do the same with garlic - we crush it in a garlic press, finely grind it with a knife, pass it together with tomatoes through a meat grinder or twist it in an electric mixer. If the vegetables were chopped separately, put the garlic in the tomato puree and mix well. Salt. It is better to immediately put a little salt, and then, if necessary, add. We try. We add what is missing. We try again. And so we bring to the desired taste. At the first samples, the "light" should be almost salted and a slight lack of garlic should be felt in it. Further, when insisting, salt and the taste of garlic will evenly disperse over the appetizer, and it will turn out just right. It is better to try it with a piece of black bread. It removes the aftertaste, and during the second sample it will be easy to determine what is in excess and what is not enough. Gorloder is almost ready. Now he needs to insist at least half a day, and preferably a day, in the refrigerator. And after that, eat. Previously, a horloder was made for the future, for the whole winter. They eat "light" as a snack. It goes well with almost any dish. Gorloder snack meat and vegetable dishes, it can be added to soups and side dishes to improve the taste. In many cases, gorloder is quite an equivalent flavor replacement for savory types of ketchup.

1 Serving 15 minutes


Sauce "Spark" for the winter- easy-to-prepare preparation. To create it, you do not need special skills in cooking, just a little patience. Using the amount of products in the proportion suggested by us, the yield of the finished product is quite large. If the tomatoes are juicy, then in the end you can get six liters delicious sauce made by hand. We recommend to roll the seasoning in small jars, because the opened sauce is not recommended to be stored for more than a week due to naturalness and the absence of preservatives.

There are many recipes for making a sauce with the mysterious name "Spark" - with horseradish and without horseradish, with garlic and without it. We really liked this recipe - with lots of sweet bell peppers and garlic. Not very dense consistency due to a small amount of components, a delicate aroma of tomato juice and sweet pepper, a somewhat burning aftertaste of hot pepper - all this creates the impression of a warm autumn evening, which is so lacking in winter.

Another highlight of our recipe is that it does not involve cooking ingredients. This allows you to save the maximum amount of vitamins and minerals, the lack of which the body experiences in the winter. The garlic contained in the sauce is a well-known natural antioxidant, number one in the fight against viruses, which are in huge quantities in the air on cold and damp winter days. Bulgarian pepper is a storehouse of minerals necessary for the human body, especially for women. Tomato juice promotes the digestive process and saturates the body with vitamin A, which is called the "vitamin of youth", improves hematopoiesis and stabilizes cardiac activity, helps the nervous system fight stress and strengthens human bone tissue.

The absence of preservatives makes the sauce attractive to consumers, because it is unlikely that you will be able to find anything similar in retail chains. We bring to the attention of hostesses a simple step by step recipe cooking delicious sauce with our attached step by step photos to facilitate the cooking process.



    We sort and thoroughly wash the fruits of tomatoes under running water. Be sure to dry it on a linen napkin spread on your desktop, remove all seemingly suspicious places - dark and yellow spots, bruises. This is due to the fact that our sauce does not involve cooking, and any component can spoil the finished product and nullify all the work. We also wash the red bell pepper and hot pepper pods well. We clean the garlic.

    We cut the tomatoes into pieces that are convenient for you in size. We pass through a meat grinder with a large grate so that the seeds contained in the tomatoes do not clog the device. They will not interfere with us, they contain substances that stabilize the smell of tomato juice. If you have an electric meat grinder, the process will go faster. pouring tomato juice in a pre-prepared clean and dry pan.

    Take the previously washed and dried fruits of bell pepper. It is better that they have fleshy walls. The average weight of one pepper is 100 grams, so we suggest you vary the number of units. We separate the stalks and seeds. We pass the pepper through a meat grinder, and add it to the tomato juice. It is desirable that the total weight of pure pepper is 1.5 kg, that is, a fourth of the number of tomatoes.

    In hot peppers, we separate the stalks and testicles. Pass the pulp through a meat grinder. If you want a spicier sauce, add the seeds to the tomato juice. After this procedure, do not forget to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water to avoid touching the mucous membranes of the eyes, which will certainly cause irritation and tearing. Add pepper to tomato.

    Grate the garlic on a fine grater. The more spicy you want to get the seasoning, the more garlic you need to grate. We send the garlic to the tomato mixture. And wash my hands again.

    Add sugar, vinegar and mix well until they are completely dissolved in the tomato. Taste and add salt and black pepper. You should not be afraid to undersalt, because, after standing, the sauce is saturated and becomes a little saltier.

    Pour the resulting sauce into prepared sterile jars and cork with sterile lids. Store in a cool room for a maximum of one year. Enjoy your meal!

Speaking of spicy seasoning tomato flame for the winter, various people call it by a different name. Someone is used to the name gorloder, others know it as horseradish, horseradish or horseradish snack, the third is more familiar with the name adjika from tomatoes with horseradish. In Siberia, it is allowed to hear the name - cobra.

One thing is invariable - spicy taste and tomatoes as the main ingredient.

Tomato fire for the winter - general cooking theses

Cooking recipes are different, but the use of a meat grinder (mechanical or electric) for grinding ingredients is common. Distinguish two firmly various ways- without cooking and with heat treatment. It depends on whether the seasoning will be stored extraordinarily in the refrigerator or in a rather cool dark place. Huge vitamins are preserved, of course, in the "raw" seasoning, and after cooking - it is stored longer. The indispensable entry of tomatoes into the composition of the dish has already been said. For spiciness, use garlic, horseradish root, bitter (hot) capsicum, ground black pepper, or a mixture of various ground peppers.

It should be noted that when preparing seasonings without heat treatment, vegetables and herbs perfectly washed under cold running water must be dried with paper towels to avoid moisture ingress, which can promote fermentation during storage.

Tomatoes(tomatoes) for cooking must be ripe, but firm, with dense pulp, without white streaks. Tomatoes of well-known varieties are considered the best - Abakan and Minusinsk. But, of course, all others will do. It is allowed to use both peeled tomatoes and with skin, if it is not dense. It is desirable to remove the green-yellow parts under the stalk and strictly - the stalk itself. Before grinding, the tomatoes are cut in half or into 4 pieces if they are huge.

horseradish root from the "grandmother's garden" is best suited. It is the one that grows by itself, like a weed. His citadel will be the largest. The roots must be thoroughly washed and cleaned with a sharp knife to a clear color, cutting off dark irregularities. The root must be cut into small (8-10 cm) pieces for further processing.

Garlic gives the dish a spicy taste. It is allowed to put garlic in a slightly larger or smaller number than indicated in the recipe. It depends on taste preferences. The teeth must be cleaned of a dense peel and stalk.

Hot chilli pepper can be of any size and varying degrees of severity. Its number in the seasoning depends on the citadel of the stomach and individual taste preferences. Also, the use of pepper seeds is at the discretion of the cook. It must be remembered that it is the seeds that exacerbate the taste of seasoning as much as possible.

Salt cooler to use stone or huge grinding.

Ground black pepper not used in all recipes. It is more desirable to use pepper with more bold grinding.

Sweet (bulgarian) pepper when cleaning, it is required to cut, remove seeds and partitions from it. Some choose not to remove the partitions, believing that this adds a huge piquancy to the taste of the seasoning.

The finished seasoning is laid out in sterile jars, corked and stored in a refrigerator, cellar or dark cool place. Banks and lids must be used after their sterilization. It is better to lay out in small jars (up to 0.5 l), because. it is more comfortable to use and will allow you to save the seasoning longer.

Tomato fire for the winter - recipe 1 (typical horseradish)


kilogram of tomatoes

two cloves of garlic;

about 100 grams of horseradish root;

sugar and salt to your taste;

Cooking method:

Put salt and sugar into the prepared vegetables twisted in a meat grinder. It is also permissible to grate horseradish on a grater, if you dare. We lay out in sterile jars, close with sterile lids and store in the refrigerator or in a cool place in the dark.

Tomato fire for the winter - recipe 2 (with walnuts)


tomatoes will need about a kilogram;

pieces of twenty peeled walnuts;

two pods of hot red pepper;

five sugary red bell peppers;

a quarter kilogram of horseradish root and garlic;

fifty grams of parsley and dill;

one or two tablespoons of nine percent vinegar;

two tablespoons of refined sunflower oil;

a teaspoon of salt;

two tablespoons of sugar

Cooking method:

We skip the ingredients in the meat grinder. Add salt and sugar, pour vegetable oil. Add vinegar. We put it in jars and keep it in the refrigerator. If the seasoning turned out to be exceptionally spicy for your taste, then, when serving, mix it with sour cream.

Tomato fire for the winter - recipe 3 (with vinegar)


five kilograms of ripe hard tomatoes;

from fifty to one hundred grams of hot capsicum;

two hundred grams of garlic;

five tablespoons of nine percent table vinegar;

ten-15 teaspoons of salt;

glass of sugar

Cooking method:

Pre-prepared tomatoes, garlic and pepper must be ground in a meat grinder to obtain a homogeneous puree of a shaped mass. Put sugar and salt in it. To soften the taste and preservation, pour in vinegar. Pack into jars and store in the refrigerator.

Tomato fire for the winter - recipe 4 (with bell pepper)


a kilogram of tomatoes and sugary bell peppers;

one hundred grams of garlic;

two to three teaspoons of salt

Cooking method:

We grind pre-prepared vegetables in a meat grinder and salt. We save the seasoning laid out in jars only in the refrigerator, because this method of preparation does not contain preservatives. The taste is tender, and even children can try such a treat.

Tomato fire for the winter - recipe 5 (with eggplant)


one and a half kilograms of tomatoes (preferably "cream");

a kilogram of eggplant and sugary bell pepper;

three hundred grams of garlic;

three pods of hot pepper;

one hundred milliliters of table nine percent vinegar;

a glass of refined sunflower oil;

salt - as you like

Cooking method:

All ingredients are passed through a meat grinder. Add vegetable oil and salt. Boil in a saucepan for about an hour. Vinegar is added at the end of cooking. Roll into prepared jars. We keep in a cool place in the dark.

Tomato fire for the winter - recipe 6 (with spices)


you will need ten kilograms of hard ripened tomatoes;

three to four cloves of garlic;

half a kilo of onions (preferably blue);

three hundred milliliters of nine percent table vinegar;

seven hundred and fifty grams of sugar;

one hundred grams of salt;

0.01 grams of cloves, cinnamon, ground black and allspice;

half a gram of mustard powder

Cooking method:

The recipe is somewhat different from traditional cooking. Ripe tomatoes are placed in a saucepan or basin and first pour boiling water, then cool under running cold water. We cut the tomatoes in the form of slices, cutting out the stalks. We cut the onion into rings. Place the tomatoes and onion in a saucepan and cook until the volume is reduced by half. Grind the garlic with salt. We put the cloves, cinnamon, ground pepper, mustard in a bag of gauze and throw it into a boiling saucepan. Salt, pour sugar and put crushed garlic about 15 minutes before the end of cooking. Pour into jars in a burning form and sterilize. It takes a quarter of an hour to sterilize half-liter jars, and 30 minutes for liter jars. We keep in a cool place in the dark.

Tomato fire for the winter - recipe 7 (with fermentation)


five kilograms of hefty ripe tomatoes;

eight heads of garlic;

twenty sugary red bell peppers;

eight pods of hot pepper;

a glass of horseradish root grated on a fine grater or skipped in a meat grinder;

salt - as you like

Cooking method:

The ingredients skipped in the meat grinder are salted and left to ferment for 10 days in a huge enameled pan. Mix twice a day. After that, we lay out in jars, cork and save in the refrigerator.

Tomato fire for the winter - recipe 8 (with fruit)


three and a half kilograms of cream tomatoes;

a kilogram of carrots, sugary red bell peppers, not a hefty sour apples, white onions and plums;

one hundred grams of garlic;

half a glass of refined sunflower oil;

salt and ground black pepper to your taste;

Cooking method:

We prepare vegetables for twisting in a meat grinder: cut the tomatoes in half and remove the stalks, remove the seeds from apples and plums, remove the partitions and seeds from the pepper, peel the carrots and onions. We twist vegetables and fruits in a meat grinder. Pour oil into an enameled wide saucepan, spread the puree like a mass, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 15-20 minutes. Stir the mixture with a wooden spatula. At the end, add the garlic squeezed through the garlic, salt, pepper and mix well. In a burning form, lay out in prepared jars, cork and wrap until completely cooled. We keep in a cool place in the dark. This seasoning is not spicy, with a nice fruity aroma.

Tomato fire for the winter - recipe 9 (with a 3-hour exposure)


three kilograms of tomatoes (ripened and elastic);

a glass of nine percent table vinegar;

a glass of peeled garlic cloves;

two pods of bitter capsicum;

salt of your choice

Cooking method:

The ground mass is kept at ordinary temperature (not in the cold) for three hours, stirring occasionally to dissolve the salt. Arrange in jars. Close tightly. We keep it in the refrigerator.

Tomato fire for the winter - recipe 10 (with greens)


take a kilogram of selected juicy tomatoes and sugary bell peppers;

one hundred grams of green cilantro and dill;

three hundred grams of hot pepper and garlic;

salt to your taste

Cooking method:

Washed vegetables scrupulously wipe from water paper towel. Remove the skin from the tomatoes, cut and hold in boiling water for 5-7 minutes. Cut the tomatoes in half or into 4 parts (if large) and remove the stalks. We remove the seeds and partitions from sugary peppers. In bitter - at will: if you like more spicy seasoning, then you can leave the seeds. Their food looks more appetizing. We grind all the ingredients. Salt. Let stand for a while to better dissolve the salt. Pour into sterilized jars. We close. We keep it in the refrigerator.

Tomato fire for the winter - recipe 11 (difficult)


you need two and a half kilograms of tomatoes;

per kilogram of carrots, non-sour apples and sugary bell peppers;

two hundred grams of garlic;

one hundred grams of hot pepper;

two glasses of refined sunflower oil;

half a glass of five percent vinegar;

a tablespoon of black ground pepper;

a quarter cup of salt;

glass of sugar

Cooking method:

Tomatoes are peeled using the above method using boiling water. First grind the peeled carrots on the finest mesh. We spread the mass of carrots in a large saucepan and set to cook on a small fire. After that, grind the Bulgarian pepper, tomatoes and apples and add to the cooking pot. Salt, put black pepper, pour sugar, pour in vegetable oil. Grind garlic together with bitter pepper separately from other vegetables. We add them after 1 hour 40 minutes from the start of boiling into a boiling mass. Pour vinegar. We continue to boil. In general difficulty, boil over low heat for 2 hours and 30 minutes. In a burning form, lay out in sterilized jars and close the lids. The oil collected at the top of the jars will serve as additional protection against fermentation during storage.

Tomato fire for the winter - recipe 12 (homemade)


three kilograms of tomatoes;

one hundred and fifty grams of hot pepper;

a kilogram of sugary bell pepper;

three hundred grams of garlic;

five tablespoons of nine percent vinegar;

a tablespoon of sugar;

three tablespoons of salt

Cooking method:

We pass vegetables through a meat grinder with the smallest grate. Grind hot pepper last. Pour the mixture into a stainless pan, salt, add sugar and pour vinegar and leave until the morning, when the mixture settles. The liquid formed on top can be poured into bottles and used as a seasoning for first courses. The rest of the mass is laid out in glass jars, close the lids and store in the refrigerator.

Tomato fire for the winter - recipe 13 (with tomato paste)


half a kilogram of bitter red pepper;

one hundred and fifty grams of peeled walnut kernels;

three hundred grams of garlic;

a pack of Khmeli-suneli seasonings;

half a kilogram of tomato paste;

seventy grams of salt

Cooking method:

The peculiarity of this recipe is the use of tomato paste instead of tomatoes and more thorough cooking. Twist the hot pepper twice in a meat grinder. Skip nuts and garlic three times in a meat grinder. Add hops-suneli. After that, put the tomato paste. Salt and mix well. Let's break it down into jars. We'll keep it in the fridge. Cool, such a light is in harmony with pasta and meat.

Tomato fire for the winter - recipe 14 (horloder)


take a kilogram of hefty ripe tomatoes;

one or two pods of bitter red pepper;

a head of garlic;

two or three teaspoons of ground black pepper and salt;

Cooking method:

Grind tomatoes and peppers in a meat grinder. Squeeze the garlic on the garlic press. If there is no bitter pepper, it is allowed to add garlic. If you want to achieve the sharpness of the "pull your eyes" seeds from hot peppers do not need to be removed. Salt, pepper and mix well. Keep only in the refrigerator, spreading out in jars and scrupulously closing them with lids.

Tomato fire for the winter - recipe 15 (cobra)


prepare a kilogram of tomatoes;

a pod of bitter red pepper;

one hundred grams of garlic;

to your taste ground black pepper, salt and sugar (if the tomatoes are sour)

Cooking method:

Remove the skin and stems from the tomatoes. Skip the meat grinder. Salt lightly and bring to a boil over high heat. Cook until thickened, remembering to stir. The design and color of the mass changes. If the seasoning is not to be stored for a long time, then a five-minute boil is enough. For harvesting for the winter, it will take a lot of time to boil. Squeeze garlic into the tomato mass with the help of garlic and pepper. It is allowed to use ground black pepper, it is allowed - a mixture of various ground peppers or one chili pepper. Stir, add salt to the desired taste. If tomatoes are sour, add sugar. Bring to a boil again. Pour in a burning form into jars, close with lids and store in a cool place.

Tomato fire for the winter - tricks and useful tips

Traditionally, when preparing a tomato fire for the winter, a significant amount of garlic is required. There is a little secret for its rapid cleaning. It is necessary to cut off the stalk at the head of garlic with a knife, put it on a wooden cutting board and hit it with the edge of your palm four or five times stronger. After that, place the garlic in a saucepan with a lid and smash perfectly. A huge part of the husk will separate, and the rest will be easily and quickly removed.

To quickly peel tomatoes from the skin, use a sharp knife to cross-cut the entire tomato from the opposite side of the stalk. Put all the tomatoes in a large container and pour boiling water over five to seven minutes. Drain off the water later. Let cool. Prying the incision with the tip of a knife, it is easy to remove the skin with four light movements.

Horseradish before cleaning perfectly hold in water. At the same time, the earth will fall behind, horseradish will be easier to clean. From thin roots (thickness 0.5-0.7 cm), it is allowed not to scrape off the skin, but only wash them very cool with a brush.

When grinding horseradish in a manual meat grinder, you need to put a plastic bag on the meat grinder itself. This will reduce or even avoid pain in the eyes and other unpleasant sensations. Horseradish is better to grind last, because it powerfully clogs the meat grinder. It is desirable to take horseradish 10-15 grams more, because part of it will remain in the meat grinder.

When handling hot peppers, remember to wear rubber gloves to keep your hands from burning. Be careful not to accidentally touch your eyes, lips, nose, forehead.

When choosing between a mechanical and electric meat grinder, it should be understood that in an electric one, the products are cut, and in a mechanical one, they are ground, which is much more preferable when preparing a fire from tomatoes for the winter.

It is better to use small jars up to 0.5 liters for storing seasoning.

There is an easy way to sterilize jars in the microwave. Pour 50-70 ml of water into the washed jars, place them in the microwave, turn on the microwave mode. When the water has evaporated, remove the jars. As they cool, they will dry out.

Boil metal lids for sealing jars for the purpose of sterilization for 10 minutes.

Mixing the finished tomato flame with mayonnaise, it is allowed to use it as a pizza sauce.

As you can see, many recipes for tomato fire for the winter do not require much time to prepare, and the benefits and enjoyment of this seasoning will undoubtedly make it a must-have on your table!