Ideas for a baby's home photo shoot. Ideas for a family photo shoot. A selection of ideas for family photos. Lighting when photographing children

A children's photo shoot at home has a number of advantages compared to other shooting options. The home environment allows you to photograph children:

  • of any age - it can be teenagers, one-year-old children, and even babies
  • in any weather - neither rain nor wind can interfere with a themed photo shoot for your children
  • at any time - this is especially important for newborns, in whose daily routine it is difficult to include a trip to the studio, and in a home environment you can quite easily create any image for a future photo book

There are a variety of ideas for a photo shoot of children in an apartment. Some of them require various props and many accessories, others are carried out “as is”. You can independently choose the most suitable shooting topic from those suggested below, or leave the choice to a professional photographer. He will be able to choose the right idea, and the photos will turn out great.

Balloons and soap bubbles

Photos of babies surrounded by balloons or soap bubbles look very impressive. Larger ones are often used to get the best shots. soft toys and children's favorite things. For example, cubes or books are great for this.


If there are animals in the house, they can pose with the children; young models really like these ideas for photo shoots. A professional photographer can easily capture many funny moments that occur when your child interacts with a pet.

Against the backdrop of nature

Very beautiful photo books are made from photographs taken against the backdrop of nature. Therefore, even if your choice is a baby photo shoot at home, ideas with various plants are still worth considering.

If it’s summer outside, a themed shoot can be arranged on a flowering balcony. In winter, indoor plants will be an excellent backdrop.

Hero from a fairy tale

Nothing is more associated with childhood than a fairy tale, which is why various photo shoot ideas for kids often contain corresponding paraphernalia.

The subject of the photo is selected depending on the age of the child. For portraiture of newborns or one-year-old children, often just a suit and some accessories are enough. To conduct themed photography for teenagers, they often use face painting and also transform the interior of the room accordingly.

In the kitchen and beyond

A photo shoot with children done in the kitchen interior is very popular. Both infants and adult children can participate in it. Let the lens capture how a young chef prepares his favorite dish, and for the little ones it’s enough to put on chef's hat and place kitchen utensils, vegetables and fruits nearby.

You can also use the bathroom to photograph a newborn or one-year-old baby. Have a foam party surrounded by rubber duckies and colorful fish.

Fascinating hobby

If your child is interested in something, it may make sense to photograph him doing what he loves. Let him make something, draw or embroider, and the pictures will preserve both the childishly focused face and the result of creative experiments.

How to choose the best photo ideas?

If the photo session is held at home, you can invite the whole family to it - both adults and teenagers, and also invite pets. At your request, you can combine different ideas, and the photos in the family album will appeal to all family members.

When choosing ideas for your photos, consider:

  • number of household members willing to take part in filming
  • time of year - perhaps in the summer you should consider the idea of ​​shooting on a balcony or near an open window, and in winter give preference to other topics
  • age composition of models – number infants and older household members a year

How to prepare for shooting in an apartment?

If the child is still small, then even at home, photography should be carefully planned:

  • choose the time according to the baby’s daily routine – the best photos will be taken when he is full and happy
  • do not delay the procedure for too long - the required number of photos on any topic can be taken quite quickly, in extreme cases, continue another time
  • choose comfortable clothes and accessories that match the chosen idea, and the pictures for the family album will turn out childishly bright and cheerful

Mothers of infants often take a direct part in filming. This allows you to avoid possible difficulties, and if the little one becomes capricious during the photo shoot, the mother will be able to take him in her arms and calm him down.

To keep him cheerful longer, let him have a toy or favorite thing in his hands during the shooting. This is especially important for children under one year old, but sometimes it can also help others get into the right frame of mind.

To order home photography, choose a photographer whose work you like. You can study the portfolio of specialists with your whole family or give your loved ones a pleasant surprise by giving them a gift certificate for a photo shoot.

In any case, a professional will help you choose poses and decide on the time and date. Trust him, and then a children's photo shoot at home will become an unforgettable event for all household members.

A well-thought-out family photo session with a baby will leave moments of happiness and sincere children’s smiles in your memory for many years to come. At first glance, it seems that photographing children is not easy, but if you prepare accessories, outfits and think through poses in advance, everything will go smoothly. The main thing is to limit the time of the session so as not to tire the small child.

The age of the baby does not matter; photo shoots can be carried out even upon discharge from the hospital. After all, it is impossible to imagine a single family album without shining smiles, tender hugs and kisses, laughter and tears of joy, genuine happiness on the faces of household members.

Preparing for family photography

Regardless of the time of year and the chosen venue family photo session(in the studio, at home or outdoors during a walk) the preparatory stage should not be missed. You need to think about the surroundings and prepare the details in advance. The quality of individual photographs depends, among other things, on the emotions experienced by all family members. Group shots require active movement, and simple games will help create dynamics and show interaction in the frame. In order for the whole process to go smoothly, you should not rely on impromptu, you need to carefully prepare:

  • choose a photographer
  • decide on the plot
  • prepare accessories
  • choose a venue
  • pick up clothes
  • decide on poses
  • discuss angles and landscapes

The more carefully thought out the details, the more interesting the result will be, and examples of good photographs show the importance of preparation.

Ideas for family photography

The most common idea is a combination of similar images and identical outfits for a couple, the style and color scheme of which are successfully combined. A family photo session will be very successful if not only household members, but also pets take part in it. A cat or dog will create a playful atmosphere, the photos will turn out original. Pets also need bright accessories: a scarf, a collar, which will match the style of the chosen images of all the characters.

Very important point for cool photography is the location. You can use the following photo shoot options:

  • studio session with transformation into different characters
  • photo shoot in nature - on the beach, in the forest, near a river, in a field
  • home session, which coincides with the holiday
  • photo support during the game
  • imitation of a favorite children's fairy tale
  • games with your favorite pets

The best poses for photos with children

Not everyone is naturally gifted with relaxed behavior in front of the camera, and it is especially difficult to pose with a baby. To infant it wasn’t boring, for him the process needs to be turned into a game: there should be bright toys in his field of vision. To the very good examples family poses in the studio include the following:

  • parents hug their baby from behind
  • mom and dad kiss the baby on both cheeks
  • parents holding baby upside down
  • all household members lie on the floor and smile at the camera
  • dad lies on his back and lifts his daughter or son above him
  • you can build a pyramid with a small child at the top

If you are photographed outdoors, for example, in a field or in a forest, then in addition to all the listed poses, you can also use more dynamic ones. How older child, the more active you can behave:

  • you can run and catch up with each other
  • play different games - football, hide and seek
  • compete in high jump
  • dance in circles
  • twirl your daughter or son in your arms
  • a child may be peeking out from behind a tree

The more intense the script, the more interesting the result will be.

Photos with baby at home

When a baby is just born, his family wants to capture his every move, his first smile, his first steps. If the baby is still very tiny, best place for a photo shoot, this is a house. A newborn feels safe in his home. Comfort comes first in this case. In addition, when the baby is not yet a month old, there is no need for decoration; a bed is enough, since the focus of attention falls on the baby himself, his behavior and movements.

In this case, close-ups are very appropriate when relatives kiss the baby on both sides of the cheeks, arms, heels together or alternately. The baby, lying on the bed, can hold his favorite rattles. Heartfelt hugs and sincere smiles will convey all the warm feelings in the frame.

Photos taken together outdoors

Walking on fresh air Not only are they very useful, but they are also popular with active children who love to play. Family photo sessions with children allow you to show the interaction between relatives. If the photo shoot takes place in the warm season, you can take the following attributes with you:

  • fruit basket
  • balloons
  • soap bubbles

During your vacation, you can have a picnic, have a snack, and soap bubbles and balloons will amuse all family members. In such an environment, the footage will be full of live emotions. For outfits you need to choose simple and comfortable things in the same style. They will emphasize a carefree atmosphere and will not distract attention.

Photo session in the studio

Family photo sessions with children in the studio are very popular. They open up many possibilities for implementing various scenarios and plots. The studio produces very beautiful portrait photographs. In addition, there you can photograph even the smallest children who are just a few months old. The cozy atmosphere allows infants up to one year old to feel comfortable next to two adults.

The camera will not miss a single happy moment of joy between the two loving hearts and their little ones. The photographer will suggest subjects for photographs based on the interior of the room and your preferences. Having a bed as a decoration is very appropriate if you need to take photographs infant. The photo studio always has a lot of bright accessories that attract the attention of small children under one year old, such as:

  • soft toys
  • balls
  • baby pictures
  • present
  • flowers

When it comes to portrait photography, there is no need for accessories. The background should be plain and discreet. The clothes of the couple and their little one should have the same style and color scheme. In such photographs, the happy facial expressions of the characters come to the fore.

Family photography in different images

If we are talking about shooting with children, then you need to show imagination and ingenuity to come up with something cool. It is the original plot that will make the photographs more interesting. Transforming into characters from fairy tales is a game that children will enjoy. A girl can be a princess, and a boy can be a superhero.

Favorite cartoons

The process of a photo shoot can be turned into an interesting fairy tale or a cartoon in which the main roles are played by father, mother and newborn. All participants transform into different characters. Attributes and accessories are selected to match the chosen style.

New Year's photos

A festive New Year's photo shoot with a baby is very relevant, since New Year- This is a favorite family holiday. Christmas tree, tinsel and toys can be used as accessories. The head of the family can take on the role of Father Frost, and the mother can take on the role of Snow Maiden. A great mood is guaranteed for all family members.

Photos in national style

There is nothing better than young patriots. Bright national costumes very suitable for photo shoots for children and adults. Individual and unusual photos They will delight you with their originality.

Photography for the baby's birthday

The children's album begins with a photo session of the newborn during discharge from the maternity hospital, and is sure to be updated with new photographs every birthday. Household members choose the location of the holiday themselves. It can take place in a cafe or in a park. Carrying out family photo sessions for a birthday is very appropriate, as it becomes possible to capture all your relatives, friends and relatives in the photo. As holiday details you can use:

  • postcards
  • congratulatory inscriptions
  • hubcaps
  • candles
  • firecrackers
  • balls

The cheerful faces of the family and the baby himself will decorate all the photographs. The photographer will capture the brightest moments of the event, and all guests will have a lot of fun from the holiday.

A family photo session with a baby, taking place in a friendly atmosphere, can become the most significant event in the family, bring loved ones closer and give a lot of joy and pleasant feelings.

Children change quickly, so parents want to capture best moments. Once upon a time, the only option to get photos for a family album was to go to a photo studio. Today's parents have a lot of opportunities: from taking pictures on a phone with powerful cameras to a photo session with their child in specially selected scenery.

Who: photographer or mom

When a child suddenly takes the first step or throws pasta around the kitchen with a concentrated look, it is important to quickly take out your phone or camera and capture the moment for family history. If you want to get better and more thoughtful photos for your family album, you should arrange a photo shoot. With a guest photographer or on your own - the choice is yours.

Have you decided to do your own photo shoot? Think about the scenery and location. Otherwise in the frame with the most the best expression Your husband's sock, an apple core, or an unnailed baseboard will accidentally hit your face. Check the lighting. The best photos will be taken in daylight, the worst in yellow electric light. The ideal place and time for home photography is by the window until 16:00 (better before lunch in winter). If you have a tripod (or improvised means for constructing one), you can take a few shots with the whole family.

The advantages of self-filming: no costs, the ability to shoot at any time and adapt to the child, not counting the paid minutes. You can view your photos immediately after taking them. True, there is a risk of getting pictures that are not the best best quality. And one more minus - you won’t be able to have a full-fledged family photo shoot, since you will spend most of the time on the other side of the camera.

By inviting a photographer, you don’t have to worry about lighting and camera settings. Many photographers also have their own portable props: beautiful baskets, shawls, hats, interesting decorative items. Shooting with professional photographers lasts from half an hour to 2–3 hours. On average, in an hour of shooting, the photographer will be able to shoot you in two or three images, giving a total of about 30–50 processed photos. During processing, the photographer will remove everything “unnecessary”: improve the complexion, correct lighting defects, remove defects on the face, etc.

Choose a photographer who specializes in children's photography. This is a separate direction that requires certain skills. First of all, study the portfolio, advises children's photographer Yulia Dinmukhametova. - Look what he does better: reportage photography or a staged photo shoot. Pay attention to who he photographs more: newborns or older children. Evaluate whether you like the quality of the photos, the colors in the processing, and how well the children’s emotions are captured. If the photos seem alive to you, touch your soul and you want the same touching pictures, perhaps this is the photographer you are looking for. The second step is reviews. Ask your friends, look at reviews in your portfolio, on the Internet and on social networks. Word of mouth is the main advertising for a photographer. The third step is personal communication. If after the conversation you have the feeling that you are on the same wavelength, that the photographer understood your idea, then you can begin preparing for the shoot.

An hour of shooting by a children's photographer costs about 3,000 rubles on average. Photographers do not give away the sources of the shooting, but use the best of the images in their portfolio (if you are against it, you need to warn in advance, photographers may increase the cost of work under this condition).

Risks. The quality of the pictures or their processing may not suit you. The waiting period for photographs is from two weeks to two months (especially in new year holidays or wedding season). A photo session can turn out to be tense and unnatural: both children and parents may be embarrassed by a stranger with a camera.

It’s best to meet the photographer in person first, says Yulia Dinmukhametova. - Only when you meet you will you understand how comfortable you are with this person. It happens that parents are formally satisfied with everything, they like everything, but in communication something is not right. Sometimes the photographer sees that the family is special and will have to make more efforts to establish contact. The more productive the first communication is, the more effective and high-quality the shooting will be. Correspondence on social networks will not provide such an opportunity. I always meet with clients in advance, especially when it comes to weddings or families with small children. This way everyone will be calmer and more comfortable: mom, me, and the children.

Where: choosing the scenery for the photo

I prefer to shoot in natural conditions, these are always live photographs,” notes Yulia Dinmukhametova. - Children feel comfortable and natural. I use the studio when the weather outside does not allow filming (rain, mud, frost), or when certain props are required for thematic filming, for example, New Year's. In winter, I most often shoot in studios.

Home photography

The main risk here is that a socket, wire and other household little things will get into the frame, which can negate the entire image and atmosphere of future shots. Therefore, carefully consider the scenery. The main thing is the background. You can buy a ready-made photo backdrop (for example, on AliExpress or online photo stores) or make it yourself.

Background options for home photography:

  • a wall with plain wallpaper or a discreet pattern;
  • beautiful fabric (tablecloth, diaper, bed linen, curtain, just a piece of fabric) that can be attached to the wall;
  • textured bedspread/plaid on the bed or sofa;
  • wall panels (can be selected at a building materials store), fastened together;
  • a piece of plywood painted or covered with colored film.

Use props: beautiful socks, hats, soft toys. You can think of a whole image. For example, a cook in the kitchen: a ladle, a rolling pin, some flour and a cook's cap, which can be easily made from white cardboard and a piece of white fabric. You don't have to buy props. Walk carefully around the apartment: headphones and several CDs are suitable for the image of a music lover, a stack of books and textured glasses for a “professor”, a globe, maps, a guidebook for a “traveler”, pieces of beautiful fabric and ribbons for a fashionista. Props can also be purchased in online stores.

Photo studio

This is the place where not only the background for filming, but also the entire interior was thought out for you: scenery, props, lighting. The studio hall contains several interior zones (locations). Each zone has large decorations: a bed, an armchair, a sofa, a fireplace, a swing, a well, a cart, a haystack, a chest, christmas tree. In accordance with the theme, small props have been selected in each zone - artificial flowers, fruits and vegetables, pillows and bedspreads, beautiful dishes, vases - and various photo props (glasses, mustaches and smiley faces on sticks, inscriptions “family”, “love” and many others). In some studios you can also rent clothes (pajamas, hats, dresses).

The studio is an impersonal space; the photographs will make it clear that you are not at home by the fireplace; your friends or neighbors may also have photographs of such an interior. Shooting in a studio should be chosen if there is poor lighting at home, inappropriate wallpaper or furniture, and bad weather conditions outside.

When choosing a studio, first of all look at the interiors. Do they suit your style and atmosphere? Do you have clothing and props to create looks in these areas? Pay attention to the lighting: are the ceilings high in the studio, how large is the window, what equipment is in the studio (light and reflector).

Calculate the required studio rental time. On average, each zone will take you about 15 minutes. Allow time for a change of clothes and a snack for the child. An hour will be enough to shoot 1-2 children or a family of three (2-3 images in 3-4 locations). If you have more people, or you are counting on more images and locations, it is better to take two hours.

On average, the cost of renting a photo studio per hour will cost 1,000 rubles; depending on the city, for this price you will have one zone or the entire studio at your disposal.

On a walk

This shooting option has many advantages: you don’t need to pose specifically, the participants in the shooting are more spontaneous and it’s easier for the photographer to “catch” good shots, there is more light, air and freedom in photographs taken from the street. You can choose different places for a photo shoot: from a playground or a park with a lake to unusual places like a field of sunflowers or a small airfield.

How: preparing for a photo shoot

Collaborative work with parents begins long before filming, says Yulia Dinmukhametova. - Parents, together with the photographer, need to think through the concept of the shooting, and choose looks (images) together. It happens that my parents send me clothing options, and together we look at what will be more appropriate for the interior of the studio, for the shooting idea.

  • Clothing should be comfortable, avoid tight shoes, uncomfortable belts, tight and tight clothes. During the shooting, you will need to jump or run, pick up the child in your arms, and sit on the floor/grass/bench.
  • avoid colorful clothes, too bright prints, clothes with gloss, glitter, rhinestones - this will distract attention from faces or glare in pictures;
  • black clothes look boring and rude in the photo (if this is not a feature of the photo);
  • avoid clothes with small stripes, checkered patterns, specks - all this is not for the camera;
  • Monochromatic items in light pastel colors (beige, gray, blue, pink) look best;
  • the clothes of family members should be in the same style: if the husband is dressed in jeans, then evening dress it won't look good on the wife;
  • Clothing should match the location of the shoot. Not best option film the child in elegant dress or a suit in the sandbox, formal jackets and suits will look ridiculous on the lawn by the lake, and jeans are unlikely to be suitable for shooting by the fireplace. Better for home and outdoor photography style will suit casual. When shooting in a studio, choose clothes that will harmonize with the scenery.

The task of family photography is to emphasize the commonality of the family as a single whole. You should not choose clothes entirely in one color, otherwise you will merge into one bright spot. But the clothes of family members must match in color and texture. You don’t have to buy everything new; it’s quite possible to choose a family look from your existing wardrobe.

The main thing is that the clothes are harmonious, emphasizes Yulia Dinmukhametova. - Since in the photographs the main bright spot will be the child, all clothes are selected in neutral colors plus some bright details: butterflies, balls or toys. It depends on the concept of shooting.

Budget options for family looks

  • Denim. The easiest way to put together a family look, since everyone has jeans in their wardrobe. You can all wear jeans and choose the same color top, or matching ones (blue for dad and son, pink for mom and daughter, or one color for parents, another for children). On mother and daughter there may be denim skirts, sundresses, jackets or even just a denim shoulder bag.
  • Marine style. For children it is easy to find clothes in marine colors, and for adults - vests, things with marine prints, dark blue clothes with striped accessories. It is important not to overdo it with stripes (everyone should have only one thing with such a pattern).
  • Two colors. You can choose clothes in two colors, but it is not necessary that the top and bottom are the same. For example, blue jeans with brown T-shirts for a father and son, and blue blouses with a brown skirt for a mother and daughter.
  • Accessories . Any clothes of family members that match each other in style (that is, not jeans + an evening dress) can be combined into a family look using accessories of the same color. For example, she has a red belt, he has a red scarf or tie, the baby has a red cap. Or the whole family has the same scarves.

“Attention, we’re filming!”: how to behave during the filming process

A children's photo shoot is always a report and improvisation: the child plays and goes about his business, and the photographer takes pictures, trying to capture the most wonderful moments, says Yulia Dinmukhametova.

The baby has absolutely no need for photographs; parents and play are the only things that really interest him. Therefore, the main task when shooting is to offer the child an activity that is interesting to him and will look beautiful in the frame. Newborns need sleep and a calm mother, infants need their mother in sight and her voice. A child who begins to crawl and walk needs to be interested in interesting objects. At the age of 1–2 years, full-fledged photography is possible only during play or a walk. And, on the contrary, children over three years old can start posing on purpose: here it is important to captivate them with the game, to distract them from shooting as much as possible.

The most important thing is naturalness and good mood, says Yulia Dinmukhametova. - That’s why preliminary communication is important: then by the time of shooting there is already a feeling that we know each other. If the child is older, then it is worth preparing him: tell him what awaits him, describe the shooting as a small adventure in which he will see a lot of new things, will be able to touch everything, etc. In general, personal contact with the child is the main task of the photographer. Before shooting, you need to play and fool around with the baby. A children's photographer must be both a clown and a nanny; he must be able to both entertain the child and calm him down.

At any age, a child will definitely need a change of clothes, an age-appropriate snack, and exciting toys during a photo shoot. A win-win option for any age is soap bubbles.

With small children, a calm and balanced state of parents is important. If they are nervous before filming, then the child feels it and also begins to get nervous. If mom and dad are calm and smiling, then the child sees that there is no threat and behaves normally,” continues Yulia. - A child cannot pose like a model and smile on command, so his mood is the defining moment of the photo shoot. It’s rare, but it happens that you have to reschedule the shoot for another time if the child is completely out of sorts.

AgePreferred locationPropsPeculiarities


For most families, a child is the greatest happiness of parents, which fills their lives with meaning. That is why most parents strive to capture every happy moment in the life of their baby. One such way is Photos of children under one year old by month, allowing you to track how your baby grows and changes during his first year of life. We’ll look at how to do this correctly in the article.

Choosing a topic

To make your work look more harmonious and original, you need to choose the right theme for the photo shoot. We offer you several options:

  • Little angel.
  • What can we do?
  • How do we grow?
  • Photos in nature.
  • In the world of fairy tales.
  • Creative photos.

You can come up with your own version that you like. The photo should convey the emotions you feel next to your baby. If you are having fun, then use your imagination and create some kind of scenario that you will display in the photo. If your baby is a source of warmth and harmony for you, then choose classic performances in family circle or in a cozy room. The most suitable day for a photo shoot is the day when the baby was born or was brought from the maternity hospital. It is on this day that the first photo is taken, and this chain ends with the baby’s first birthday.

In the meantime, let’s look at how to create the conditions for the photo sessions suggested above.

Little angel

Angels and Cupids are perhaps the most popular characters with whom little children are associated. And for a photo shoot with such a theme, you will need minimal props. All you need is a set of white suits for each month, which your baby will wear as he grows. And, of course, wings.

As usual, the baby is photographed lying down. This allows you to create the perfect background for the theme of the photo shoot. To do this, you can use bed linen or a diaper with appropriate patterns. If your baby is a cupid, then hearts, if just an angel, then take a blue piece of fabric and create a sky effect, on which you can place cotton wool clouds next to the baby. When the baby learns to sit, do not lay him down, place the background behind him.

What we can do

As the baby grows, it not only grows in height, but also acquires new skills. He learns the most basic but difficult things for him. Therefore, it is precisely such achievements that can be displayed in the album.

In order for you to more clearly imagine what the result will look like, we have presented below a table showing at what age a child learns new skills.

Each child develops individually. Therefore, if your baby has not had time to acquire new skills in accordance with the table presented above, this is not a reason for alarm at all.

Mom Dad, I am a friendly family

An excellent option for a photo shoot. How best to carry it out depends on your preferences. For example, you can simply position yourself against a beautiful background and take a photo. It is possible for dad to take mom in his arms, who will carefully hold the baby. You can repeat the poses every month, or you can change them, while leaving only the general background.

How we grow

A monthly photo session is necessary, first of all, to show how the baby has changed or grown. For such a photo shoot, choose one background. Buy a stadiometer or a toy that will show you how much your baby has grown. Place them side by side in the frame. The background, theme and even the poses depend on your preferences. To make the photo look more harmonious, purchase identical suits in different sizes. Try to repeat the previous photo as much as possible, taking each next one. This will show the difference.

Photos in nature

In order to take a photo in nature, you need to choose a picturesque landscape as close to your home as possible, since you should not go on a long walk with a newborn. Then just take a photo in front of this landscape every month. This way you will capture how your baby changed at different times of the year. In the first pictures you will need to hold it on the handles. But when the baby learns to stand or walk, you can photograph him himself.

In the world of fairy tales

Mom and dad also remain children at heart. They have their favorite fairy tale characters. It is with them that parents often compare their children. For example, a bunny, a cat or Masha from a well-known cartoon. This could be a great theme for a photo shoot. You can rent, buy, or make a costume yourself.

If you want to make a costume yourself, then you need to try hard. You can only make a headdress, focusing on this. The most suitable ears are sewn onto the hat and you can make any animal or character. But remember that the suit should be comfortable and safe. Do not use wires, sharp objects, etc. Let the baby be in the outfit for only a couple of minutes, but even during this time he should be safe.

The hat can also be purchased at a baby clothing store. Or you can knit it yourself.

Creative photos

You've probably seen creative photos on the Internet many times. One such option is to create a hand-drawn story in which the baby is placed. You can draw balloon, on which your baby is flying, the ship or raft on which he is sailing. A hammock among the trees in which he sleeps, or anything else, depending on your imagination. It is enough to simply place the baby on the drawing.

Draw a balloon that your baby rides on, and under it draw a new city every month. This will create a travel effect. In this case, traveling by different means of transport is ideal. Draw new look transport for every month for your baby. From the already mentioned ball to a large locomotive or car. Success depends on your imagination and ability to draw.

You can create decorations in a way convenient for you:

  • Draw the background on whatman paper.
  • Using available means.
  • Draw on the photo itself.
  • Using optical illusion when filming.

Optical illusion

Dear parents, children's photo shoot- this is an exciting adventure, and it’s very inexpensive! Order a photo shoot for a child from me and I will take care of everything: I will help you choose clothes, advise places in Moscow for shooting, fulfill and deliver your order by courier. A sea of ​​pleasant impressions and bright, memorable shots are guaranteed!

Book a photo shoot with your children from me

Children's photography is ordered from me by mothers who want not to miss a single stage in the life of their child. Photographing children requires from a professional not only technique, talent and skill, but also special props: for little ones I have baskets, headbands, blankets, scarves, hats, knitted with my own hands. In my work, I think the most important thing is to gain the trust of a wonderful hero, allow him to behave at ease and take great pictures! Kids always reciprocate with me, because I try to see the world like them. After the meeting, I’m even a little sad, saying goodbye to my new little friend...

Ideas for a children's photo shoot

In Moscow and the Moscow region, I conduct photo sessions for children in any of the places listed below: in a children's studio or outdoors, on the street or in a park - I have a lot of ideas for a children's photo shoot, I will offer the best options!

Children's photo shoot in the studio

Photo sessions for children in nature

A photo session in nature will not seem boring to a child: the park has a large space for games, movement and communication with peers. Conducting an outdoor photo shoot with a child outside, in nature, is a great idea at any time of the year, summer and winter. While I'm looking through the viewfinder, he can be riding a bike or sled, running through puddles, chasing pigeons, lying on the grass or in the snow!

Photo session with a child at home

A home photo session with a child is inexpensive and is suitable even for little ones: at home, surrounded by their own walls, he will feel comfortable, and we will get magical photographs. Favorite toys will become accessories, and I will remove unnecessary parts using computer processing. For home photo shoot baby, I can take with me a variety of accessories that I knit myself.
May you and future generations have memories of the wonderful and unique time of childhood in many years to come.