The main attribute of the evening in oriental style is the hookah. Romantic date in oriental style What to do after dinner

Oriental cuisine is a real art! She is multifaceted and attractive, but at the same time unlike any others. These dishes seem complicated at first glance, but in fact, they can be easily prepared in your own kitchen!



Pilaf is perhaps the most popular oriental dish! It is prepared in many countries from Iran to Uzbekistan, and each country has its own, very special recipes. But the requirements for the main ingredients are the same everywhere. It is believed that the key to delicious pilaf is high-quality rice, good oil and the right set of spices. Everything else may be very different. All you have to do is choose a recipe to your taste and go on a gastronomic journey through the countries of the East!



This is a dough dish with with different fillings very similar to Georgian khinkali and even a little like Russian dumplings. However, it is prepared differently, and the taste is noticeably different from its own kind. The dough used is very simple - made from flour, water, eggs and salt, but any filling is chopped exclusively by hand. Manty is made in a special manti cooker (“mantyshnitsa”) or in a double boiler. You need to cook manti immediately, but freeze them for long storage It won’t work, and why put it off? The main thing is to remember to serve them with the right sauce, which will complement the taste of the dish!


Shawarma is a kind of oriental fast food that is very popular in many countries around the world. The cooking technology is the same everywhere: slices of spit-roasted meat and fresh vegetables are wrapped in pita bread or pita bread, and then seasoned with garlic-kefir sauce - you'll lick your fingers! This dish is easy to repeat even at home, so shawarma - great option for a quick dinner.



It is probably impossible to find a person who does not like khachapuri! This Georgian dish is an incredibly tasty flatbread with cheese. There are a huge number of varieties of khachapuri: they differ in names, shapes, and fillings. For example, Adjarian ones are the most spectacular, reminiscent of a boat with cheese and egg. Megrelian have round shape, but unlike the Imeretian ones, they are covered with cheese on top. And if you don’t want to stand at the stove for a long time, prepare lazy khachapuri. The most best recipes khachapuri - in our selection.


Thick soup kharcho is a traditional dish of Georgian cuisine. IN classic version it is prepared from beef with the addition of rice, walnuts and a lot of spices, making the soup rich, satisfying and very aromatic! Another feature is its pleasant “sourness”. This flavor effect is achieved by adding tkemali or tkali - sauces made from sour plums, which are often replaced with pomegranate juice, tomatoes or tomato paste.

Ossetian pies

Ossetian pies are more like flat cakes with fillings than regular pies. Their history goes back more than one century, and every year this type of baking becomes more and more popular, not only in its homeland, but also in other countries. There are many recipes and secrets for preparing the dish! But there are two important criteria for a successful Ossetian pie: thin dough and a large amount of filling. It is by these parameters that the experience and culinary abilities of the housewife are often assessed. Try cooking it too!



In oriental cuisine, the word “kebab” refers to the most different types fried meat dishes, because that’s how it is translated from Persian. But various consoles give us more specific ideas about recipes and cooking methods. For example, everyone knows that lula kebab is “sausages” made of minced meat strung on a skewer. Everyone's favorite kebab is also called shish kebab. And doner kebab or just doner is nothing more than shawarma. Kebabs have become widespread throughout the world, and their recipes are constantly changing under the influence of other cultures. For example, now they are prepared not only from all types of meat, poultry and even fish, but also vegetables.


Dolma is another oriental dish that is definitely worth trying! It is the closest relative of our cabbage rolls: the filling most often uses minced meat and rice, which are wrapped in grape leaves. However, in different cuisines of the world, vegetables are also used instead of leaves. Dolma is served both cold and hot with various sauces that highlight the unusual taste of the dish.



This oriental appetizer will be appreciated by both meat-eaters and vegetarians! Lobio is prepared from green beans or boiled red beans. However, in order not to spend a lot of time preparing this dish, you can even use canned beans. Thanks to a large number greens, nuts and pomegranate seeds, it acquires an incredible taste and aroma. Lobio is most often served with freshly baked bread.



Baklava can easily be called the most famous oriental dessert! It harmoniously combines nuts, spices and subtle puff pastry. All this is soaked in viscous sugar syrup and turns into a delicious oriental delicacy that is impossible to resist!

It’s good when a man arranges a romantic dinner for his wife or lover, inviting her to a restaurant where there are booths in which you can retire and not be the object of other people’s attention. But we, girls, also want to please our loved ones with a romantic atmosphere and a demonstration of how dear this person is to us.

Therefore, the site will tell you how to arrange a romantic dinner, how to set the table, and what to cook.

Where to have a romantic dinner

Romantic dinner arranged by a woman, is fundamentally different from the same evening hosted by a man. Representatives of the stronger sex prefer not to waste time on cooking, serving and thinking through entertainment and simply invite the lady to an establishment that is adequate for his wallet.

In principle, we can also afford this, and sometimes we do allow it - especially when we cannot have privacy in the apartment. There is no time for domestic romance here anymore.

However, today we will start from what we have, where to retire, and where to call our loved one.

So, the place has been chosen, all that remains is to hint to your man that something special awaits him in the evening.

If you live with him under the same roof, then everything is simple: in the morning you quietly put a small heart in his pocket (in a folder with documents, in a wallet, etc.) with the promise of an unforgettable evening. The main thing is that the man finds your message in time and does not stay late at work.

And if you meet with your lover occasionally, then you need to be firmly convinced that the date will take place in the evening. Having agreed on a meeting, write your man a romantic email or at least an SMS; the more mysterious and promising your invitation sounds, the better.

Table setting and ambiance

It’s good if you and your loved one have something to remember. For example, you went somewhere on vacation and you really liked it there. Then there will be no problems with the surroundings; all you have to do is reproduce the place where you felt very good.

For example, a small street restaurant somewhere in Europe can easily replace a table on the balcony and two warm blankets in the chairs. Light floating candles in a large glass, make mulled wine, serve roast beef with fried potatoes and regular vegetable salad. However, if you don’t have a balcony, you can do the same thing in the room, but instead of blankets, choose checkered napkins.

If you and your loved one once had a great time in an eastern country, then everything is even simpler. A hookah party or dinner on the carpet, on soft pillows with quiet oriental music will revive wonderful moments in your memory. And “for dessert” you can dance a belly dance for your man.

In general, a themed dinner is the best solution for a romantic evening. So use your imagination.

For a non-themed dinner, you can choose the contrast of a red tablecloth and black dishes for serving. It looks just as elegant as a traditional white tablecloth with white dishes, but it also whets more than just your appetite. Add a couple of candles in silver candlesticks and a transparent container with pink petals instead of a bouquet. You can also put floating candles in it. In general, it’s better not to skimp on candles. The more there are, the more romantic it will be.


A romantic dinner differs from birthdays and other holidays in that a woman, by definition, should not run from the room to the kitchen and back, bringing more and more new dishes. That's why snacks, salads and hot dishes should fit on the table right away so that you are no longer distracted.

And since this event involves an intimate continuation, the dinner should not be plentiful. Nourishing, nutritious - yes, but not the kind that makes you just want to sleep. Limit yourself to two types of salads, a cheese plate, rolls made from red fish and a main dish that remains tasty even after it has cooled.

We offer you several recipes for romantic dinner using products that are aphrodisiacs. Naturally, if you are planning to make a themed dinner, the recipes will be different.

So, for example, for an evening in Thai style you can cook Tom Yam soup, chicken or pork in banana sauce, candied fruit. For dinner at oriental style – pilaf, sesame cakes, a mountain of greens and vegetables, green tea in bowls and baklava. And if you decide to appear before your loved one in the form of a geisha, then feel free to choose sushi, chuka with nut sauce, salmon sashimi and, again, green tea or sake.

And don’t forget that not only the table setting should match the choice of dishes, but also your outfit, then you’ll get a real romantic dinner.

And we move directly to the recipes. But first I must say that this is sample menu, and it is worth considering your man's taste preferences, so that he is full and satisfied, and not hungry and irritated. True, representatives of the opposite sex in such a romantic setting, as a rule, do not think much about what they eat.

Recipes for a romantic dinner

Arugula salad with avocado

How to have a romantic dinner

  • Avocado - 1 pc.,
  • Packaging of arugula - 125 grams,
  • Lemon juice - a little
  • Olive oil,
  • Salt to taste.

Wash the arugula and dry with a towel, place in a bowl; Peel the avocado and remove the pit. Mash the fruit with a fork until mushy. Little advice: For this, take a stainless steel fork, otherwise the avocado will immediately turn black. Add salt to taste, a tablespoon of lemon juice and olive oil to the avocado puree. Just remember that avocado It's quite oily on its own, so use a little oil.

Serve the salad in portioned salad bowls, garnishing it with a slice of lemon and two halves of cherry tomatoes. Tomatoes can be replaced with a slice of lightly salted salmon.

Celery salad with squid

For two servings you will need:

  • Petiole celery - 4 stalks,
  • Canned olives with lemon - half a jar,
  • Canned squid - half a can,
  • Olive oil.

You can also take freshly frozen squids (4 carcasses), then you will need to first clean them, cut them into rings and put them in boiling water for 40 seconds, then remove them and cool.

To make the squids extra spicy, pour olive brine over them for 10-15 minutes. Meanwhile, peel the celery from hard fibers, take a Korean carrot knife or use a regular knife to cut the stems lengthwise into thin noodles. Cut the olives into slices, mix with celery, add squid (after draining the brine from them) and olive oil. Let it brew a little. Stir again.

Serve in tall salad bowls such as bowls or on square plates.

Cheese plate

You will need:

  • Cheese such as Roquefort, Dor Blue or Sapphire - 300 grams,
  • A bunch of white seedless grapes,
  • Skewers for serving canapés.

Slice cheese cubes of 1 centimeter, string first a grape on a skewer, then a piece of cheese. Serve on a square plate, garnishing the corners with cherry roses.

Red fish rolls

For two servings you will need:

  • Packaging of sliced ​​fish (salmon or trout) - 150 grams;
  • Packaging of curd cream cheese - 200 grams,
  • Lemon juice,
  • Dill or basil – 1/3 bunch.

Finely chop the greens, mix with cheese, add a few drops of lemon juice if fish If it is not very salty, then the mixture can be salted. Mix everything well. Spread cheese on red fish slices and roll into rolls. Sprinkle lemon juice on top. Serve garnished with sprigs of herbs and a few lemon wedges.

Main course: beef with prunes

How to have a romantic dinner

To prepare this dish you will have to tinker, but it does not lose its taste even when it cools. We suggest making you more meat. What if, after lovemaking, your loved one develops an appetite?

You will need:

  • Lean beef – 1 kg,
  • Pitted prunes – 400 grams,
  • A glass of dry white wine,
  • Large onion - 1 pc.,
  • Parsley (dry) – 1 tablespoon,
  • Tomato paste or tomatoes – 200 grams,
  • Salt and coarse black pepper - to taste,
  • Vegetable and butter.

You can add cinnamon (1/2 teaspoon) for piquancy - it is also an aphrodisiac.

Meat cut into small pieces, no larger than 2 cm, and fry in a well-heated frying pan in small portions so that it does not release juice. Place in a saucepan with a thick bottom. Pour the wine into the same frying pan, let it simmer until it thickens (5 minutes will be enough), pour the wine into the meat.

Heat in a clean frying pan vegetable oil, add a small piece of butter to it. Cut the onion into medium half rings, fry in a mixture of oils until transparent and add tomato paste (or previously peeled tomatoes and cut into small pieces). If the pasta or tomatoes are sour, add a teaspoon of sugar. Stir and simmer for 3-4 minutes.

Add the onion to the meat, mix thoroughly and place the pan on low heat. Stir occasionally and make sure the liquid does not boil away. Add boiling water or broth if necessary. Cook the meat for an hour.

Then put prunes and dry parsley in it. Grind the greens in your hands until they form a powder. Simmer for another 40 minutes. 5 minutes before readiness, add cinnamon if desired.

Serve the meat with brown rice (another natural aphrodisiac) or vegetables.

After cooking, transfer the hot meat to a clay pot - this way it will remain warm, even if you decide to visit the bedroom before the main course.

Choose light drinks for a romantic dinner. Save vodka, tequila and cognac for another occasion. And white semi-dry Chilean wine goes well with salads, meat, and cheese. If you want to add solemnity, buy a bottle of champagne. But not in order to wash down dinner with it, but in order to open it a little later.

cocktail dress, wearing, of course, beautiful underwear. And the easier it is to take off your outfit, the better.

Nadezhda POPOVA

How often, in the daily bustle, we women forget to organize small holidays for our beloved men... And then in return we expect some surprises, pleasant little things and an invariably romantic mood from them. We are women, let's be wiser! There is a proposal to think over and arrange for your beloved man a romantic evening in oriental style - alone with him, at home, when you have the whole evening and the whole night at your disposal. Let's make a list of things that will be useful to you for organizing such an evening.

The main attribute of the evening in oriental style is a hookah

First of all, this is a hookah, hookah tobacco, coal, an oriental concubine costume and small interior preparations just to create an atmosphere of sensual oriental magic and sexuality. Buying a hookah is not a tricky business. Today, the Russian market is full of a wide variety of offers, and you can buy this fashionable oriental “interior and leisure accessory” by visiting any tobacco store, or a specialized online store. The main thing is not to get lost when choosing a smoking device. It is best to buy a medium-sized hookah, which is approximately 60 cm from the floor to the top of the assembled hookah. This hookah is perfect for frequent smoking for two, it is convenient and at the same time not bulky, compact, it is easier to find a suitable storage place for it, and many stores also offer gift cases for hookahs. When choosing a hookah, of course, do not forget about tobacco. Hookah tobacco comes in different varieties and is mostly classified by strength and aroma. Choose those aromas that you especially love, so that while smoking you do not develop a dislike for any smell. That is why it is better to start with the options that we consider classic, thanks to the hookah menu in restaurants and themed cafes - apple tobacco, orange.

Image of an oriental beauty

The next thing to consider in detail is your costume and appearance. It should be sexy and revealing, made in oriental style, from light flowing fabrics with intricate decorations. Of course, you can buy a ready-made costume, but you can also make it yourself. You need to buy veil type fabric and sew it long skirt, which will stay on the hips, or translucent bloomers, choose a bra that matches the color of the fabric and embroider it with sparkles. Cover your head with a veil made from the same thin fabric as the skirt. Don't forget about decorations in the same style; don't try to have too many of them. Hair can be styled in tight curls, gathered up, or, on the contrary, loosened over the shoulders in a heavy, foggy veil. Try not to use a lot of hairspray; it often adds an extra smell and makes your hair not very pleasant to touch. Complete the image of an oriental beauty with makeup, focusing on the eyes with dark eyelashes and black arrows, as well as the right perfume. As a fragrance, a perfume from the oriental oriental amber family is perfect; the smells of vanilla and resin will give a warm and intoxicating feeling of enveloping sexual attraction for a partner, perfume with spices or rhodo perfume from the East based on essential oils- no less successful option. Do not use too much fragrance, one drop on the wrists, behind the ears and in the hollow of the chest - the final smell should not be too strong, especially if you use scented candles in the design of the room. Perfume can be replaced with perfumed body spray.

Atmosphere of the room

All that remains is to decorate the room. Cover the bed with silk bed linen a rich dark red or burgundy color with an embroidered blanket. The more patterned the blanket, the better. There should also be some kind of patterned covering with an ornament on the floor. Scatter silk pillows around the room, and lots of them - you can sit on them on the floor. Think about what you can use as bolsters under your back, so that it looks like low oriental sofas, on which oriental men usually recline while smoking a hookah. Prepare a low table. This is exactly what a hookah should stand on according to all the rules of hookah smoking. We place the hookah in the center of this table. Nearby we have everything you need - hookah tobacco, coal, lighter, charcoal tongs. In addition to the hookah, you need to put a treat on the table for your beloved man. Let these be the sweetest dishes of oriental cuisine, which are not just delicacies, but also aphrodisiacs - oriental sweets: baklava, churchkhella, pastila, marmalade. Add a dish of sweet fruits such as bananas, kiwi, mango, grapes, peach. Ice cream with hot syrup and nuts, an apple cut into thin slices and fried with cinnamon and lemon juice is perfect for an oriental evening. Remember that there should be no alcohol on the table. Hookah does not go well with alcohol, which can ruin your evening. Brew better good tea - black, green, a flower blooming in a transparent container, red with fruit - anyway, choose the one you like best. Serve tea on the table in a teapot and place special cups in the shape of a tulip, these are special Turkish containers for tea.

One day, after spending ordinary family gatherings in front of the TV, devouring an ordinary dinner, you begin to think that it would be nice to diversify your life and, at least for one evening, immerse yourself in the atmosphere of something unusual, wonderful, surrounded by... And so that all this ordinariness of family or work life does not allow you to forget about the main thing, that you are a woman, the idea arises of arranging a surprise for your loved one - an unforgettable romantic evening for two.

An evening for no reason, just like that - you and him, “and let the whole world wait”! An evening that will allow you to take a fresh look at each other, stir up all the charm of your previous relationship and will remain in your memory for many years.
Of course, there are many ideas, tried and true, unexpected and absolutely crazy. But now our goal is to come up with and organize a rendezvous that would become a real love adventure at home, so to speak, to turn everyday life into a fairy tale. The idea was born, let's start implementing it. Let's start with careful preparation.

How to arrange a romantic evening for two

1. Select a topic;

We won't be satisfied with candles on the table and a more or less casual dinner, will we? Or a cliché spa party in a bathtub with rose petals? No! We need a holiday concept that can amaze our other half, lead us into joyful amazement and return us to the world of childhood fantasies;

2. Choose an environment that matches the theme;

3. Create a dinner menu under the same conditions;

4. Coming up with a “highlight” of the evening is an unusual performance.

So, the topic.

The theme of the evening depends, first of all, on the preferences of your boyfriend/husband. Who, if not you, knows what interests him, what makes him a “fan,” and what he dreams about.

Do you like to relax in nature? Here's the first topic:

Romantic picnic party

(Especially relevant in rainy weather or winter cold).


  • a green soft blanket on the floor, and ideally a rug that imitates a lawn;
  • two camping lounge chairs (if it’s difficult to sit on the floor);
  • candles with the scent of forest herbs and flowers;
  • indoor plants decorated with garlands of green bulbs, or floor lamps with a green filter;
  • sounds of wildlife or thematic video (forest, sea, mountains);
  • picnic basket.


Fill your picnic basket with a variety of... fresh vegetables and fruits. Don't forget dry wine. For main course there will be grilled meat or fish perfect choice, and if it is possible to place an electric grill or barbecue grill on the balcony and cook meals during the evening, the imitation of a trip to the forest/to the seashore will be perfect.

What to wear:


  • a flying carpet, a bright carpet or several colorful throws;
  • lots of bright pillows;
  • imitation tulle canopy;
  • oriental candlesticks or lamps;
  • aroma candles with incense;
  • hookah.

Set up a tent from an oriental fairy tale at home, comfortably scattering pillows and placing food and sweets on trays. Turn on intoxicating oriental music. Light candles and incense and dim the lights. Let your loved one feel like a sultan for a while, like this:


Exotic fruits, oriental sweets (sorbet, Turkish delight, baklava, etc.) For main course, you can cook pasties. Drinks include white grape wine or, universal for such evenings, champagne, as well as oriental tea served in a special set.
The highlight of the evening can be a fruit hookah.

What to wear:

Here you will have to try hard with the costume. Dress up like the Shemakhan queen, don’t neglect jewelry and makeup. Dress the man in a silk oriental robe.

How to spend your time:

The traditional belly dance that you learn and perform personally for him will be an unforgettable gift.

In addition to the East, a romantic ethnic evening can be in Japanese or Spanish style with all the attendant attributes.

Your husband/boyfriend is a fan science fiction? How do you like this:

Romantic evening for two “fantastic starship”


  • mirror ball;
  • rotating starry sky projector;
  • silver fabric;
  • foil;
  • various electronic gadgets;
  • garlands of light bulbs.

Create a spaceship cabin at home by making portholes out of cardboard and decorating them with foil. You can also cut stars out of it to decorate walls and ceilings. Drape the furniture and table with silver fabric. Select soundtracks from your favorite science fiction films. Hang garlands and a disco ball, turn on the projector, and let the lighting in the room be limited to this. Scatter gadgets, simulate a “control panel” using a keyboard, etc.


Prepare a “cosmic” buffet - sandwiches and cookies in the shape of stars, bright and unusually packaged. And if you come up with a version of “food from tubes”, the imitation will be perfect. Drinks include cocktails of the most unusual “seething” combinations. Molecular gastronomy is a good choice if possible.

What to wear:

An alien costume designed by your imagination (the options are endless - from a T-shirt with luminescent paint to a spacesuit).

How to spend your time:

You can arrange a space photo shoot using all the decorations, come up with a space-themed quiz, or organize a retrospective of your favorite science fiction films. And if you are lucky enough to get a telescope(!), give it an unforgettable tour of the starry sky from the balcony.

And one more interesting topic, dedicated to detective fans:

Romantic evening for two in spy style


  • spy tools - magnifying glass, master keys/keys, miniature camera, cipher, black glasses, dossier, false documents, etc.;
  • spy movie posters;
  • fireplace or fireplace video screensaver

Create a mysterious, mysterious atmosphere in the room, such as shadows on the walls, using a flashlight or spotlight. A good addition would be a fireplace with fire or an imitation of it with a video screensaver. Come up with a quest in the style of "12 notes"

Create a special cipher stencil (Cardano lattice) and use it to encrypt the main message, an invitation to dinner. Then hide the cipher, and indicate the path to it with hint notes, each of which leads to the next and so on until the stencil cipher

using a magnifying glass (small print), master keys (a box with a lock), negatives, and the like. Use music from spy films as background music.
When your “detective” finally finds and deciphers the message, the “spy dinner” can begin.


The dishes can be anything, but let tzimus be in the name - “Mission Impossible” salad, “Speckled Ribbon” roast, “Main Evidence” dessert, etc. Drinks also need to be themed.

What to wear:

An evening dress in the Bond girl style is an option, and a tuxedo for the husband. However, the choice is yours.

How to spend your time:

Play out another quest, this time with erotic overtones, for example - we are adults and understand perfectly well what kind of ending awaits the couple after this kind of evening.

Cherish the romance of your relationship, pamper yourself with joint themed dinners, romantic evenings for two, where there will be no limit to imagination and love. Conduct them in an original and inventive way, using respect for the interests of your chosen one, and do not hesitate to experiment with the implementation of ideas.

Oriental cuisine is a generalized concept that combines Asian, Arabic, Caucasian and even the cuisine of the Balkan Peninsula. The feature that unites them is the frequent use of products such as lamb and rice, as well as spices, for cooking. The latter make oriental cuisine truly unique! Another very significant feature of oriental cuisine is the absence of “liquid” soups. Here they tend to be more like a thick gravy. Thanks to this, the first courses turn out to be quite high-calorie and satisfying. The second courses are very varied, but the most popular one that first comes to mind is pilaf!

So, in order to understand all the specifics of oriental cuisine, we will turn to each of its components! Let's start with asian cuisine, which includes the following countries:

As for Arabic cuisine, it has similar features from one country to another. For example, in Arab countries they do not eat pork at all, which is due to a religious ban on this product. All other types of meat are not prohibited, and therefore are widely used in traditional recipes dishes. By the way, the most popular is lamb. All kinds of cereals and legumes are used in Arab cuisine, which go as a side dish to fish or meat dish. As for desserts, they are made, as a rule, based on local fruits and honey. Baklava can easily be called the most famous sweet! The most common drinks are coffee, the preparation of which is a real ritual, as well as very sweet black tea.

Caucasian cuisine, as one of the trends of oriental cuisine, is characterized by the use of meat in the preparation of many dishes, in particular lamb. Caucasians attach great importance to dairy products - these are mainly cheeses and fermented milk drinks. The use of vegetables and fruits depends on the fertility of each individual region. In general, Eastern Caucasian cuisine can be characterized by the following rule: “the higher the mountains, the simpler the dishes.”

Cuisine of the countries of the Balkan Peninsula(Albania, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Greece, Macedonia, Moldova, Romania, Serbia, Turkey, Croatia and Montenegro) is rather a generalized concept on a territorial basis. The dishes of these eastern countries differ significantly! Although alone common feature Still, there is a high calorie content, which ensures satiety.

The obvious fact is that oriental cuisine is very diverse and recipes for its dishes vary not only across countries, but even across regions. Therefore, in this section of our website, we will try to place as many detailed recipes With step by step photos, to introduce you to the cuisine of the East better!