Fire show how to spell it. Who's driving what? Anyone can do this

Today it is difficult to find a person who has never heard or known about the fire show. Performances where artists deftly tame a dangerous element - fire, can be seen anywhere today - at special events such as weddings or anniversaries, city celebrations, and simply on seaside beaches. Meanwhile, the history of the fire show is no less interesting than the performance itself.

How it was
Strange as it may sound, the history of the fire show began not just anywhere, but in distant New Zealand many hundreds of years ago. It was then that the inhabitants of Polynesia invented the ancient art, which was based on dancing with fire.
It is officially believed that the first in this field were representatives of the Maori people, who introduced one of key concepts in a fire show - “poi”. Literally translated, the word “poi” means a small bag on a string. It is noteworthy that initially poi were not an entertainment instrument - warriors used them for exercise in preparation for battle. This is not surprising, because poi, due to their considerable weight, developed the strength and flexibility of warriors. It took a long time before poi began to be used as entertainment items.

Traditionally, poi was made from nothing but natural fiber reinforced with a stem on the inside. It is noteworthy that initially poi had no connection with the fire element - contrary to popular belief.

Fire, dancing and show
Speaking about poi in the context of dancing with fire, it should be noted that the peoples inhabiting New Zealand and the surrounding territories still had it. So, for example, scientists are well aware of the traditional folk dance of the Samoan tribes, called “Ailao” and performed with fiery knives. This dance was actually a demonstration of fighting and hunting skills, and originally used a fighting staff, which was later replaced by a machete. It is noteworthy that in dances of this type the machete is still used today - although the dance pattern, of course, has changed significantly.

Conquered elements - fire show 20th century

The middle of the twentieth century was literally a turning point for this art form - when Letuli Olo Misilagi in 1946 decided to add a touch of diversity and add fiery elements to the traditional dance with weapons. From that moment on, the official history of the fire dance began in the form in which we see it now.

In the late 1950s, Hawaii became well known among tourists not only for its amazing climate and wonderful, friendly atmosphere, but also for its fire shows. The extraordinary popularity of fire staves and pois inspired craftsmen to create amazing fire props: fans, whips, umbrellas, etc. And very soon, groups showing performances using fire began to appear in Europe. Around the same time, the fire dance acquired the name under which we know it now -.

Fire show today
Dancing with fire began to spread en masse around the world relatively recently - around the early 1990s. Until this time, they were not an indispensable component of beach parties, city celebrations, and entertainment at various events.

Today, all over the world there are thousands of teams involved in dancing with fire elements. All these people, like the ancient tribes, see their charm in taming one of the most dangerous elements - fire. - is no exception.

Good afternoon How to write correctly: afro-show or afro-show? (We are talking about an African show or a show program in African style)

You should write together.

Question No. 298950

How to write correctly: online show room, online show room, online show room?

Russian help desk response

Correct spelling: online show room.

Question No. 294063

Hello! Tell me how to spell the word correctly: food truck or food truck? Thank you!

Russian help desk response

This word has recently come to us and is just being mastered in the Russian language, so there is no correct or incorrect spelling. It can only be noted that new borrowings from the first part food- are now codified in hyphenated writing, cf.: food court, food show.

Question No. 285077

One of the UK's most influential makeup artists has a hit TV show and a successful YouTube channel with over 1.2 million (million?) followers. Which is correct?

Russian help desk response

Right: from more than 1.2 million.

Question No. 281153
Hello! Please tell me which is correct: talk show lesson or talk show lesson?

Russian help desk response

Combinations with an application, if one of the parts is in turn a combination with an application and contains a hyphen, you need to write it with a dash: lesson - talk show.

Tell me, please, what is the difference between the meanings of the words presentation and dokad. And which word is preferable in this context: Typically, these events include presentations from some of the meeting participants followed by discussion with the speakers.

Russian help desk response

A report is a public statement on a specific topic (for example: state of the art report agriculture ), and presentation is a public presentation of something. new, recently appeared, created (for example: presentation of a new novel). In addition, a slide show prepared using a computer program (PowerPoint, etc.) that accompanies someone’s speech is now called a presentation.

Apparently, in the sentence you quoted you can use the words reports from some participants, messages from some participants.

Question No. 271456
Hello! Which is correct: fire show or fire show? Is the second option even used?

Russian help desk response

The word "fire" is noted in the "Russian Spelling Dictionary". Accordingly, the correct spelling is “fire show”.

Question No. 271438
Good afternoon

Which word is correct to use if neither “fire show” nor the Latin word fire show is suitable? Is the word “fireshow” used in writing and how to write it correctly: together, with a hyphen or with a space?

Thank you in advance.

Russian help desk response

Possible option writing: fire show.

Question No. 271159
Good afternoon, Gramota!
Please tell me how it is necessary and how it is possible to apply for professions such as fashion producer? Is it possible to combine a foreign word with a Russian one? If not, how should it be done?

Russian help desk response

This particular word can be written in Cyrillic. Words with the first part fashion already recorded by the Russian Spelling Dictionary (4th ed., M., 2012): fashion design, fashion industry, fashion show etc. Correct: fashion producer.

Question No. 268996
Is the phrase “videos and slide shows published on the site” correct? Or can only text information be published?

Russian help desk response

The phrase is correct. Videos and slideshows can also be "published".

Question No. 268034
Good afternoon
How to correctly:
Photo show or Photo show,
Slideshow or Slideshow?
Thank you

Russian help desk response

Correct spelling: photo show, But slideshow.

Question No. 267628
Good afternoon.
Two proposals are given. "So we set off and arrived in Monaco. That day the closing ceremony of the annual yacht show was held there." In the second sentence, is it correct to use “here” or “there”? These sentences are captions for two corresponding photographs.
Thanks for your answers!

Russian help desk response

Both options will be correct, but one of them must be used consistently throughout the text.

Question No. 265662
Good afternoon.
Are double hyphens allowed in words? I had to deal with the following combinations in my work: “business reality show “Marathon” or “business boutique hotel “Aurora”. According to the rules, ambiguous qualifiers are written with a dash, but in this case, the _business reality show "Marathon"_ is not the same as the _business reality show "Marathon"_. The meaning of the expression changes slightly.
Tell me how to format such complex names?
Best regards, I.M.

Russian help desk response

Spelling with two hyphens does not violate spelling rules. Business reality show, business boutique hotel– correct. And here is the writing business reality show impossible. Not here show joins the combination business reality, and the first part of compound words business- joins the combination reality show.

Question No. 263819
How to correctly:
Slideshow, Slideshow or Slideshow
Thank you.

Russian help desk response

Right: slideshow

Spin everyone, what spins, what doesn’t spin - roll, what doesn’t roll - toss. This is roughly the motto of firemen. However, when it comes to fuel, everything is much tougher. There is no phrase: twist everything that burns, because a variety of liquids can burn and, often, using them is very dangerous.

At the moment, there are several main types of fuel that are used in fire shows. Moreover, not all of them are acceptable due to safety regulations, but they are easier to obtain and they cost less.

Let's start with what can and should actually be used.

  1. Lighting kerosene. The most popular fuel in. It can be bought in paint and varnish or hardware stores, in bottles and cans, at an average cost of 100 rubles per 1 liter. It is used for lamps and is relatively safe in that it does not explode like gasoline. The downside is that it is not always possible to purchase fuel in advance and it is not sold everywhere. Also, do not forget about the pungent odor and poor combustion in winter.
  2. Liquid paraffins for ignition. This is something that definitely doesn’t smell and is much easier to buy. However, the bottle costs more, and this fuel burns out faster. Thus, where kerosene will please us for three minutes, lighter fluid will outlive its usefulness in two (maximum). Another plus is that this fuel smokes less, so if you are running under a canopy, there will be fewer problems with the ceiling.
  3. Lamp oil. Yes, yes, a very strange choice of fuel for a fire show, but do not forget that it is precisely similar substances that are usually poured into torches. The disadvantages include the following: it does not light up well. You will have to stand with the lighter for quite a long time, waiting for the moment when the wick heats up and there is a lot of vapor. Then wait another minute until the flame flares up, because without this, your props may go out after the first swing. Another bad quality is that the oil drips very unpleasantly from the wicks, and if it gets on your leg, you can easily get burned. This fuel also smokes heavily, but has a pleasant smell. The main advantage is the burning time. That is, if you compare lamp oil and the two previous types of fuel, you get the ratio: 3/2/5.
  4. Now let's start with the unpleasant part. Aviation kerosene. How is it different from lighting? It flares up and explodes much easier. That is, if a couple of drops of the second one hit you, you most likely won’t even notice. But with an aviation one you can catch fire. You can check the fuel by simply pouring a little onto the asphalt and trying to set it on fire. The lighting will not light.
  5. Petrol. The most dangerous fuel used in fire shows. Most often, burns are caused precisely because of this, because the flame has a higher combustion temperature, and the lock into which you just put the props that was just extinguished may just burst into flames. Gasoline is usually used by those who save time and money, or believe that nothing bad can happen to them.

The choice is yours, take care of yourself!

What is a fire show?

This is a unique performance of its kind, harmoniously combining dance, music and an undying flame! Specially trained artists create unique flaming pictures using their dexterity and special equipment.

Majority fire showconsists of acrobatic tricks and dance, but they can also include other elements. The main techniques include:

Shocking juggling with flaming torches, maces and staffs (special clubs);

Impressive performances using singas, devilsticks and fans, creating magnificent fire pictures, original and mesmerizing;

Breath of fire - soaring tongues of flame, which seem to be blown out by the artist, in combination with correctly selected design and staging - an incredibly beautiful and exciting spectacle;

The use of various flaming structures, both for background design and for use in productions (cubes, hoops, spheres, etc.).

Many artists offer different options fire show - using an open flame or pyrotechnic decoration, scattering thousands of sparks, and each of them looks chic in its own way.

In an effort to create truly unique performances, “fiery” groups create unique performances, using all sorts of tricks and plots - from battles with flaming swords, to impressive “giants” on stilts, releasing jets of flame or wielding all kinds of burning balls, clubs, etc.

Fire show for the holiday

An enchanting end to any festive event will be an impressive fire show! Such a spectacle will definitely not leave any of the guests indifferent, and for a long time you will hear enthusiastic stories about the magnificent performance that ended your holiday.

Of course, it is not necessary to use fire performances at the end of the program, but this is the most convenient and practical, especially from a safety point of view, because most holidays are held indoors, and performing such acts in them is categorically not recommended. Therefore, shocking and wonderful tricks with fire are most often performed in the open air, which is most convenient for guests at the end of the event. They will look especially impressive in combination with fireworks and other pyrotechnic techniques.

If your birthday, anniversary, wedding, corporate event or any other festive event takes place in the open air, then it is quite possible to arrange such an extremely beautiful performance between the numbers, the main thing is to correctly place the accents so as not to spoil the overall impression for the audience. Naturally, you need to take into account that you need to hold a show with fire after dark - otherwise you simply will not be able to appreciate all its incredible beauty.

Extreme, enchanting, bewitching and simply magical you can using the online catalog EVENT -ORDER .RU! We have a huge selection of organizers of fire performances that amaze with their splendor.

Nowadays, this type of street art, such as fire shows, has become very popular. Many people order similar shows for a holiday: they often invite fire show artists to weddings, and stage fire performances at beach parties and corporate events. The fire show is now a frequent guest on television - it can be seen in various TV projects to search for talent. Read more about what a fire show is.

What is a fire show?

The word “fire show” comes from the English phrase “fire show” (“fire show”), although in English The term “fire performance” rather corresponds to this concept. It consists of performing various manipulations with fire, dancing and tricks with objects set on fire, either for the purpose of one's own entertainment or, as a rule, for the entertainment of the public. The fire show itself is a type of street art, or more precisely, a type of modern art called street performance.

Fire show performers are usually called firemen. A professional fire show is distinguished by the participation of a whole team of people in its preparation and performance, the presence of rich props and mastery of all kinds of “fire” techniques.

History of the genre

The main element of the fire show performers' props is the poi - an instrument consisting of wicks attached to chains or ropes. Their predecessor was invented by the New Zealand Maori people, who did not even know what a fire show was. Initially, Maori women began to train their arms by rotating egg bags around their bodies: they attached strings to them, and replaced the eggs with stones. Soon the Maori warriors took note of this training. And already in the 20th century, traveling circus performers borrowed poi for their performances, attaching wicks to ropes instead of bags, and later replacing the ropes with chains.

Dances with fire, dedicated to the fire deity named Xiuhtecuhtli, were performed by the ancient Aztecs, and in our time this ancient dance is demonstrated to tourists in Mexico. And the fire dance performed by the inhabitants of the island of Bali was called Shanghuang Haran and was performed in order to drive away the “witches” who brought the epidemic to the village.

In the 90s of the 20th century, the popularity of fire shows grew significantly. The skill of fire control has become in demand in nightclubs, rave parties, beach parties and music festivals. This genre has also become very common as an element of entertainment at corporate events, street festivals, and holiday parties. A fire show can also be part of a flash mob, or it can precede a pyrotechnic show.

Types of fire shows

The growing popularity of fire shows and the increased availability of appropriate props have contributed to the emergence of various types of fire shows.

  • Traditional fire show. Such performances often include the use of Polynesian costumes and other cultural components. Many of these shows are inspired by world-famous festivals such as the Samoa Festival and the World Fireknife Competition.

  • Ritual fire show. This type of fire show is characterized by the use of fire in occult and pagan ceremonies, and the technique of performing tricks by firemen is not so important here - what is important is the artist’s ability to emphasize the specifics of the ritual.

  • Modern fire show. There are practically no specific restrictions here: fire dancers stage their performances to various music, introduce elements of street theater into their performances and experiment with the level of interaction with the public, sometimes allowing their direct participation in the performance. Fire shows are also often combined with belly dancing. Such performances are characterized wide range tricks with fire and a large number various equipment.
  • Comedy fire show. A classic situational comedy or stand-up act containing juggling with various objects and tricks with fire - that’s what this type of fire show represents. May include such dangerous stunts as setting the performers' body parts on fire.

  • Theater of fire. In these shows, fire tricks are an element of dramatic performance, often not very significant. Such shows, compared to traditional ones, place more emphasis on costumes and complex equipment rather than on the technical skills of the actors.

Fire show props

Fire shows only use equipment that has been made specifically for this purpose. It can be very diverse. Here are the most basic props used to create a fire show:

  • Poi is a pair of chains with a wick attached to one side and a handle to the other. The length of the chain should be arm length.

  • A hoop, or hula hoop, looks like a hoop with wicks attached to it around its circumference, the minimum number of which is usually five pieces.

  • Staff is a metal or wooden tube 1-2 meters long with wicks attached to both sides. Most often, firemen perform with one or two staffs, although using three or more staffs is also possible.

  • A fan is a large fan-like instrument made of metal. One or more wicks are attached to the edges of this fan.

  • A torch is a short mace or torch with a wick at one end.

  • Fire fingers are metal rods with wicks attached to the ends, and the rods themselves are attached to individual fingers using attachments.

  • An aramid whip that is set on fire and rotated during performance. It can create large columns of fire when striking a hard surface. The handle of the whip is made of metal and is about thirty centimeters long.

  • A jump rope is a long flammable aramid rope with two handles attached to the ends.

  • A ball, or fireball, is a specially designed ball for juggling. These can be either balls dipped in a flammable substance, which the fireman sets on fire and juggles with protective gloves, or balls that contain flame only in their center.

Fire show training

Sometimes fire show acts look more dangerous than they actually are, but you should remember that fire fighters actually work with real fire, so there is always a high risk of causing serious damage to your health. A particularly dangerous trick is breathing out fire. Professionals know what they are doing, so if you really want to learn the art of fire show, then best way to do this is to find a professional teacher. You may be able to find a themed festival or convention near you where there is an experienced firefighter who wouldn't mind taking a newbie under their wing.

In any case, fire show training should begin during daylight hours, with enough free space around you and with someone responsible nearby who can back you up. Practice must begin with an unlit object! Only after gaining sufficient skill in handling the selected props can you try to move on to training with fire.

You can watch a professional fire show in the following video: