Effective tightening facial massage. Facial lifting massage at home Is it possible to tighten the oval shape with a massage?

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Hello! In this article we will talk about lifting facial massage. You will learn how to perform simple manipulations to maintain a youthful face at home.

The essence of lifting massage

Lifting massage helps tone the skin, reduce the number of wrinkles and hide the signs of aging. This effect is achieved by normalizing blood circulation and saturating cells with oxygen. They begin to work harder and produce more elastin and collagen. These substances keep the skin toned. Massage affects and prevents sagging of the integumentary tissues.

The following advantages of the method can be highlighted:

  • painlessness;
  • the ability to produce at home;
  • rapid manifestation of results.

If you move along certain massage lines, then the skin becomes more toned without surgeries and complex cosmetic procedures.

Types of procedure

Facial lifting massage is not the name of a specific procedure. This term applies to effects on the skin that tighten it and stimulate cell function. They are divided into manual And hardware. Among the latter are the following:

  • Darsonvalization. Here, darsonval is used for facial massage. It generates high electrical voltage of low strength.
  • . During a massage, the myostimulator acts on the muscles using a pulsed current.

All devices can be purchased for home use. Options for manual massage with elements of lifting massage:

  • Plastic. The technique involves the use of stroking movements along with pinching movements. They only cause pleasant sensations.
  • Modeling. During the session, relaxing music is played, and at this time the master acts on the skin, muscles and fat layer. The nature of the effect depends on the condition of the woman’s skin.
  • Japanese. The essence of the method is to influence areas of the face with lymph nodes. Massage removes toxins and strengthens muscles.
  • Sculptural. Manipulations are carried out with facial skin and muscles. The movements during the massage are reminiscent of sculpting.


Facial lifting massage is one of the safest methods of rejuvenation. Despite this, there are a number of contraindications for which the procedure cannot be performed. These include:

  • infectious diseases;
  • open wounds on the face;
  • dermatitis;
  • acne;
  • rehabilitation period after plastic surgery;
  • allergic reaction to massage products;
  • rosacea;
  • large warts and moles.

With a hardware type of massage, several more contraindications are added:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • cancerous tumors;
  • wearing pacemakers.

If you are in doubt about whether or not you should undergo a lifting massage, it is better to consult a specialist.

Who can get a lifting massage?

Lifting massage is used to prevent aging of the facial skin and sagging soft tissues. For mature skin with such imperfections, the procedure is less relevant, but in this case it will reduce their severity and slow down their development.

Up to 25 years of age, lifting massage is performed when indicated. If you are about 30 years old, then the technique is used in courses for prevention. After 30 years, the method becomes part of anti-aging care for the condition skin.

Lifting massage - results

Any type of lifting massage can cope with the appearance of:

  • ptosis;
  • drooping corners of the mouth;
  • double chin;
  • bags under the eyes;
  • swelling.

The oval of the face will become clear and elastic. Its color will improve and age spots will become less noticeable.

How often should I do the procedure?

You will see the result after just a few sessions. To achieve a long-term effect, 10-25 procedures are needed depending on the condition of the face. The frequency of procedures for those aged 25-35 is twice a week, and for those aged 35 and older – three times a week.

Where is it better to do a lifting massage - at home or in a salon?

The lifting massage technique can be easily mastered at home. This saves a lot of time and cash. But the procedure can be performed efficiently only if you have specific knowledge and skills. It is impossible to perform all massage techniques on yourself. And it is impossible to fully relax during such manipulations.

An inept massage will not only not bring the desired effect, but can also cause harm. Negative consequences include skin stretching and increased expression of wrinkles. At home you can only use simple techniques. For a professional massage you need to visit a specialist.

Lifting facial massage in the salon

You should entrust your face only to a massage therapist with a medical education. In addition, he must have a certificate of completion of massage courses and a certain practice. A good specialist must have a conversation before the procedure and determine the presence of contraindications.

Facial lifting massage at home

First, study the massage lines so as not to stretch your face and achieve the best result.

First prepare for the session:

  1. Ventilate the room and create a comfortable temperature.
  2. Cleanse your skin of makeup and wash your face.
  3. Wash your hands.
  4. Lubricate your face with oil suitable for your face type.
  5. Study the massage lines in detail so as not to cause harm.

During the procedure you need to completely relax. All movements should be smooth without strong pressure, tapping or rubbing.

Zone How to act Repetitions per session
Neck Gently massage the left side of that part of the body with your right hand first. Do the same with the right side, using your left hand. Circular movements should be performed at all times30 sec
Chin Perform movements at moderate speed with the pads of your index fingers. Aim from the center of the chin to the right and left corners of the mouthWith each session, gradually increase from 5 to 10 times
Bottom of cheek Position thumb in the center of the chin and at medium speed move to the corners of the mouth, and then to the earlobes7 times
Place your fingertips in the corner of your mouth. Move towards the bridge of the nose and wings of the nose. Make soft circular movementsWith each session, gradually increase from 3 to 10 times, and after reaching the maximum amount, decrease in the reverse order to 3 times
Top of the cheek Place your middle and index fingers on the edges of your nose on both sides. Move from them in a circular motion to the upper tips of the ears, working the upper line of the cheeks.5-7 times
Brow ridges Raise your right hand and place your index finger in the center of the bridge of your nose. Slowly move from there to the outer edge of your right eyebrow. Do the same with the left eyebrow, but only with the other hand.5 times
Forehead Place the fingers of the left limb on the left temple. Using the tips of your right hand, make ten circular movements in the center of your forehead from the left temple to the opposite. Repeat the same manipulation, changing hands.1 time

Note. You can prepare your own massage oil. Take 20 ml olive oil and mix 10 ml of suitable essential oil. Mix them and heat until warm in a water bath.

The total duration of the massage should not exceed 20 minutes. Once finished, gently stroke the skin with your fingertips. Remove the oil and lubricate your face with nourishing cream.

Margarita Levchenko face lifting massage for an adult woman: video instructions

Massage for facial contour correction

A simple corrective massage will help restore your facial contour. Just 2-3 sessions a week for 10 minutes will help prevent sagging cheeks and wrinkles on the forehead.

  1. Smile, pursing your lips as if saying the letter O. Press your index and middle fingers to the outer corners of your eyes, closer to your temples. Stretch the skin so as to straighten the “rays of joy”. Achieve maximum tension in the muscles located below the cheeks.
  2. Smile as wide as you can. Keep your teeth clenched. Grasp your face so that your little fingers hold the nasolabial folds, and the remaining fingers slightly stretch the “rays of joy.” Tighten your muscles as much as possible.
  3. Smile and say the letter A. Your mouth should be slightly open. Tighten the muscles at the bottom of your cheek as much as possible.

The duration of each action is 5 seconds. Repeat each manipulation 5 times. With each procedure, increase the number of repetitions up to 15 times.

How to correct facial contours at home: video instructions

Performing simple facial exercises daily will help you constantly keep your muscles and skin toned.

  1. Puff out your cheeks and imagine that you now have a balloon. Pump it alternately left, right, forward and backward.
  2. Puff out your cheeks and press them with your fingers. At the same time, keep the air in your mouth. Count to 10 and exhale.
  3. Push your jaw forward and move it left and right. The mouth should be open.
  4. Stick your tongue out as far as possible and say the letter A.

This type of lifting is very convenient, as it can be performed even while doing household chores.

To make your face look fit, you must follow several rules:

  • Do not smoke or drink alcohol in excess.
  • Eat healthy and drink plenty of clean water.
  • Get enough sleep.
  • Take more walks in the fresh air.
  • Protect your skin from direct ultraviolet rays.
  • Wash your face with herbal ice cubes (green tea, chamomile, etc.).
  • Use cosmetics with a lifting effect, selecting them according to your age.

With age, the skin gradually begins to lose elasticity and becomes flabby. Muscle tone decreases, which significantly affects a woman’s appearance. Massage for tightening the oval of the face is an excellent remedy in the fight against age-related changes. Young girls should also not neglect such a simple and safe means to give your face a more fresh and rested look.

How does massage work to tighten the oval of the face?

The skin of the face has a unique property: it is connected with facial muscles. Therefore, the condition and appearance of the skin directly depends on the tone of the muscle tissue. The facial muscles work much more than any other muscles under conscious control, and they also tend to become overstrained.

The effect of massage on muscle tissue:

  1. Increased blood circulation. The muscles are more saturated with oxygen and nutrients that enter through the bloodstream. When there is enough nutrition, tissues wear out much more slowly.
  2. Acceleration of the elimination of metabolic products. Many substances formed during muscle work are quite toxic to the tissue and the body as a whole.
  3. Increased elasticity and reduced tension.


In order for there to be a noticeable effect, massage should be performed regularly. If you are ready to devote 10 minutes a day to your face, then the result will not take long to arrive.

The effect of massage for tightening the oval of the face:

  • reduction or disappearance of wrinkles (deep unevenness is much more difficult to cope with);
  • the appearance of clear contours of the oval face (cheekbones become more pronounced);
  • fluid retention in the tissue decreases (swelling decreases, circles under the eyes become less noticeable);
  • the relief is smoothed out (small abrasions and scars are not so clearly visible);
  • complexion improves.

If possible, it is better to perform massage procedures in a beauty salon with a specialist. Many massage therapists even have their own unique techniques.

Types of facial massage

There are many massage techniques for facial skin. All of them are aimed at relaxing facial muscles, which can be equated to 4-5 hours of healthy sleep.

The most popular and effective types massage to improve facial contours:

  1. Classical. One of the simplest, but requiring regular use. 7-10 sessions alternate with 2 weeks of rest.
  2. Plastic. An additional positive effect is due to the correction of the movement of lymph through the channels. Good drainage through the lymphatic vessels helps reduce swelling.
  3. Japanese facial massage Asahi. The Japanese use special milk for the procedure.
  4. Faceforming. Includes acupressure+ special gymnastics
  5. During this massage you need to press on certain points.
  6. Pinch massage. It is actively used to get rid of a double chin. Pinch movements are carried out along the lower jaw to the earlobe.
  7. Honey massage. Its most important difference from the classics is honey, which is applied in a thick layer, avoiding the area around the eyes. Massage movements are carried out at high speed so that the fingers do not stick to the honey surface.

Execution technique

Before doing a massage yourself, it is better to consult a competent massage therapist. Good specialists can always give some valuable advice on home care for the skin. You can find a lot of useful information on the Internet, but it can be quite difficult to separate what is right for you.

What general rules can be identified for all techniques?

  1. Maintain the correct sequence of actions.
  2. Before the procedure, thoroughly clean the skin surface of cosmetics.
  3. The skin of your hands should be clean to avoid infection.
  4. During the massage, the face should be as relaxed as possible.
  5. Each action is repeated 6-7 times.
  6. It is better not to invent movements yourself if you are poorly versed in anatomy and physiology. There are many effective techniques that can be learned and used in everyday life.
  7. The minimum number of repetitions is 2 times a week. Although daily massage for the oval of the face significantly increases the effectiveness of the technique.
  8. The manipulation is carried out in courses of 10-14 repetitions, after which the skin requires a break.
  9. Usage various oils has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and facilitates the procedure itself. Essential oils are well absorbed into even the deep layers of the skin and have an additional positive effect on the condition of the facial surface.

These rules should be followed no matter what technique you choose. At classic massage carry out stroking and rubbing movements along the following lines:

  • from the corners of the mouth to the earlobe;
  • from the wings of the nose to the auricle;
  • from the middle of the forehead to the temples;
  • from the middle of the chin along the lower jaw to the earlobe;
  • along the upper eyelid from the inside out;
  • along the lower eyelid from the outer edge to the inner.

Such simple movements relax muscles and increase blood flow to tissues.


Massage, like any other manipulation, has a number of contraindications that need to be dealt with.

The first thing you should pay attention to is inflammatory skin diseases. These include even banal papules and inflamed acne. Exacerbation of acute chronic inflammatory diseases such as herpes is also one of the contraindications.

Massage should not be done for any unhealed skin injuries. During the procedure, you can get infected or lead to even more injury.

Do not perform a massage in combination with other cosmetic procedures, as most of them involve microtrauma to the skin. Strong pigmentation may form. This is not relevant for all procedures, so detailed information should be obtained from a cosmetologist in advance.

During a massage session, you need to be especially careful with nevi and other skin formations. Although the effect of trauma on the risk of developing malignant degeneration has not been proven, it is still better not to risk your own health.

How to save the result?

To consolidate the results obtained during the massage, you can use essential oils that are beneficial to the skin and other products that penetrate well into the epidermis, saturating and nourishing it. After the procedure, remove all remnants of massage oils and products.

Follow the techniques strictly - this greatly affects the result of the lifting effect.

The condition of the skin can be improved not only with the help of various cosmetic procedures and cosmetics. The most important thing is to maintain a proper and nutritious diet, rich in vitamins and microelements. Maintain a sleep and rest schedule, this affects the condition of the entire body as a whole.

Bad habits have a detrimental effect on the condition of our skin. It becomes dull and flabby, less saturated with oxygen.

Be outside more often and take air baths. Direct ones sun rays on the contrary, they are not very desirable. If it is hot and sunny outside, then use a cream with SPF effect.


Regular facial massage has a good tightening effect that cannot be compared with any creams. It can be easily performed at home if you carefully study the technique of the procedure. Massage movements restore muscle tone and make the face more toned and fresh. The oval of the face takes on a youthful V-shape.

With age, the skin loses its elasticity and ceases to be elastic. Facial muscles lose tone over time. Wrinkles appear on the face, the skin gradually sags and becomes flabby. A tightening facial massage is an excellent procedure for maintaining skin elasticity for women in adulthood.

Over the years, it becomes harder and harder for a woman to hide her age. No cosmetic product can cope with age-related changes. In order to prevent or stop such changes, you need to do facial skin tightening. A rejuvenating facelift massage is an excellent facelift procedure at home. First of all, when it is carried out regularly, the effect occurs on muscle tissue. If it is toned, the epidermis is elastic and taut.

The problem needs to be solved using more serious methods than just using a classic anti-wrinkle cream. The easiest way is to go to a good beauty salon. Or you can learn how to do a massage yourself to tighten your face shape. The procedure is not complicated, does not require a lot of time and does not require any expenses.

How does a tightening massage work?

A facial tightening massage has a rejuvenating effect, as it helps the facial muscles not to lose their elasticity. If you do it constantly, the muscle tissue will always be in good shape, which will contribute to the elasticity and tightness of the epidermis. Even if you do a massage to tighten the oval of the face for a short time, the effect will be noticeable.

The effect of a tightening massage when performed regularly is as follows:

  • wrinkles are completely or partially smoothed out - this depends on the depth of the skin folds;
  • distinct facial contours appear;
  • swelling under the eyes and on the face goes away;
  • bags under the eyes and dark circles are reduced;
  • the relief of the facial skin is evened out, small scars and shallow scars become less distinct;
  • complexion improves due to the activation of blood flow, a beautiful blush appears, pallor, vascular networks, and age spots disappear.

After just a few sessions, you can notice a slight tightening effect. And if a woman is ready to devote 10 minutes to the procedure, then the likelihood of a double chin decreasing by 3 times.

Contraindications for facial massage

It is worth remembering that, like any other medical procedure, massage has its contraindications. You should not have a session if:

  • some inflammatory processes are going on;
  • have pimples, acne large quantities, red, inflamed pimples;
  • herpes worsened;
  • hemophilia was discovered;
  • open wounds on the face have not healed;
  • the sutures placed by the surgeon have not been removed;
  • there were others cosmetic procedures less than 3 weeks ago;
  • warts and moles are present, damage to the latter often leads to cancer.

If there are any contraindications from the above, then you should refuse a facelift - for a while until all the imperfections heal, or for good if a serious diagnosis is made (for example, skin cancer or hemophilia).
If you regularly devote just 10 minutes a day to a firming facial massage, a double chin and jowls will not appear even in adulthood.

When all the pimples, warts and injuries are behind you, you can tighten your facial skin with a massage. The massage relaxes the facial muscles so much that it can be equated to 4 hours of good sleep. The first lifting effect can be noticeable after 3-4 applications if everything is done correctly.

How to perform the procedure

Massage should be done after consulting a good, competent specialist with considerable experience. It’s better to visit a beauty salon for the first time to see how to do every move correctly. You can even film the entire procedure on your phone camera so that you can have a role model on tape at home.

You can learn massage techniques completely free of charge in courses, of which there are many today. You can also look on the Internet how to do this type of massage for a facelift.

  1. The rules for performing movements are important.
  2. Before the massage, you need to wash off all makeup from your face and hands.
  3. Fingers should move strictly along the lines.
  4. It is better to do a massage in good mood when all facial muscles are relaxed.
  5. The massage technique is very simple, it is quite easy to handle, but it is forbidden to invent movements on your own. Without the necessary knowledge, it is easy to cause significant harm to yourself.
  6. Exercises should be repeated 7-8 times.
  7. This massage should be done 2-3 times a week; this intensity will be sufficient for mature skin.
  8. The procedures must be followed in a course. One course is 10-12 procedures. Afterwards you need to give your skin a rest for at least two weeks.
  9. It doesn't hurt to use aromatic oils or mixtures essential oils: they will penetrate deeply into the epidermis and nourish skin cells during the session.

Face lift exercises:

  1. Using your index and middle fingers, gently smooth the skin on your face from your nose to your temples.
  2. Using two index fingers, smooth the skin on the forehead in the direction from the eyebrow line to the hair, from bottom to top.
  3. Using your palms, smooth the skin from the chin to the temples, pressing slightly in problem areas.
  4. Tap the skin under the lower jaw back side palms.
  5. Lift your face up, then slowly press on the corners of your lips with your index and middle fingers.

Massage is an excellent rejuvenating remedy, a free home skin tightening.

If every day there are more and more wrinkles on your face, then it’s time to learn how to massage yourself and control the condition of your skin. Massage has a lifting effect that no other procedure can provide.

One of the first signs of aging is a sagging facial contour.

No matter what cosmetic products a woman uses, only surgery or a special massage technique.

And if the operation is fraught with consequences and complications, then massage sessions are a safe procedure available to everyone.

For a “slipped” face, massage is far from a drastic measure, but quite effective. As muscle tissue weakens, the skin begins to sag and wrinkles appear on the face. But just start the process, and your appearance will change dramatically.

Regularly produced rhythmic provides an impact on muscle fibers and triggers the synthesis of collagen and elastin. The muscles become toned, which gives a powerful facelift effect. The epidermis takes on a healthy appearance and a fresh glow.

A tightening massage can be done at home, or you can seek help from professionals. The most important thing in both cases is correct technique performing the procedure. The final result depends on it. The maximum effect is achieved by performing a ten-minute procedure daily.


Massage for correcting facial contours has some contraindications that cannot be ignored:

  • inflammation and infectious processes on the face and neck (complications are possible);
  • pimples of large diameter, purulent ulcers, rashes, hemangiomas, warts, acne in an advanced stage (damage to such formations can lead to cancerous tumors);
  • infection by the herpes simplex virus;
  • violation of coagulation (any damage to the skin poses a risk to health and life);
  • bleeding injuries to the face and neck, deep scratches, abrasions, cuts, burns;
  • recent plastic surgery on the neck and face (risk of surgical sutures coming apart);
  • fresh cosmetic procedures related to skin damage: peeling, beauty injections.
If at least one of the factors applies to you, then you cannot start a massage session for the oval of the face

A dermatologist can help treat blackheads and pimples. Fresh stitches will close on their own, and the surgeon must give permission to start a course of massage.

Massage technique

Before the session, remove all makeup from your face. Leather
must be absolutely clean.

There are several massage techniques for the facial contour.

Classical technique

The technique is performed 7–10 times. You can get a massage several times a week. The course lasts two weeks, after which you should take the same break and repeat the sessions again.

Using the pads of your index and middle fingers, begin stroking the skin from the wings of the nose to the ears. Using the same fingers, work the skin on the forehead from the eyebrows to the hairline.

Using a full palm, smooth the skin from the center of the chin to the temples. Lift your chin up to tighten the skin on your neck. Using the outer side of your palm, use light tapping movements along the entire neck. There should be no pain.

Honey massage

Using your fingertips, move upward from the neck to the forehead along the massage lines, making pats. Fingers, sticking to the skin, tone the fibers.

You cannot keep your fingertips on the skin for a long time; they will stick strongly to its surface. It will be more difficult to remove them later, which can lead to damage and stretching of the skin.


The second name of the technique is Italian lifting. During
The procedure uses point pressure on the skin with the back of the hand. The frequency of sessions is every other day.

The face must be pre-treated cosmetic oil or cream. Place your chin in your palms and press for 10–15 seconds.

Press your palms to the forehead and then to your eye sockets. The exposure time for these zones is the same – ten seconds. Next, your palms press on your cheeks for ten seconds. Press on your temples and ears.

Connect the bases of your palms together and place your chin there, and then the area of ​​the nasolabial folds, eyelids, cheekbones and forehead. Press on the forehead with one palm, and the back of the head with the other. The reception duration is five to seven seconds.

Pinch massage

The technique is ideal for swelling. Carry out massage sessions every two days. The procedure is performed using two or three fingers (index, middle, thumb). After the procedure, apply a mixture of oils to the skin (base oil - peach, coconut, almond, grape seeds, aroma oil – lemon, vanilla).

Chin pinching. Start from the middle of the chin and move quickly to the ears. There shouldn't be any pain.

Tingling in the neck area. Raise your head up and start pinching your neck from the center to the periphery.

Smoothing the chin. Using the pads of three fingers, move from the center of the chin to the temporal lobes.

Stroking the neck area. Turn your head to the side. Using the tips of three fingers, press down from the earlobe to the collarbone.

We invite you to watch video lessons about various facial massage techniques to improve facial contours.

Next, a massage technique to strengthen the oval of the face using bone ridges.

The effectiveness of massage

Massage for the oval face gives excellent results for both women and the male half of the population

Constant mechanical impact on the skin stimulates blood flow in the face and neck, the walls of blood vessels and capillaries are strengthened.

The fingertips press on the connective tissue, removing excess moisture from the skin. In a short period of time, swelling goes away, harmful substances that have accumulated in the deep layers of the skin for years are removed.


Any woman who has a great desire to look good can correct her facial contours. In this matter, only laziness is your enemy. Make self-care a pleasant daily habit.

The procedure should not be a burden. Systematic massage sessions will bring maximum benefit, if you do them in high spirits.

The stomach is probably the most problematic area of ​​the female figure, because about 90% of all women complain about its unaesthetic appearance.
Moreover, such anxiety appears even in girls with normal weight.

Sedentary lifestyle, absence physical activity, recent pregnancy - all this can cause claims to appearance your belly. But removing excess fat from there and giving your waist a girlish slimness is very difficult.

An integrated approach is required: a balanced low-calorie diet, properly selected physical exercise, cosmetics, as well as massage for weight loss and abdominal skin tightening. It is this last point that we will talk about today.

You should not be skeptical about massage, because it is not only a pleasant procedure that can tone your muscles and improve your well-being.
Some people believe that during the session, the bricks of fat lying under the skin are “broken.” A mechanical action aimed at the skin and subcutaneous fatty tissue, which is self-massage of the abdomen for weight loss, can greatly speed up the process of forming a beautiful and toned abdominal press.
This is especially important when there is cellulite, or sagging skin after sudden weight loss. And also relevant after childbirth, since the skin in the abdominal area was subject to the greatest stretch during pregnancy.

Under the influence of massage, the elasticity of muscle fibers, their contractile function, and skin-muscle tone increase.

Some people believe that during the session, the bricks of fat lying under the skin are “broken.” In fact, the effect is different. Massage affects adipose tissue indirectly, through a general effect on metabolism. By improving blood supply to the skin and, therefore, improving its nutrition, as well as increasing metabolic processes in the body, increasing the release of fat from fat depots (places where fat accumulates), massage promotes the “burning” of fats that are in excess -quality in adipose tissue.

Thanks to massage, the skin becomes more elastic, firm, smooth, and its resistance to mechanical and temperature influences increases.

As a rule, various creams and oils are used during the massage procedure. They are needed for better gliding. The choice of these funds depends on your preferences.
Most often, special massage oil or mineral oil (Johnson Baby, etc.) is used. It is quite liquid and forms a slippery film on the body, so you need to carefully dose the amount of oil: with prolonged use it causes dry skin. Its advantage lies only in its relative cheapness, because... it is produced from petroleum products.

Olive oil is also widely used for massage. It has a higher density than mineral oil and is easily absorbed. When massaged with olive oil, the body warms up well. The oil has a very slight odor.

They also use talc, baby powder, or no gliding agents at all.

Abdominal massage is carried out no earlier than 1.5 hours after eating. The intestines and bladder should be free :).

The massage technique is quite simple and easy to perform on your own. You need to perform self-massage of the abdomen for weight loss in a standing position, tensing the abdominal muscles as much as possible - after all, you will only be massaging adipose tissue, and not internal organs.

Start by stroking the abdomen: you need to do this with both hands (one hand on top of the other), movements clockwise, which is determined by the course of the intestinal tract. Such circular movements help improve intestinal peristalsis.
Next, take one fold of fat, pull it slightly, then roll it between your fingers, as if “kneading dough.” Do the same with other similar folds in problem areas. How to do this is shown in the video

Then vigorous stroking of the oblique abdominal muscles is carried out from the lower ribs to the pelvic bones. The next stage - rubbing the rectus abdominis muscle with the palmar surfaces of the palms in both directions - will relieve tension in this area.