Dye your hair with natural dyes. What natural hair dyes are there?

This natural black dye is obtained from the indigofera plant. This plant contains substances that make hair stronger, smoother, more elastic, shiny, and also strengthen the roots. Basma is completely safe and does not damage the hair structure.

With the help of basma you can achieve different shades of hair - from light brown to rich black. Do not use basma as an independent dye; it must be mixed with coffee or henna. Otherwise you will get a green or blue tint.

The result depends greatly on the initial condition and color of your hair. For example, when mixing henna and basma 50/50, the blonde will get a dark blond shade. To get a black color, you need to keep henna on your hair for an hour, and after rinsing, apply basma for 2 hours.


Henna is not only a dye, but also medicine. It is obtained from the leaves of lavsonia. Henna does not penetrate into the hair structure, but only envelops it with a film, protecting and smoothing out the scales. It makes curls elastic, healthy, shiny, stimulates growth and strengthens hair.

Henna is used as an independent dye or mixed with coffee, basma, black tea, saffron and chamomile. The result depends on the exposure time, additives, initial color and condition of the hair. For example, on light hair, pure henna will give a carrot-red color.


This product will help give a golden hue to those with blonde hair. To do this, it is enough to rinse your curls with an infusion of dried chamomile 3-4 times a week. In addition, such procedures will help your hair become silky, shiny and manageable.


The rhubarb must be chopped, mixed with 3 tbsp. gruel with a glass of water and boil for 20 minutes. Cool the broth and then rinse your hair with it after washing your hair. Thanks to this product, light hair will acquire a light brown tint.

Black tea

Tea can color brown hair in a brown tone, if 3 tbsp. Brew tea in a glass of water and boil for 15 minutes, let it brew for an hour and apply to hair for 1.5 hours.

Natural dyes not only change hair color, but also work as cosmetic masks: nourish the scalp, strengthen hair roots. We offer you several recipes for dyeing hair with natural dyes.

1. An infusion of navel tincture (2 teaspoons of flower baskets is poured with 1 glass of boiling water, left for 30 minutes, then filtered and the cooled infusion is applied to the head for 15 minutes) gives the hair a light brown tint.

2. To maintain natural freshness light brown Apply an infusion of annual sunflower to the hair: pour 2 tablespoons of flowers with 1.5 cups of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, filter and rinse the hair once a day.

3. Remember how, as a child, you loved to collect walnuts so that they were completely fresh and soft? And how unpleasant was it to wash your hands of this “Greek paint”? So, the juice of the green outer shell of the fruit walnut gives hair a chestnut color. You can also use walnut leaves and bark for coloring. To do this, fresh green shells are crushed, then diluted with water to a paste consistency and applied to the hair for 15-20 minutes, after which they are washed off with water. The chestnut color can be increased or decreased by adding more or less water. More water causes a lighter color.

4. To lighten hair, use a decoction of chamomile inflorescences and nettle rhizomes. To prepare it, take 1 tablespoon of dry raw materials of each component per 1 liter of water. Rinse your head with the broth, tie it with a scarf or towel for 15-20 minutes. After drying your hair, moisten it with chamomile essence mixed with water (1:1 ratio). After 1 hour, rinse again with chamomile infusion (1-2 tablespoons of chamomile pour 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 15-20 minutes, then filter).

5. And here is a more complex composition that can be used to lighten hair: long tea - 10 g, chamomile - 50 g, henna - 40 g, vodka - 2 glasses, water - 1 glass. Heat the water to a boil, add tea, chamomile, henna, boil for 5 minutes, cool, add vodka and leave for 2-3 days. The liquid is drained and the remainder is squeezed out. Moisten hair with the mixture and leave without drying for 30-40 minutes. Then they are washed with shampoo.

6. You can lighten your hair with the following composition: 150 g of chamomile is infused for 2 weeks in 0.5 liters of vodka, then filtered and added 1/4 cup of hydrogen peroxide. To lighten the hair, wipe it strand by strand using a toothbrush or cotton swab. After 20-30 minutes, the hair is washed with shampoo and rinsed with chamomile decoction.

7. For hair coloring, you can also use a decoction of chamomile. For blond hair, take 100 g of dry chamomile inflorescences, pour in 0.5 liters of boiling water, boil for 5-10 minutes, leave for 1 hour, then filter. For darker hair you need to take 150-200 g of chamomile. Moisten the hair with the decoction and leave for 30-40 minutes.

8. An infusion of chamomile can be used to color both light hair, to which it gives a golden hue, and gray hair. To prepare the infusion, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water into 100 g of chamomile inflorescences, leave for 30-40 minutes, then filter. The resulting infusion is generously moistened with hair and left for about 1 hour.

9. In order to dark hair become lighter, pour 100 g of chamomile into 1.5 cups of boiling water, mix well, leave for 30-60 minutes, filter, squeeze out the remainder and add 1/4 cup of 30% hydrogen peroxide. Lubricate hair and leave without wiping for 30-40 minutes. Then wash them with soap.

10. To obtain a reddish-brown shade of hair, rinse it with tea decoction: pour 2-3 tablespoons of tea into 1 glass of water, boil for 15-20 minutes, infuse, then filter.

11. If you need to urgently tint gray hair brown or chestnut, then filter hot, strongly brewed tea (1 teaspoon per 1/4 cup of boiling water, leave for 30-40 minutes), mix the liquid with the same volume (or slightly less ) amount of cocoa powder or instant coffee, mix thoroughly and apply to hair. After rubbing in the composition, comb the hair. This color disguises gray hair for only a few days.

12. To dye your hair chestnut color, you can use a mixture of henna and kefir. Take 1-1.5 cups of kefir, add a pack of henna. The resulting mass is thoroughly mixed and applied to the hair. The head is tied with a cellophane scarf. The composition must be kept for 40-60 minutes. The time can be extended if you need to get more dark colors. Then wash your hair with warm water (without shampoo).

Gray hair should be dyed a shade lighter than it was previously. They acquire a beautiful shade if, after washing, they are rinsed with slightly blue water.

How to change hair color at home using natural dyes. Recipes for vegetable dyes.

Plant-based natural dyes do not harm hair at all and do not cause allergies. With the help of chamomile, henna, rhubarb and other plants, you can not only strengthen and heal your hair, but also give it a pleasant shade. In addition, vegetable dyes, when used repeatedly, help improve hair structure and eliminate dandruff.

Despite the obvious benefits of vegetable dyes, it has one insignificant “disadvantage” - you will never know what shade of hair you will end up with. The final result is influenced by the thickness, structure, individual sensitivity of the hair, the proportions of plant components, and the temperature of the coloring composition. If you do not want to take risks, then dye a small strand first, and if the result pleases you, proceed to dye the entire mass of hair.

For hair coloring at home, chamomile flowers, henna, basma, rhubarb, onion peels, black tea, coffee, and walnut shells are most often used. Various base and essential oils are used as additional components.

Recipes for natural paints at home


Chamomile () dyes hair a pleasant yellowish-golden hue. Boil water, add 1 cup of dried chamomile flowers, let the broth brew for 30 minutes, strain it and let it cool completely. After each wash, rinse your hair with the resulting decoction and let it dry. To enhance the golden hue, you can add saffron or turmeric to the broth. This recipe is suitable for fair-haired girls and those with gray hair.

Onion peel

Onion peel () gives the hair a golden-reddish hue. To prepare natural dye, take 50 g of husk and boil it in 200 ml of water for 15.20 minutes. Take the broth, strain it, and then rinse your hair and do not rinse. This decoction colors hair, strengthens it and accelerates growth. Onion dye is suitable for girls with brown and light brown hair.


Rhubarb () dyes hair in light brown and straw shades. It can be used independently, or added to henna to mute red tones. Boil 30 g of chopped rhubarb roots and let the broth cool completely. Strain it and rub it into clean hair.


Henna () gives rich scope for creativity. With henna you can dye your hair golden, red, chestnut and even red. Henna with chamomile gives honey-golden tones to hair. Henna with black tea or coffee will color your hair deep brown. Henna with a decoction of onion peels will help you become “the color of a fire engine.” Classic recipe henna dyeing: dilute the powder with boiling water to a consistency convenient for you, apply the paste along the partings on cleanly washed hair. Wrap your hair in cling film and walk like this for 30 minutes to 2 hours. The longer you leave the henna dye on, the more saturated the shade will be. You can even leave the henna on your hair overnight.

Black tea

Black tea () gives hair red-brown and bronze shades. Mix 2 tablespoons granulated black tea with 2 glasses cold water. Place the mixture on the fire and cook for at least 30 minutes. Apply the warm infusion to clean hair, then wrap your head in cling film and walk like this for several hours. The longer you walk, the more saturated the shade you will get as a result. Herbal dye made from black tea is perfect for brunettes and girls with brown hair.

You can safely mix herbal components with each other, change the proportions and time of exposure on your hair, and be happy with the result every time. Even if for some reason you are not satisfied with the color, you can almost start the dyeing procedure again on the same day without the risk of damaging your hair.

Natural dyes for hair good because they do not harm the hair and allow you to achieve amazing results.

The main advantage of natural dyes is considered to be a positive effect on the hair structure in general. Experts strongly recommend such dyes only for natural hair, without using any paint or perm.

Nowadays, the most popular among natural dyes are: walnut shells, ha, onion peels, basma, tea, chamomile, coffee, rhubarb root, etc.

Hairdressers, even in ancient times, used natural dyes, from which hair acquired unusual shades. But don’t forget about one very characteristic feature. The point is that on different hair, these dyes look different. This is all based on what shade your natural color is, the individual properties of your hair and its structure. Therefore, before you start dyeing, try this dye on a small section of the strand, and after you are satisfied with the result, then start dyeing the whole thing.

Now everyone is concerned about the question of which dye is identical to natural one. The answer, of course, sounds stupid, but it’s true – natural.

Natural products do not have a negative effect on your hair, but on the contrary, after you start doing this regularly, your hair will change - it will become smooth, strong and shiny. And all this splendor will give natural paint for hair.

The only, but absolutely main disadvantage of natural dye is that it is not durable, or rather, it is quickly washed out. Therefore, you will have to paint it again and again. Before applying vegetable dye, be sure to wash your hair. It is recommended to apply the product with a sponge, cotton swab or a special brush.

To ensure that your hair is colored evenly, remember several factors: the original natural color, the presence of gray hair and the quality of the hair. If the hair is very thin, then little paint will be needed, but if it is thick and thick, then painting will be more difficult, you will need a lot of paint, and it will take longer to withstand.

You can dye your hair in natural colors at home.

Because the technique of dyeing hair using natural dye is practically no different from dyeing it with a chemical preparation. Apply the paint, starting from the roots, and then along the entire length of the hair, after which, be sure to cover your head with film, or use a disposable plastic cap, then tie the whole thing with a towel or scarf. To achieve the best effect, drink tea with lemon or half a glass of cognac during the procedure. These drinks increase blood circulation, which contributes to better coloration of your hair.

From folk remedies, I consider coloring with basma or henna to be the oldest. Henna is a preparation that is made from the leaves of lavsonia or alkanes. Basma is produced in the same way, only from indigofera leaves. Both dyes contain tannins that saturate the skin. Strengthening your hair, giving it strength and healthy shine.

But the main thing to remember is that it is not always possible to achieve a beautiful shade with henna. In order to dye with henna, you need natural brown or dark brown hair. If you have previously lightened or bleached your hair, then henna will turn it into a bright red or carrot-red color.

You can make natural hair dyes and use them at home.

Hair that has previously been treated perm, henna is painted very carefully because it takes on the color very quickly.

Basma, in its pure form, gives the hair a slightly greenish and sometimes bluish tint. But when adding henna, it is used to achieve brown in a rich tone. To achieve a black color, the hair is first covered with henna and then with basma.

Basma and henna are some of the most durable dyes from plant origin. They not only make your hair last longer, but also make it thicker, healthier and stronger. If your hair is dry. I don’t recommend diluting these dyes in water; for this it is better to use yogurt or kefir at room temperature, such a mixture will make the coloring more intense.

To get light chestnut shade If you have light hair, then add a well-brewed tea decoction to the henna solution.

To get chestnut with a cherry tint, dilute henna with hot Cahors.

To get natural chestnut, add dry rhubarb leaves, crushing them well before doing so.

To give blonde hair bright golden hue, you need to use an infusion of chamomile. Take about two tablespoons of dry chamomile, preferably crushed, brew with boiling water and leave to boil, leave for half an hour, and then you can strain. Then apply to the entire length of your hair and leave for an hour.

To lighten your hair using chamomile and nettle root, use one to one proportions. Wet your hair with this decoction, and then warm it with a towel. After twenty minutes, dry your hair, and then condition it with chamomile essence diluted half and half with water. After an hour, rinse it with chamomile infusion.

To achieve brown hair, you need to use a decoction of linden branches and leaves. Season five tablespoons of finely chopped raw materials with boiling water, about one and a half glasses will be enough, and cook until you see that only a glass of broth remains. The longer you leave this product on your hair, the more saturated the color will become.

To make your hair golden brown, take half a glass of onion peel. Brew the husk with a glass of boiling water, and then boil for about twenty minutes, strain and add a couple of teaspoons of glycerin. Rub the mixture into your hair, do this daily until you are satisfied with the result.

You can make it brown with a reddish tint using tea, always black. Take fifty grams of tea and boil it for fifteen minutes, and then leave it for an hour to brew. After this, strain, use as a hair rinse, do not rinse. But don't use a blow dryer.

If you already have gray hair, then this remedy will help get rid of it for a few days: take a strong brew of tea, add instant coffee or cocoa powder, mix everything one to one and rub it into your hair, be sure to distribute it evenly over the entire length.

You can dye dark hair the color of mahogany using henna and cocoa; they must be combined in equal proportions.

In order to lighten dark hair, take two hundred grams of chamomile, one hundred grams of henna, four hundred milligrams of vodka and three hundred milligrams of water. Infuse chamomile in vodka for about a week, brew henna powder with boiling water and leave for a couple of hours. Then mix the first with the second and leave to brew for another two weeks. Then strain, squeeze out, apply to hair simply over the entire length, for about forty minutes, and then be sure to wash with shampoo.

In general, one can list an incredible number different ways on hair coloring, but the main thing is to settle on the one that appeals to you, and then of course you will completely forget what problems with hair are.

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