So that everything is not done for the better. How and why the principle “Everything is for the best” works. Sometimes a small dream is more important than a big one

Once upon a time there was a king, and he had an adviser who had great faith in God. No matter what happened, the adviser always repeated:

“Everything that is done is for the better.” God arranges everything very well and wisely: if we get something, it’s good, but if we don’t, it’s even better.

When the king did not succeed in something he had planned, the adviser said:

- This is for the better!

At such moments, the king did not really like to listen to this:

“It can’t be that if something bad happens and we fail, then it’s all for our good.”

One day they were walking in the forest, and unnoticed, while talking, they went deeper into the thicket. The king began to look for a path and stepped on the thorn of a very poisonous plant. The adviser, without hesitation, pulled out a dagger and instantly cut off the king’s toe, into which this thorn had dug, saying at the same time:

- How well God arranged everything!

The king became furious:

“You cut off my finger, how can that be good?”

The advisor replied:

“If I had not cut off the finger, the poison would have spread throughout the body and you would have died.”

These words did not reassure the king, and he drove the adviser away, saying that he did not want to see or hear him anymore.

Continuing the road alone, the king tried to get out of the thicket. But to his misfortune, in this place and at this time, one very cruel tribe of savages was holding a holiday, for which they just lacked a suitable victim. The king was captured and led to the sacrificial altar. The savages began to prepare for the ritual. But suddenly, unexpectedly for the king, they let him go, emitting dissatisfied cries: the victim turned out to be handicapped, she was missing one toe.

Frightened, but alive, the king reached the palace and immediately called an adviser to him. Having given him generous gifts, the king asked:

“You said wise things, and in the end everything turned out very well, but explain what was good about the fact that I drove you away in the forest then?”

To which the adviser replied:

“It was very good, king, that you drove me away: if I had stayed with you, the savages would have let you go, but would have left me.”

From then on, the king also began to believe in the wisdom of the divine plan.

Nothing surprising happens on Earth - all events go according to the divine plan. When a person's actions are fully consistent with God's plan, a person is united with Him, and success awaits his work, even if at first it seems that the whole world is against it and nothing is going well. In the end, everything will be as God wants. If a person resists this, he creates difficulties for himself.

God has a plan for every soul. Nobody knows what will happen in ten years - in which direction life will turn, and what will happen is important. The main thing is to remember that God has the best plan for you. You shouldn’t be sad if difficulties arise, or ask God dissatisfied: "Why are you doing this?". Everything is changing on this planet. By the grace of God, a fool can become smart, and a poor person can become rich, misfortune can turn into success and vice versa. God's plan is always perfect for every person. According to His plan, everything happens on time and beautifully.

Whatever is done, everything is for the better - a person is not given to know the causes and consequences of spoken words, actions, events. Therefore, hope for good luck is more beneficial for health and well-being than expecting all sorts of troubles and misfortunes. “Even in those cases when we found ourselves in unpleasant situations, he did not lose good mood and tried to convince me that “everything is for the best in this best of worlds” (V.K. Arsenyev. “Across the Ussuri region”)

Whatever is done, everything is for the better - a paraphrase of the saying of the German philosopher and mathematician G. W. Leibniz (June 21, 1646-November 14, 1716) (introduction to the treatise “Experiences in theodicy on the goodness of God, human freedom and the root cause of evil,” 1710).

The expression became famous and turned into the catchphrase “Everything is for the best in this best of worlds” thanks to Voltaire, who ridiculed it in his story “Candide” (1758)

“Pangloss taught metaphysics-theology-cosmology. He wonderfully proved that there is no effect without a cause, and that in this best of possible worlds, the castle of the sovereign baron is the most beautiful of all possible castles, and the lady baroness is the best of all possible baronesses.
“It has been proven,” he said, “that everything is as it should be; since everything was created in accordance with the purpose, then everything is necessary and created for the best purpose. Now, mind you, noses are made for glasses, that’s why we wear glasses. Legs,
obviously, they are appointed to put shoes on them, so we put them on shoes. Stones were created in order to cut them and build castles from them... "

Analogues of the saying “No matter what is done, everything is for the better”

  • Everything will be ground, there will be flour
  • Every cloud has a silver lining
  • If you don't catch a crucian carp, you'll catch a pike.
  • Live forever, hope forever!
  • Every dog ​​has his day

The use of phraseological units in literature

    “Soon Mitya stopped inflaming himself with all sorts of nonsense and once again made his usual conclusion: no matter what is done, everything is for the better!"(Andrey Zhitkov “Department”)
    “And then it will come out under bright sun, in the eyes of tens of thousands of people and one more person, whose gaze may turn out to be the most dangerous of all or the blindest of all - depending on which passion takes over - everyday or literary. Whatever is done is for the better. In the end, he was tired of his half-recognized championship” (Yu. M. Nagibin “One on One”)
    “However, who knows, it may very well be that the word “misfortune” is not entirely appropriate here, as they say: “everything that is done is for the better”; however, it must be admitted that the situation in which the young man finds himself looks alarming” (Alexander Zhitinsky “Staircase”)
    “We were having fun: there was not a single footprint anywhere, and our white hare was running through the fresh, untouched snow, as if through a book. “Whatever is done, everything is for the better!”- we said cheerfully to each other and ran around in a circle” (M. M. Prishvin “The Smart White White”)
    “Putting his glasses down on his nose, he read slowly, thoughtfully, and yet did not understand why, from the hero’s numerous misadventures, it follows that “everything is for the best in this best of all worlds”(G. N. Vladimov “The General and His Army”)
    “Martynov’s poetry nourished the illusion of a rational structure of the world and the hope that everything is for the best in this best of all worlds"(David Samoilov "Prose of a Poet")

Whatever is done is for the better.

Proverbs of the Russian people. - M.: Fiction. V. I. Dal. 1989.

See what it means: “No matter what is done, everything is for the better.” in other dictionaries:

    Every bad thing has its good side. Everything in the world is for the better. See GRIEF CONSOLIATION Everything in the world is for the better. Whatever is done is for the better. See DESTINY PATIENCE HOPE...

    Wed. You should not lament that the marriage between us will not take place. Everything that is done is for the better. N. Makarov. Memories. 5, 13. Wed. Finally... everything is for the better in this world, as Voltaire, it seems, said... Turgenev. Zap. hunter My neighbor... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

    Tearline- words funny signature motto Examples: Happiness is when you really want to go to work in the morning and go home in the evening. Do you like to ride? Love and ride. You can't take me with your bare feet!!! Grandfather Mastday and the hares. Everything that is done is for the better, and what is for the better is not... Hacker's dictionary

    Get rid of it, bad life, get attached to the good one! Without knowing grief, you will not know joy. Sometimes you swallow it bitterly, but you spit it out sweetly (and vice versa). You eat it bitterly, but it burps sweetly (and vice versa). We've seen the bad, we'll see the good. We waited for now, let's wait and sweat. Waiting... V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

    Yes Man Genre ... Wikipedia

    Always Say Yes Yes Man Genre Comedy Director Peyton Reed Producer David Heyman Richard Zanuck ... Wikipedia

    The band's studio album... Wikipedia

    KARTSEV Rafail Mitrofanovich- (1861 after 1932), Voronezh merchant, public figure, chairman of the Voronezh department of the Union of Russian People (VO RNC). Born in the village. Burovlyanka, Voronezh district. in the family of a peasant who later moved to Voronezh. Information about occupation... ... Black Hundred. Historical Encyclopedia 1900–1917

    - - was born on May 30, 1811 in Sveaborg, recently annexed to Russia, where his father, Grigory Nikiforovich, served as a junior doctor for the naval crew. Grigory Nikiforovich received his last name upon entering the seminary from his educational... ... Large biographical encyclopedia


  • Whatever is done is for the better! , Vedenskaya Tatyana Evgenievna. “Neighbors, or Happiness Doesn’t Come from Guys” Diana believed that Sergei’s attention to her person was undeserved happiness, unprecedented luck, mind-blowing luck. Of course! Not beautiful, not smart...
  • Whatever is done is for the better Dilogy, Vedenskaya T.. “Neighbours, or Happiness Isn’t in Guys” Diana believed that Sergei’s attention to her person was undeserved happiness, unprecedented luck, mind-blowing luck. Of course! Not beautiful, not smart...

It knows no boundaries, for all occasions there are all kinds of proverbs, sayings, parables, aphorisms, and, what is most surprising, for all situations in instructive phrases are different, but the conclusions are the same. The same words are repeated from generation to generation, but sometimes this is pronounced purely formally, without realizing the deep meaning in which the spiritual law is contained, and ignorance of this will not protect you from responsibility. For example, this happens with the expression: “Everything that is done is done for the better.”

Spiritual Law

No one denies the laws of natural sciences (physical, chemical, biological, etc.), and, knowing them at least at the everyday level, people are guided and obey them in their lives. No one will jump from an airplane without a parachute, touch exposed electrical wires (Ohm’s law), dive into water without knowing how to swim. Spiritual laws were also discovered a long time ago and are set out, for example, in the Bible or other religious teachings, and, of course, they are reflected in the oral works of peoples. The spiritual law: “Everything that is done is done for the better” is not a banal soothing phrase, not a call for better, but a chance to understand and accept what happened for further spiritual growth.

Understand and accept

“Everything that is done is done for the better” is heard from all sides on any small occasion. But as soon as it comes to serious tragedies, the human mind refuses to accept death as a science, always looking for the culprit (he or they, of course, always exists), without understanding the main thing: every single one of them is involved in what happened. Everything is for the better - this is not a slogan of optimists who are not afraid of anything, but a law confirming a person’s right to choose. A choice is made every second: to go - not to go, to do - not to do, to think - not to think, to be silent - to speak. When taking action, a person chooses (albeit unconsciously) the responsibility that he will bear for it, so the expressions “fate deprived” or “God punished” are actually reassuring and justifying phrases for non-believers. No one punishes anyone for violating spiritual laws - only everyone punishes themselves. It’s difficult because making excuses has become a habit. But just as it is useless to scream in the sky and make excuses that you forgot your parachute because you didn’t get enough sleep, it is also useless to wring your hands about your unfortunate fate and look for those responsible.

Everything will be fine

Why is everything that is done done for the better? What is being done according to the law is understandable, but who said what is for the better? Probably because it is an axiom. It is accepted by the heart, and it is almost impossible to prove it to a closed soul. Once upon a time, at the dawn of civilization, man was given knowledge about all the laws, but he preferred to cultivate the natural sciences because they opened the way to profit and power. But not paying attention to spiritual commandments means signing your own death warrant, as can be seen in the history of recent centuries: the more sophisticated and grandiose the discoveries, the more ruthless people are towards each other, the louder they shout about peace, the bloodier the wars, the more More drugs means more diseases. But the universe still gravitates towards good, and therefore everything that is done is done for the better, even if soon there will not be a single person left in the Universe.