What is bioenergy: key concepts, exercises. Healing with bioenergy How much does treatment with a bioenergeticist cost?

We all receive energy from the external environment, process it and partially assimilate it. Otherwise we could not exist. But in addition to the task of “existing,” some people set themselves other tasks, for example, “to be healthy,” “to be happy,” to discover paranormal abilities in themselves, and so on. All this requires energy. Lots of energy.

Firstly, bioenergy is our defense against diseases. Why in the Middle Ages, during the most terrible epidemics that claimed millions of lives, some people got sick and others did not? They didn’t know about any vaccinations in those days... It’s just that different people there was a different bioenergetic “shield” that protected them from diseases.

Secondly, bioenergy is our protection from any unfriendly external influences, including magical ones. The denser the energy field around a person, the more difficult it is for all vampires, sorcerers and other evil spirits to reach him.

Thirdly, it is bioenergy determines the quality of our life. It is human energy, its sufficiency or, conversely, deficiency, that gives us feelings of joy, happiness, strength, self-confidence, or, conversely, boredom, irritability, apathy, laziness, depression. Energetic people, as a rule, are successful in life, they achieve what they want, because they are able to invest a lot of energy into their desire. People who have little energy spend it all on maintaining an existence that is, as a rule, boring and sluggish. They are annoyed by the need for any effort, they are weakened by any communication, any surprises, they prefer to dream of an interesting and successful life than to create it and live it. People with energy deficiency are always losers.

Fourthly, to discover paranormal abilities you need significantly more energy than just living. If you want to receive information extrasensually (clairvoyance), influence people, including for the purpose of their healing (extrasensory perception, healing, magic), eliminate problems, including karmic ones, and control fate, you will first of all need a completely different bioenergy resource , significantly more than what you have now. Bioenergy provides you with this resource. That's why bioenergetics is the beginning of all parapsychology studies. If a person’s energy channels are cleared and nothing interferes with the free flow of energy, he is, first of all, healthy. About 70% of all human diseases occur due to improper or insufficient flow of bioenergy through his energy body. And this means that it is precisely this number of problems that we can save a person by working only energetically, that is, with his so-called “etheric” body. In other words, bioenergy is, in essence, healing on the energy (etheric) plane. And you will feel it for yourself when every day of classes you become healthier and happier.

Bioenergy, cosmoenergetics, reiki, qigong, wushu, pranayama, etc. – different ways mastering and managing energy. You will learn how they relate to each other.

WITH energy vampires we all meet all the time. Bioenergy will help you deal with them easily.

Bioenergy therapy is the treatment of diseases and pathologies using biological energy. The human body retains its vitality thanks to biological energy obtained from food, from the air, from the radiation around us, from space. Without sufficient energy, life is impossible. In this case, not only the quantity, but also the quality of the absorbed energy is of great importance. Along with positive, beneficial radiation, the environment around us also contains negative radiation that is harmful to human health. As a result of evolution, special energy centers have developed - chakras, which serve as unique transformers of biological energy. Receiving an undifferentiated flow of energy from the external environment, they transform it in accordance with the needs of a particular human organism. In addition, the continuous movement of biological energy in the body forms a bioelectric field of a certain intensity - the human aura, which is also capable of performing a barrier function, reflecting and dispersing flows of unfavorable energy.
The energetic and physical structure of the human body is closely interconnected. Pathological changes in internal organs, tissues or functional systems inevitably entail a change in the bioenergy of the body - energy flows, the functioning of the chakras, a change in the spectrum of biocurrents towards lower frequencies. On the other hand, problems in the energy system as a result of external energy influences cause physical illness.
Bioenergy therapy is based on this property of living matter. Some people (healers), as a result of spiritual self-improvement, acquire the ability to sense problems in the energy state of other people - uneven density of the aura, changes in its color range, dysfunction of the chakras. In addition, bioenergy therapists have the ability to purposefully, through an effort of will, change their own bioenergy flows and direct them towards the patient, thereby actively interfering with his energy (positive energy attack).
Energy injections into areas of low energy density lead to an increase in the protective forces of the corresponding organ; dissipation of energy in the area of ​​its excess suppresses the hyperfunction of organs and leads to cleansing of the chakras. General high-frequency infusions normalize the regulatory functions of the whole organism and increase its adaptive reserves. Thus, the alignment and stabilization of the body’s energy entails the normalization of its functioning at the physical level, which leads to recovery. Unfortunately, the lack of sufficiently sensitive physical sensors significantly complicates the scientific study of bioenergetic processes and the objectification of bioenergy therapy. However, the accumulated esoteric knowledge in this area allows us to achieve results that are amazing in their effectiveness.
Bioenergy treatment for headaches
Method of “sealing” energy for headaches. Place your palms at the patient's temples. The left one screens, the right one acts. The active hand makes circular movements, “sealing” energy to the temple. The exposure continues for 1 minute, then the influencing and shielding hands should be changed. Before this, you need to reset the energy (shaking the brush). Each temple is exposed alternately. At the end of the session, you should click on three points located on the same line between the outer corner of the eye and the temple. And also at two points in the occipital area.
The “pull” method for headaches in the temple area. Both palms are located at the temples. The active hand performs “pulling” movements. Each stretch is accompanied by a release of energy. Then the hands change. The session lasts about 15 minutes.
The “pull” method for influenza headaches. The active hand works opposite the points on the side of the head, the passive hand screens to the left. Each stretch ends with a release of energy.
The “pull” method for ear pain. The active hand works only from the side of the sore ear, directing energy to three points, the passive hand shields on the side of the place of influence.
Treatment with bioenergy for colds
Treatment for flu and runny nose. Two hands work. The active palm is located on the patient's face or at a minimum distance from it. The shielding hand is located at the back of the head. The active hand begins to make circular movements clockwise, as if washing the face. The exposure lasts 2-3 minutes. A combination of bioenergy therapy and acupressure can be of great help. When you have the flu, acupressure on paired points above the eyebrows, at the outer corners of the eyes, under the pupils and near the wings of the nose helps. When you have a runny nose, it helps to influence the indicated points at the wings of the nose, as well as paired melancholy under the corners of the lips. The impact is performed in a pulse rhythm - 60 circular movements clockwise.
Treatment for sore throat. The energy emanating from the palm is directed to the jugular fossa. A beam of energy describes circles around it for 2-3 minutes. And then performs the same movements around two points located below the jugular fossa. Relief comes from an energy compress - the healer places an open palm on the indicated points, then applies the “pulling” method. This method is complemented by acupressure on a point located at the outer edge of the nail. thumb hands.
Treatment for cough. When treating a cough, you should first act on the acupuncture point located on the bone at the bottom of the jugular fossa. After which the healer acts on the chest and back, their upper parts, using the “pulling” method.
Bioenergy therapy for asthma
When treating asthma, special attention should be paid to the patient's breathing: inhale - 4-6 seconds, holding the breath and exiting take the same amount of time. During exhalation, the healer sends a stream of energy into the patient's solar plexus. Treatment of asthma begins with pumping up energy, then acupressure is needed on two points: on the bend of the elbow, with inside, and a point located 1 cm from it. Then the healer acts on two points at the bend of the hand, on the inside of the arm. Next, the impact is carried out on points above and below the Adam’s apple, and on paired points located at the wings of the nose. After these procedures, the energy impact begins. With an active hand, the healer uses a circular motion to treat the jugular fossa with a beam of energy. The exposure lasts 3-4 minutes. The other hand shields the upper back. After this procedure, the shielding hand performs a “stretch”, the active hand performs the screen. After each “extraction”, an energy release is necessary. The session ends with the laying on of hands for 30 seconds on the upper back and chest.
Help with blood pressure disorders and heart disease
Help with hypertension. The patient is impacted from the back. The healer raises his hands up from the sides, at first they are clenched into fists, but as they move upward the fists open. By the end of the movement, a dome forms above the patient's head. The healer’s palms, connected in a “boat,” move along the spine, the movement ends at the patient’s heels, and when it’s finished, the charge must be released. Then the reverse movement follows, the palms open at the top. The movements are repeated 4-5 times (but no more than 8). You need to end the session with a downward movement of energy. To achieve best result The acupressure point above the armpit should be affected. During treatment, it is recommended to drink hawthorn or garlic juice with milk.
Help with hypotension. For hypotension, a healing session begins with acupressure on paired points located at the junction of the back and neck. The points are massaged simultaneously for 1-2 minutes. Energy impact starts from the bottom, the hands of the cylitel are folded in a “boat”. Rising from the heels to the head, opening, the hands throw out a charge, and then rise above the head and, closing, go down. The movements are repeated 4-5 times, the session ends with the energy moving upward.
Help with heart disease. When treating heart diseases, there is no need to pump up energy. The healer works only with the right hand and performs circular movements in the chest area, opposite the heart chakra. The radius of movement should gradually narrow, the fingers should be gathered into a bun. The movements end in the heart chakra, the healer touches a point in the center of the chest, between the nipples, with one finger and releases the energy.
The procedure must be repeated several times. After which the healer, while inhaling, raises his hands and runs his right hand along the patient’s left arm, transmitting an energy message. In this case, the healer’s hand moves along the patient’s arm from the shoulder (back) to the little finger. By touching the little finger, the cylitel releases the energy.
A heart attack helps relieve rhythmic pressure on points located with back side left hand, closer to the hand.
Help with radiculitis and neuralgia
Help with shoulder radiculitis. The session begins with pumping up energy, the healer works in the spine area. The active hand is located above the shoulder from the back, the shielding hand is located on the shoulder in front. For brachial radiculitis, the “traction” method is used. After each “extraction”, an energy release is necessary. The active hand performs circular movements along the sore arm, from the fingers upward, touching the bioactive points. The session ends with a shoulder rub. To enhance the positive effect, it is necessary to teach the patient how to do acupressure massage of bioactive points on the trapezius muscle. The time of impact on the muscle is 1 minute, the massage is performed daily, 1-2 times a day.
Help with lumbosacral radiculitis. The healer pumps up energy. During the session, the healer is in a sitting position, the patient is standing, turning sideways. The shielding hand is located in the bladder area, the active hand performs circular movements in the sacrum area, not forgetting to release energy. The session time is 7-8 minutes, then the patient turns to the other side. In this position, the shielding hand makes circular movements, and the active one serves as a screen in the bladder area.
Bioactive points in the treatment of intercostal neuralgia
Help with intercostal neuralgia. At the beginning of the session, energy pumping is performed. The shielding hand is located on the ribs. The active palm performs circular movements, touching bioactive points on the hand.
Help with bruises and fractures
Help with ankle sprains. The healer works on the area of ​​the sprain, treating the leg around the foot. Hands work alternately for 1 minute. The session lasts 4-6 minutes. The course of treatment takes a week, sessions should be daily. Then, over the next week, sessions are also carried out daily, the cilite works with the bioactive point on the foot for 1 minute, “pulling out” the energy and relieving it. Hands change and act alternately. The session ends with stroking the foot with both hands and releasing the charge.
Help with a bruised knee. For a knee injury sore spot process for about 4-6 minutes. A shielding hand is placed over the bruise, the active hand performs circular movements over the bioactive point on the thigh. The exposure lasts 1 minute. Next, you need to touch the indicated point and perform a “traction”. The same movements over the bioactive point should be performed near another point near the heel; in this case, the active hand is near the heel, and the screen is near the knee. The session ends with stroking the bruised area.
Help with fractures. For fractures, energy treatment is carried out in the same way as for bruises: circular movements over bioactive points, touching them, “stretching”. In case of a broken arm, paired points are used, located on the forearm on the outer and inner sides, 4 fingers above the base of the palm.

Under bioradiological treatment, in other words, biofield treatment. imply a technique of bioenergetic influence on diseased human organs through the laying on of hands.

Bioenergetic treatment of ailments has been known since ancient times. This method of treatment is still used by many tribes that are at a very low level of development and have preserved their customs and rituals since ancient times. Ability to provide healing bioenergetic impact inherent in any person, however, as an integral teaching, bioenergetic techniques were formulated by yogis in ancient India.

Indeed, the method of bioenergetic treatment is an integral part of yoga and has a history of more than a thousand years. From India, the practice of bioenergy treatment came to China and the countries of the Middle East.

Some idea of ​​the methods of bioenergetic treatment using the laying on of hands can be gleaned from the Gospels - this is exactly how Jesus Christ carried out the treatment. Jesus had a huge supply of energy. The Gospels do not indicate how Christ restored his energy potential, but it is mentioned that in order to restore his energy supply, he regularly fasted and even taught his disciples some sacred exercises. During his earthly life, Jesus Christ was able to carry out treatment and diagnosis not only through direct contact, but also remotely, at a distance. The healing effect is enhanced by faith in the healer. Jesus cured blindness, tongue-tiedness, dumbness, paralysis, epilepsy, all kinds of mental disorders, dropsy, bleeding, leprosy, joint diseases and fever. He treated the blind by laying on hands and at the same time washing his eyes with saliva. Sometimes the treatment had to be repeated. When treating epilepsy, the patient was put into a state of shock. Treatment was carried out taking into account biorhythms; some diseases were treated only after sunset. During treatment, a kind of medical ethics was observed. For example, in the treatment of blindness, when the eyes were washed with saliva, patients were treated without witnesses, usually outside the village. Treatment was carried out not only by laying on of hands, but also by breathing. Sometimes the cure was immediate. Jesus had seventy disciples, he taught them how to heal and sent them to different cities. The texts of the Gospels show us that by the beginning of the first year of the new era, a doctrine of bioenergetic treatment had developed, which included rules for treating an extensive list of diseases, techniques for gaining energy, as well as a theoretical basis and philosophy.

Treatment with magnetism was known in medieval Europe. Some priests had magnetic powers. The monks firmly believed in the healing power of the laid hands, and some of them themselves possessed such an ability. However, if in India the process of study was hidden, but not the treatment itself, then in inquisitorial Christian Europe it was dangerous even to treat in this way. Only the church had the right to determine whether this gift came from God or the devil, and recognized bioenergetic abilities only for clergy or kings.

Treatment by laying on of hands is also known in Russia. Archpriest Avvakum treated in this way. Many Russian healers also mastered this type of treatment. The secrets of treatment methods have been passed down from generation to generation and have survived to this day. Who has not heard of the spell of blood and various diseases? And this is magnetism treatment. At the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries, the doctrine of treatment with magnetism ceased to be a secret. Ramacharaka's book "Occult Treatment of Yogis" (1909) is published. The first textbooks, such as “Healing Magnetism” by Vep-Ness Stillman (1909-1910), also began to be published. At the same time, the beginning of the training of doctors who know the methods of treatment with magnetism should be attributed. Many laboratories have been founded. To date, significant progress has been achieved in this area, and special laboratories are being created to study biofields. However, much remains unclear.

What does modern science know about magnetic treatment, and how does it view this problem? The normal functioning of the human body is ensured not only by the external supply of various chemical compounds and elements of organic and inorganic origin. For life support, it is also necessary to supply energy from the external environment. This energy does not appear as a result of any chemical or physical processes, but is the fundamental basis of the material world, present in any object or phenomenon. Any living organism has a developed bioenergetic system with its own inputs and outputs, capable of absorbing and accumulating energy, distributing it between organs and individual cells. Bioenergy, like any energy, in its transformations is transformed into a biological field, and, in turn, the biofield can be transformed into bioenergy; each cell, organ, part of organs and the organism as a whole generates a biofield, which forms a specific structure for each organ.

A healthy person has three different types of biofield, each of which changes in a certain way depending on the disease of a particular organ, thus reflecting a violation of their energy. It is by energy changes that one can determine what happened to a particular system in the human body. On the contrary, restoring energy balance means curing the disease. Having increased sensitivity to fields, sensitives, when their hands approach a person’s body, at some distance from it they feel the biofield in the form of various weak manifestations: heat, cold, tingling, etc. And highly sensitive sensitives in a certain state can see the biofield1 (aura) , surrounding a person. The aura, painted in different colors, creates a luminous halo around a person. The sensations obtained upon contact with the field can be differentiated in relation to certain diseases. During treatment, an energetic effect is applied to the diseased organ. During the process of bioenergetic treatment, the patient’s energy level increases, and the healer’s temporarily decreases according to the energy expended. Each person has a biofield, but usually its energy is only enough to satisfy the needs of his own body.

Special exercises make it possible to increase the body’s energy to such an extent that it has the ability to treat not only its own diseases, but also the diseases of another person.

Thus, the essence of bioenergetic, or magnetic, treatment consists in the ability to gain and transfer energy to a diseased organ or the body as a whole. This method of treatment has wide possibilities and high efficiency, helping to cure radiculitis, migraines, endocrine diseases, myopia and farsightedness, various inflammations, paralysis and strokes, asthma, influenza, dropsy, mental illness, trophic ulcers, promotes blood clotting during cuts, treats rheumatism and many other diseases. In addition to the universality of the effect, a complete cure or dramatic improvement is achieved in some cases almost instantly. Diagnosis and treatment of the disease are carried out both in direct contact with the patient and at a distance of tens of kilometers in the patient’s image using the so-called resonance method.

Treatment can also be carried out through objects saturated with the healer's field. Moreover, diagnostics can be carried out using only photographs or sculptures. Compared to other healing methods, bioenergy treatment has a huge advantage due to the absence of any complex medical equipment, its accessibility to almost any person and the ability to do without pharmacological drugs.

Bioenergy therapy using hands

The energetic and physical structure of the human body is closely interconnected. Pathological changes in the internal organs, tissues and systems of the body necessarily lead to changes in the bioenergetic picture: energy flows, chakras and biocurrents go into a low-frequency mode of functioning. On the contrary, external energy influence can lead to disruptions in the energy system, causing physical illness.

Healers-bioenergy therapists are able to sense problems in the energy state of other people - uneven density of the aura, changes in its color scheme, disturbances in the functioning of the chakras. In addition, bioenergy therapists can, through an effort of will, change their own bioenergy flows and direct them towards the patient, actively influencing his energy in a positive way. Therapeutic energy injections into areas with low energy density lead to an increase in the protective forces of the corresponding organ, and dissipation of energy in an excess area suppresses the hyperfunction of organs and cleanses the chakras, thereby normalizing the regulatory functions of the entire body. Below are a number of examples of the use of bioenergetic techniques in the treatment of a number of diseases by traditional healers.

Bioenergy treatment for headaches

The method of "sealing" energy for the treatment of headaches

Place your palms at the patient's temples. The left one screens, the right one acts. The active hand makes circular movements, “sealing” energy to the temple. The exposure continues for 1 minute, then the influencing and shielding hands should be changed. Before this, you need to reset the energy (shaking the brush). Each temple is exposed alternately. At the end of the session, you should click on three points located on the same line between the outer corner of the eye and the temple. And also at two points in the occipital area.

The "pull" method for the treatment of temporal headaches

Both palms are located at the temples. The active hand performs “pulling” movements. Each stretch is accompanied by a release of energy. Then the hands change. The session lasts about 15 minutes.

The "pull" method for treating influenza headaches

The active hand works opposite the points on the side of the head, the passive hand screens to the left. Each stretch ends with a release of energy.

The "pull" method for ear pain

The active hand works only from the side of the sore ear, directing energy to three points, the passive hand shields on the side of the place of influence.

Treatment with bioenergy for colds

Treatment for flu and runny nose

Two hands work. The active palm is located on the patient's face or at a minimum distance from it. The shielding hand is located at the back of the head. The active hand begins to make circular movements clockwise, as if washing the face. The exposure lasts 2-3 minutes. A combination of bioenergy therapy and acupressure can be of great help. When you have the flu, acupressure on paired points above the eyebrows, at the outer corners of the eyes, under the pupils and near the wings of the nose helps. When you have a runny nose, it helps to influence the indicated points at the wings of the nose, as well as paired melancholy under the corners of the lips. The impact is performed in a pulse rhythm - 60 circular movements clockwise.

Treatment of sore throat

The energy emanating from the palm is directed to the jugular fossa. A beam of energy describes circles around it for 2-3 minutes. And then performs the same movements around two points located below the jugular fossa. Relief comes from an energy compress - the healer places an open palm on the indicated points, then applies the “pulling” method. An addition to this method is the acupressure effect on a point located at the outer edge of the thumbnail.

Cough treatment

When treating a cough, you should first act on the acupuncture point located on the bone at the bottom of the jugular fossa. After which the healer acts on the chest and back, their upper parts, using the “pulling” method.

Bioenergy therapy for the treatment of asthma

When treating asthma, special attention should be paid to the patient's breathing: inhale - 4-6 seconds, holding the breath and exiting take the same amount of time. During exhalation, the healer sends a stream of energy into the patient's solar plexus. Treatment of asthma begins with pumping up energy, then acupressure is needed on two points: on the bend of the elbow, on the inside, and a point located 1 cm from it. Then the healer acts on two points at the bend of the hand, on the inside of the arm. Next, the impact is carried out on points above and below the Adam’s apple, and on paired points located at the wings of the nose. After these procedures, the energy impact begins. With an active hand, the healer uses a circular motion to treat the jugular fossa with a beam of energy. The exposure lasts 3-4 minutes. The other hand shields the upper back. After this procedure, the shielding hand performs a “stretch”, the active hand performs the screen. After each “extraction” it is necessary to reset the energy. The session ends with the laying on of hands for 30 seconds on the upper back and chest.

Treatment for blood pressure disorders and heart disease

Treatment of hypertension

The patient is impacted from the back. The healer raises his hands up from the sides, at first they are clenched into fists, but as they move upward the fists open. By the end of the movement, a dome forms above the patient's head. The palms, connected by a boat, move along the spine, the movement ends at the patient’s heels. After finishing the healing movement, you need to reset the charge. Then the reverse movement follows, the palms open at the top. The movements are repeated 4-5 times (but no more than 8). You need to end the session with a downward movement of energy. To achieve the best result, you should act on the acupressure point above the armpit. During treatment, it is recommended to drink hawthorn or garlic juice with milk.

Treatment of hypotension

For hypotension, a healing session begins with acupressure on paired points located at the junction of the back and neck. The points are massaged simultaneously for 1-2 minutes. The energy impact begins from below, the hands of the cylitel are folded in a “boat”. Rising from the heels to the head, opening, the hands throw out a charge, and then rise above the head and, closing, go down. The movements are repeated 4-5 times, the session ends with the energy moving upward.

Alexander Abramovich, you are a professional doctor. How does this fit with such concepts as psychic, bioenergetics? Doesn't one contradict the other?

Not at all. But I came to bioenergy in several stages. I really am a doctor, I graduated from the Military Medical Academy, worked for four years as a senior doctor in a fighter aviation regiment, and then in four different military hospitals. He served for 31 years, and when he retired, he worked as a cardiologist in two clinics at once. But back in the early 1970s, I began to take an active interest in traditional medicine and even use it, although this was not accepted then. One hero of the Soviet Union managed, with the help of leeches, to save his toes, which had turned black as a result of a serious vascular disease - obliterating endarteritis.

- And as a cardiologist, have you used any natural treatments?

In 1975, I worked in a military hospital in Karelia, and a high-ranking official came to me for treatment with coronary heart disease (CHD). He had up to 84 angina attacks per day, and for each attack he took a nitroglycerin tablet. 84 tablets a day! Naturally, there was no effect. And then I came across an appeal from some grandfather from the Urals to the Institute medicinal plants, so they tested his method of treating coronary heart disease with pumpkin seeds. Such seeds are usually used to treat helminthic infestations, and in large dosages - up to a glass. And here are small doses - 40-50 grams, with the aim of influencing IHD. And I suggested to this person: the method has not been tested, but it is clearly harmless, the costs are small, let's try it. He took these seeds (raw, of course) for a week, then was discharged. The painful attacks, however, did not go away completely, but they became much less frequent: instead of 84 attacks a day, only 7-8 occurred. The effect was convincing. I even made a report about this at a conference at the Military Medical Academy, but a lot of funds were being created at that time, and all my information fell on deaf ears.

- What other contacts did you have with traditional medicine?

Quite a lot and in different areas. For example, we had to deal with the removal of stones due to cholelithiasis. I once had successful experience using the well-known technique of tubage with olive oil. But this method is very difficult and is not suitable for everyone. I was looking for something milder and even conducted research on the method of treating gallstones and urolithiasis with a decoction of wheatgrass rhizomes. We had to carry out some scientific work: take gallstones and urinary stones removed from people, weigh them on pharmacy scales, measure them, and determine their configuration. Wheatgrass rhizomes are a well-known remedy in folk medicine. They use it like this. You need 2 tbsp. Brew a tablespoon of wheatgrass rhizomes with a glass of boiling water, leave for an hour until it cools, strain, and then drink 1-2 tbsp. spoons three times a day. Indeed, the pebbles become smaller and are able to come out. But the course of treatment here is long, three months.

- And yet, how did you come to bioenergy?

In 1990, I, together with two other doctors from our medical unit and a group of people from different professions, began to engage in rebirthing. It's 15 minutes of slow and deep breathing without pauses, then 15 minutes of fast and deep breathing without pauses and, finally, 15 minutes of “dog” breathing (frequent and shallow). The task is to worsen (!) the blood supply to the cerebral cortex in order to stop its inhibitory influence on the subcortex, and then the subcortex will be able to give out all the many thousands of years of experience of humanity. Already in the 2nd lesson, I felt a babbling stream across my forehead, and in the 3rd lesson, a hallucination arose, which made me, an absolutely unbelieving person, rethink all my ideological positions. I was so shocked that I didn’t tell anyone about it for a long time, and when I finally told it at work 3 months later, everyone laughed at me. After the 4th lesson I quit rebirthing. But then I began to notice interesting things behind me. For example, a woman who was sitting on the bus with her back to me turned to me when I was looking at her. This incident was later repeated. And one day our masseuse brought a photograph of her mother, who lived in a Ukrainian village, suffered from headaches, and no one could help her. Looking at this photograph, I suddenly saw the image of a woman whose right middle was pulsating and glowing red. cerebral artery, and I say: this is a typical hypertensive patient, the woman has hypertension. This was my first experience of remote diagnostics.

- What diseases can be treated in this way?

I had to work with many. Each human organ has its own bienergetic characteristics. The condition of the blood vessels is especially well determined. Working with atherosclerotic plaques now does not present any difficulty in terms of complete restoration of the heart arteries, even if they are seriously damaged by atherosclerosis. But I want the results to be verified by hardware research methods - at least by comparing the volumetric blood flow on the device. Unfortunately, there are great difficulties with this. That's why I was attracted simple techniques, when in five minutes you can get both the result and its confirmation. For example, glaucoma is increased intraocular pressure. It returns to normal literally 5 minutes after exposure, and the numbers speak for themselves - here is the official protocol. Here my task is to mentally restore the drainage system of the eye. You can work on the vessels of the heart and brain, find narrowings and plaques and eliminate them, relieve bronchospasms in asthma, cleanse the liver in hepatitis, eliminate discogenic disorders in the spine... This is work on phantoms - mental images, a common thing, everyone can do it. But, of course, a good knowledge of the structure of each organ is required.

Please, be more specific about the fact that “everyone can do it.” Most people are convinced that they can’t do anything like that...

Do you feel like you are carrying on your head every day, from morning to evening, an atmospheric column weighing at least 30 kg? No. And the cosmonauts who returned from the flight lie like dolls and feel. That is, our sensations do not coincide with the outside world. The task is to increase your sensitivity enough to sense what is in the real world.

- Can you develop this in yourself?

Elementary. Stand straight, press your elbows tightly to your sides, arms bent at the elbows, palms facing each other at a distance of about 20 cm. Eyes half-closed. Now imagine that there is nothing, there are only your palms. Listen to your palms and begin to slowly move them towards and away from each other. Slowly and calmly. How do you feel? There is some kind of obstacle between them that prevents them from being brought together and separated. This is how you begin to feel the atmosphere. Now imagine that there is a soccer ball under your palms. Start moving your palms around the circumference of this ball, feel that it is elastic and does not allow your palms to get closer. Do you have a feeling? Eat. All palms can initially be psychic in terms of increasing sensitivity. And then you need to try to sense the biofield of a person, cat, dog.

- What does it mean to feel the biofield?

You've probably seen: when a cat runs away from a dog, and suddenly there is a building in front of it, there is nowhere to run, it turns around, and the dog cannot approach it. Runs in circles and barks. That is, the cat has created a biofield around itself that the dog cannot enter. These things are common to both animals and humans. You have already started to feel something. And now you go to the wall and imagine that, say, a woman is standing against the wall. Here is her silhouette: head, shoulders... Your eyes are half closed. You carefully extend your hands towards her and feel some kind of obstacle. All your attention is on your palms: won’t some sensation appear there? It can be different for different people: tingling, a feeling of warmth, etc. Having mastered this, you will then begin to check the biofield of individual organs, say, the heart. Place your palms in front of your heart, focus on the sensation in them and, with your eyes half-closed, trace the mental image of your heart and its configuration with your hands.

- Can we help ourselves bioenergetically?

To do this, you need to learn to “pump yourself up.” In a diseased organ, the biofield is always weakened. Increasing the biofield in this area helps the diseased organ recover. You can find out which organ is sick using a ring and a weight on a thread. You just need to agree with him in advance that, say, clockwise circles or longitudinal oscillations of a pendulum mean “yes,” and counterclockwise circles or transverse oscillations mean “no.” And the bioenergy pumping itself is performed with the help of breathing. Stand in the priest's pose (legs slightly apart, one slightly in front of the other, arms bent at the elbows, hands at forehead level), facing north, eyes half-closed, shallow breathing. As you inhale, draw energy from the Cosmos to your fingertips from the inside, increasing this amount of energy with each subsequent inhalation. And as you exhale, send this energy inside your hands, then (with the next exhalation) fill your arms to the elbows, to the shoulders, fill your neck, face from bottom to top, brain, back of the head, spine from top to bottom, all internal organs, legs and, finally , feet. Finally, bring your palms together for 5-6 seconds. At the same time, mental guidelines for health, strength, calmness, and creative power are pronounced.

- What would you like to advise our readers?

For some reason, all people want treatment, attention, etc. They say - love yourself, and everything will be fine. And I think this: just pay less attention to yourself. There are many people around who need your help. Pay attention to them, help them, forget about yourself! And all your illnesses will disappear.

Interviewed by Alexander GERTS

Many processes in the body are interconnected. The body is designed in such a way that one energy flows into another, which is necessary for the functioning of a separate organ. Human bioenergy is one of the types of transformation processes that are personally controlled. It has its own secrets and teaching methods that allow you to treat your body.

Bioenergy can be classified as phenomena that are not visible to the eye, but have a place for their existence. Some call this quackery, fiction, others take this phenomenon seriously, because they consider it a safe method of treatment. The online magazine site recognizes the existence of such a phenomenon as bioenergy, which is aimed at improving the health and life of a person in general.

What is bioenergy?

Bioenergy can be called the transformation of one energy into another. This process exists in nature, for example, in the process of photosynthesis, when solar energy is converted into exchangeable ones, as a result of which the plants become green, the fruits become full beneficial properties. Bioenergy presupposes the presence within a person of natural energy, which can be transformed into that which is necessary for a person.

Bioenergy has many concepts because it is used in various areas life.

  1. Bioenergy can be called the supernatural abilities of a person who can read the thoughts of others or look into the future or past.
  2. Bioenergy is the influence of a person on the body of another in order to improve or worsen his health.
  3. Bioenergy can be called an internal charge that is felt by others during contact with a person.

Biological energy influences how strong, confident and powerful a person considers himself to be. It affects the state of his health, which is why even medicine is interested in this term.

Nowadays, when a person has more responsibilities and worries, and the time in the day does not increase, internal energy is depleted. lethargy, constant fatigue, drowsiness, periodic illnesses, stress, irritability - all this is the result of the fact that a person has no energy. The tanks are empty. This is felt and even more unbalanced.

Empty “tanks” are quite understandable if a person is already in a dying state. But when he is young, healthy and should be energetic, emptiness indicates an imbalance in his lifestyle. Everyone should feel the energy within themselves that allows them to live, act, and be active. If this is not the case, then depression, stress and lethargy are constant companions of life.

First, let's look at why a person loses energy. He loses it when he goes against his nature and desires:

  • The woman does not want to have children.
  • The man doesn't want sex.
  • A woman doesn't want to be beautiful.
  • A man does not want to demonstrate his strength in front of a woman; etc.

A person goes against his nature, the natural reactions that occur in his body and prompt him to perform certain actions. A woman's body is automatically programmed to give birth to children. A man's body produces testosterone to provide energy and strength that he can show off to a woman. If a person ignores these processes, he starts the process of depriving himself of energy.

Desires are the second factor that deprives a person of energy. He wants to get a certain job, but relatives and friends discourage him from doing so. After which the beloved partner insists that he leave his idea and do something else. But the individual has a desire, which gives him the inspiration, energy and strength he needs to act. If he gives up his desire, then at the same time the inspiration, energy, and strength that were generated by the desire disappear. If there is no desire, then there is no energy. It is unlikely that a person has a sincere desire to do what his close people encouraged him to do. That is why he often walks lethargic and tired: what he is doing is not his desire, which could give him energy and strength.

How to find inner energy and restore strength? First, you need to accept your nature: you are a man/woman, which means you have specific needs that are inherent to your gender. Why shouldn't they obey?

Secondly, start wanting and doing things sincerely. You have the right to desire and realize your desires. Don't listen to anyone. Other people always base their desires first. It is beneficial for them to force you to live in a way that is convenient for them. Whether it matches your desires or not, they don’t care. Accept this idea, understand it, even if we are talking about the closest people. Everyone thinks about their own benefit - this is inherent in nature. If you are dissuaded from something, then the person is doing it only for the sake of his own peace of mind. It will be good for him if you live as he tells you. This is his wish. What are your wishes? Do they count? After all, it is your desires and their achievement that provide the very energy and strength that you are deprived of.

Human bioenergetics refers to the energy processes that occur in the body for the sake of the performance and active state of all systems. Depending on the strength of bioenergy, a person feels healthy and young. If internal strength decreases, then a person quickly ages and gets sick. Many diseases are triggered by a decrease in bioenergy.

There are numerous practices aimed at eliminating stagnation in the ducts and directing energy through biochannels:

  • Chakra cleansing.
  • Impact with hands.
  • Muscle relaxation.

Bioenergy specialists view the body and soul in direct relationship. If there are various diseases, then mentally the person loses energy, enthusiasm, and mood. And if a person suffers mentally, then this leads to it at the body level.

Bioenergy helps in curing most diseases, in particular. This is why bioenergy can be used to prevent or eliminate certain diseases. The most popular pose for restoring mental balance and physical health is the “arch”. This is when a person leans on his toes and hands on the floor, while bending his back back.

Meditation is also becoming popular when a person, with the power of thought and muscle relaxation, penetrates his subconscious, beginning to control his biological flows from it. The development of bioenergy can be done at home, but only if all instructions are strictly and correctly followed.

Human energy has great power that can affect his mental or physical state. From birth, a person is given potential, which he gradually uses up. And then the person himself becomes the creator of his own energy flows

Bioenergy treatment

In the old days, people treated themselves for various ailments only with the help of bioenergy and medicinal herbs. Today, such practices are carried out by tribes that are lagging behind the current civilized development, and by individual individuals. Using the direction of energy, you can treat various ailments. This can be done either by the person himself or by a specialist who first contacts the patient’s biofield, identifies the disease, and then directs his energy into the human body. At the same time, the patient is filled with energy, and the healer loses it.

Any person can heal himself by directing his energy to the diseased organ. This will require training and the ability to accumulate and transmit energy in the right direction.

Bioenergy training

Every person can learn bioenergy. Modern life excludes this knowledge because it does not correspond to current trends and success. A person should be pragmatic and seek help from doctors to get cured. However, bioenergy helps not only in healing from illnesses, but also in achieving success.

If previously all useful knowledge was passed on by word of mouth, now there are special schools teaching bioenergy practice. You can independently study the literature and learn the necessary skills. This will take a lot of time, since a person will learn the direction of his thoughts, sensations, and feelings.

Secrets of bioenergy

All human life subordinated to his bioenergy. All people have it, but few people use it purposefully. Usually energy is splashed out on unnecessary activities, and then the person does not know how to replenish it. Various illnesses and disorders appear, because of which a person’s life goes downhill. If you use the basic secrets of bioenergy, then you can become not just healthy, but also a strong, successful, self-confident person.

Bioenergy is the free flow of energy throughout the body that a person feels. However, in order to be free at the physical level, you need to be free at the spiritual stage.

If you listen to the conversations of many people, you can hear the following thought: “Was life better before?” Previously, the state took care of pensioners. Previously, there were certain rules, following which a person understood what he would receive in return. Previously, people were freer, they could go to other people's lands and build themselves wooden houses and grow their own vegetables and fruits. It seems to many modern people that life was better before than it is now. Is this true?

If you look at it without offense or tears modern world, then we can understand that humanity today is more free and full of possibilities than it was before. Women became equal to men. People have electricity, gas and water in their homes. People now choose for themselves what profession they want to work in. Anyone who wants to become a rich person can become a rich person, not the one who was born in rich family. In other words, if you soberly look at the structure that exists now, you can understand that the current life of every person is much more prosperous than it was in the old days.

The world now gives a person more freedom and opportunities than he was given in the old days. But since a person lives with a slave mindset, he continues to limit himself in his freedom and opportunities. In fact, every time has had its difficulties. But the longer humanity lives, the more opportunities each individual has. It is also difficult to live in peace now. But today people have been given more freedom and opportunities than before.

Bottom line

Bioenergy is energy flows within a person, which are similar to the circulatory system. Through bioenergy, each organ receives the necessary charge of energy and strength. If there is a clamp or an obstacle in some flow, then some system does not receive the necessary energy, which is why it begins to get sick.