What to ask a girl on the 1st date. What to ask a girl or what to talk about on a date. What questions can you ask a girl?

It doesn't matter whether you're trying to fill an awkward pause in a conversation or really want to get to the bottom of a potential soul mate, the main thing is that the date does not turn into an interrogation with bias. Pleasant questions for easy “seeding” of relationships are in our selection.

#1. Will you tell me about your family? Which family member do you communicate best with? Who is close to you? Men who are close to their mother are usually very respectful of other women. But we know that jokes about mother-in-law are greatly exaggerated, but horror stories about mother-in-law are not.

#2. Are you a morning person or a night owl? You don't want to have breakfast and fall asleep alone every day.

#3. What do you like for dinner/breakfast? What if this date still lasts until the morning...

#4. Do you like cats or dogs more? Nonsense? When one of you has six cats at home and the other has a terrible allergy to them, this can be a real problem.

#5. Do you have a favorite piece? American director John Waters once said: “If you come to a man’s house and he doesn’t have books, you shouldn’t have sex with him.”

#6. Do you really love what you do? This question reveals a man's ambitions and his thoughts about the future. If the answer sounds abstract, lacks certainty and has no clarity, this could be a stop sign for you.

#7. Whose concert did you last go to? A more inventive version of the hackneyed question: “what kind of music do you like.” Or maybe ask him what concert he would like to go to... with you, of course.

#8. How would your friends describe you? Even very open and sociable people have a hard time talking about themselves, but they can “safely” describe their character and habits by taking the other person’s point of view.

#9. How did your parents meet? Everyone likes to tell big stories. In addition, by asking about parents, you can learn a lot about the family of a potential partner.

#10. If you could choose any historical era, what time would you like to be in? I would like to think that this question will make a man use his imagination and provide the necessary spark for further conversation or, who knows, role-play.

#11. What films/series have you been interested in lately? Tell me what season of Game of Thrones you're watching and I'll tell you who you are.

#12. Where did you grow up? If you want to get to know a person better on a first date, ask him about the place where he spent his childhood.

#13. Tell us about your best trip. Question for inspiration. Even if your relationship doesn’t work out in the end, there may be someone you wouldn’t mind being with one day.

#14. Who has had the greatest influence on your life? And let him just try to hint about his ex!

#15. What is your purpose in life right now? Answer: “Save the Amur tigers from extinction” and “Not to part with you until the morning” are an excellent application for success.

They say it is impossible to understand women. Speaking in defense of the fair sex, I affirm that this can definitely be done. And it’s worth starting on the first date, so that it or one of them does not become the last. The recipe is: ask questions. Not about Dom-2 and not about piercings in intimate places. What to ask to get to know your friend inside and out - cheat sheet below.

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Test drive: questions to ask a girl to get to know her better

That awkward pause when you don't know what to talk about can be costly - cost the relationship or, well, good sex. Don't be banal and boring. Ask the girl questions. In all respects, it is a beneficial maneuver - you will get to know the girl better, evoke vivid emotions, emphasize your interest and be remembered.

You shouldn’t ask everything at once. Pick a few and, like a spider, weave them into the web of conversation. I asked - listen, clarify, expand and reason. Time will fly by, and the date will leave a bright aftertaste. As for the interpretation of the answers, this is a conversation worthy of a hefty book. In short, listen not to the words, but read between the lines, and, most importantly, watch the reaction. Of course it's not easy. The highest level, reaching which requires experience. In general, I’ll leave the interpretation up to you and move on to the questions of the first block, which will help you get to know the girl better and just have a fun conversation.

White-list: questions that will help strengthen relationships and become closer

Your partner's soul is dark until you speak frankly. One of the essential factors of intimacy between partners is dialogue. And here are the questions you should ask your constant companion.

Black list: questions guys should never ask girls

Perhaps you have already encountered a situation when, in response to your question, her cheeks flushed with a blush of shame or anger. You can ruin the prospect of a relationship or feel the power (sometimes literally) of girlish excitement with one careless word. Remember these questions so as not to create awkward situations in which she will be torn between the desire to get up and leave or to come over to you, get up and leave. Well, or just not to be banal.

It's good to have someone to ask questions to. Lonely hearts are united by dating sites, the ratings of which you can find on our portal. Honest user reviews and competent expert opinion. Study, register and keep our site bookmarked so that surfing in the world of online dating will be productive and vibrant. Good luck!

Many guys take the first date too seriously. They are convinced that if they do something wrong on the first date, they will not have a second chance to prove themselves. However, this is not at all true. After all, if a girl likes a guy, then she will probably give him a second chance so that he can fix everything. Moreover, if a girl really likes a guy, she can give him a third chance.

Some girls understand that on the first date a guy can be nervous and because of this he can say stupid things. Therefore, ladies can turn a blind eye to this. Although if a young man says completely unacceptable things to a girl on a date, she cannot turn a blind eye to this.

Even despite the fact that the girl is always ready to give young man a second chance if she liked him, many guys are afraid to go on a date. They think that they will not be able to find common topics of conversation with the girl and will not be able to carry on a conversation with her. However, it is precisely this fear that fetters guys, preventing them from showing their best side. Therefore, guys need to forget about the fear of communication on the first date, because there is nothing supernatural about it. Moreover, the girl may worry about this no less than you.

Do you need to prepare a list of questions before going on a date with a girl?

Many men, before going on a first date with a girl, carefully prepare for this. In addition to appearance, most guys before a date work out a list of topics that they will talk about with the girl. They are sure that if you prepare this list in advance, then following it, you will be able to have a great conversation with the girl. But even if you draw up a well-developed scheme of questions for a girl, there is a high probability that everything will not go according to plan. The fact is that not all topics of conversation are equally interesting to girls, so what you planned to talk about may not interest the lady at all. Therefore, there is no need to waste time drawing up a conversation plan with a girl on a date.

Instead of working out a conversation outline, choose in advance several topics that you would like to talk about with the girl. By preparing several conversation topics, you can quickly switch gears in the conversation.

Topics to talk about on a first date with a lady

1. Childhood. A non-binding topic that the girl will gladly support, because she will be able to talk about her childhood, which will undoubtedly be pleasant for her. By talking about this topic, you will show the girl that you are really interested in her.

2. Music and favorite performers. A classic topic of conversation that will help you establish contact with a girl and make the conversation more relaxed. By talking on this topic, you can get to know the lady better. But you need to remember that under no circumstances should you offend a girl’s musical tastes.

3. Cinema and favorite actors (actresses, directors). The topic is similar to music, but instead of musicians, you will need to discuss actors, directors and films. Just like in the case of musical taste, you shouldn't criticize films that a girl likes. Even if a girl really liked Twilight, and you prefer to watch films by Godard and Tarantino, you shouldn’t immediately judge her for such tastes.

4. Travel. The topic of travel will interest any girl, since every person wants to travel around the world. Therefore, you have an excellent opportunity to ask where the girl wants to go, and where she managed to visit.

5. The girl’s hobbies and interests. By starting this topic, you will probably involve the lady in the conversation, because everyone is interested in talking about their hobbies. Try to fully immerse yourself in her interests to better understand the lady. For example, if a lady is interested in painting, then ask if she studied this? In general, delve into the topic in every possible way.

6. Literature. The love of reading is back in fashion. Therefore, you can safely ask the girl about her favorite authors and books. Also tell her about your literary preferences. There is no need to delve into this topic on the first date, discussing the influence of Schopenhauer on Nietzsche and Jung. You must understand that these topics will probably be boring for a girl, even if she pretends that she is extremely interested. A superficial discussion of literature will be quite sufficient.

7. Food. A topic with which you can learn about a girl’s gastronomic preferences. When talking about this topic, try to remember what the girl tells you. You will probably find this information useful in the future.

8. Sports. If a girl plays sports, then she will probably want to talk about it. Also ask her if she enjoys watching sports competitions. Perhaps she loves watching football and you have found the perfect girl.

9. Pets. A topic that all girls like, because most of them love various animals. Moreover, if a girl has a pet, then he will happily talk about it. Your job is to keep this conversation going. Ask about breed, age and appearance pet.

What questions can you ask a girl during a date?

1. What were you like as a child? Ask not only about the girl’s appearance, but also about the girl’s character. She will be pleased to remember her childhood.

2. Where did you study? You can ask not only about school, but also about the girl’s further education.

3. How did you study at school? Most of the girls at school are good at studying, so she will probably want to brag to you about her successes.

4. Have you attended any clubs or sections? If a girl went to a music school, dancing or singing, then she will be pleased to remember those years, and she will be happy to tell you about it.

5. Where did you live as a child? Ask what city she lived in before. If at a conscious age she managed to live in another place, then find out which city she likes best.

6. What kind of music do you like to listen to? A classic question to identify musical preferences.

7. Who is your favorite performer (band, DJ, musician)? Using this question, you can continue the conversation on the topic of music.

8. How do you feel about music of other genres? If a girl can listen to pop music, electronic music, and classical music, then she is a versatile person. It's worth paying attention to.

10. What films do you like? When asking this question, there is no need to impose your opinion on the girl by telling her that her favorite paintings are bad. Instead, you can recommend similar movies to her. For example, if a girl says she likes The Green Mile, tell her to watch Schindler's List or something similar.

11. Favorite actor or actress? Also ask the girl which movie she liked best with her favorite actor.

13. Where do you dream of visiting? Almost every person dreams of visiting another country or city. Ask the lady where she would like to visit. If you are lucky enough to visit a place where a girl wants to go, tell her about your impressions of the trip.

14. Last book you read? If a girl names the work that you read, then you can discuss this book with her. This way you will show yourself as an intelligent person.

15. Which book influenced you more than others? You need to be prepared that this question will confuse the girl.

17. What is the most unusual dish you have tried? With this question you can start extremely interesting topic. If a girl managed to try a truly exotic dish, for example, snake meat, then she will probably want to brag about this experience.

18. Favorite dish? (Favorite dessert?) Remember what a girl likes most. This information may be useful to you when you go to a cafe and place an order. If you choose something that a girl really likes, she will probably notice it.

19. What food or drink would you like to try?

20. Favorite TV series? Now, when foreign TV channels produce such large number truly cool series, almost everyone watches them. Therefore, you can safely ask a girl about which TV series she likes.

21. Do you like sports? If a girl is into it or likes to watch all kinds of competitions, then with the help of this question you can start an interesting topic. If she doesn’t like sports, then you can safely move on to other topics.

22. Do you have any pets? If she has an animal at home, for example, a cat or a dog, then she will happily tell you about them. Moreover, the next time you meet, you can ask her how her pet is doing?

23. What do you value in men? Ask her to answer this question sincerely. If a girl does this, then you can find out what she expects from you.

24. What do you value in yourself? There is no need to ask about her main qualities, as they do in an interview.

25. What do you like to do in your free time? Even if a girl likes to stay home on weekends to watch this or that series, there is no need to judge her for this. Perhaps this is the best opportunity for her to relax.

26. What is your idea of ​​a happy life? If a girl answers this question sincerely, then you can learn about her priorities. Besides, the ladies will probably be interested in talking about it.

27. Which country would you like to live in? Let the girl dream up. Perhaps she would like to live at home all her life.

28. What is your favorite comedy (joke, comedian)? With this question you will find out about the level of a girl’s sense of humor. If her sense of humor matches yours, then you have found the perfect match. After all, this moment is extremely important.

29. Do you like surprises? Not all girls like surprises, even the most pleasant ones. Some women find them annoying. So find out about this in advance.

30. Ideal summer?

What questions should you not ask a girl on a date?

If the conversation with a girl on a date goes well, then you can communicate with her on almost any topic. However, there are some questions that should never be asked.

1. How much do you earn? An extremely indecent question for any person, and especially for a woman. No matter how much she earns, all the money is hers.

2. How many men have you had before? This doesn’t concern you at all, since all these men were in the past. And even if a girl had only one boyfriend, this does not mean that she will want to talk about this topic.

3. Do you want to get married? This topic is not interesting for every girl. Moreover, this is the girl’s personal desire, which she has no need to share with strangers. Well, if you met her for the first time, then you are a stranger to her.

4. Is size important to you? Some guys ask this question thinking it's funny. However, this is not true. Is the question vulgar and inappropriate?

5. Would you like to try a threesome? An equally vulgar and ridiculous question, especially for a first date.

6. Do you like sex? An appropriate question for a girl, but not on the first date. Although if you started this topic, you can ask her about it.

7. Do your moods change during your period? If you do not ask her this question and your communication continues, then you yourself will be able to find out about it.

8. Questions about religion and politics. For the first few dates, you don't need to bring up these topics at all. First, you need to get to know each other better.

9. There is no need to ask a girl on a date questions similar to those asked at interviews. For example, “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?”, “What is more important to you: family or career?”, “Your main qualities?”, “Your shortcomings”? These banal and hackneyed questions that guys usually ask when there is a pause in the conversation will not interest any girl. It’s better to let there be a pause in the conversation so that you can come up with something more original and interesting.

10. Favorite alcoholic drink? A question that will show a girl that you don't know what to talk to her about.

Pages of men's secrets

Let me guess: a date with a lovely girl will take place soon. In theory, you should be filled with joy, but instead, your soul is anxious. How not to ruin the evening, what to talk about, what questions to ask a girl on the first date and what topics to avoid. More on this later.

What questions to ask a girl on a date: list

It is easier for people who know each other indirectly from work or university to establish communication, because they already have common ground. However, for those who have just met, it is more difficult in this regard.

It would seem that there is nothing complicated here, just talk. However, embarrassment, stress and uncertainty completely turn off the brain. The conversation either doesn’t go well at all, or the tongue works faster than the head and produces outright nonsense.

To avoid such a situation, prepare a list of questions that will allow you to maintain a casual conversation and get to know the girl better.

What questions can you ask a girl? We offer examples:

Tell me, what were you like as a child? Fidgety and mischievous, or did you always obey your mother?
How do you understand friendship? Do you have many friends?
What is the most valuable thing in people for you, and what will make you refuse to communicate with a person?
What did you want to be when you grow up?
Do you think a man and a woman can truly be friends?
What is closer to you - active recreation or do you like to lie on the beach?
Do you like to travel? If yes, where would you like to visit?
Do you think a person is destined to live a certain life or are we the masters of our own destiny?
Have you ever approached a guy on the street to meet him?
Name the five best films in your opinion.
What do you value in guys? What is he like, your prince?
If you were asked to choose one goal that you would 100% achieve, what would it be?

What would you do if you turned into a man for 24 hours?
What will you choose - to know the future or correct the past?
What would you do if the money issue was solved forever?
What genres of music do you prefer? Who is your favorite performer and what caught your attention about him?
What is better - spontaneity or clear planning?
What flowers are your favorite?
How do you feel about sports? Are you working out?
What clubs or sections did you attend as a child? What did you like most?
Do you believe in horoscopes, omens, psychics, fortune telling?
Is there a person who knows everything about you?
It's not an interview, but where do you see yourself in 10 years?
What would you choose - comfort or experience?
Who is your idol? Who would you like to emulate?

This list is just an example interesting questions. Your topics of conversation may be completely different. We'll talk about how to form them in the next section.

Important: You shouldn’t blurt out questions to girls. This will make you look at least strange. Before you set the topic of conversation, you need to smoothly lead to it. For example, let's take the first question: looking at you, it seems to me that you were restless as a girl. Tell me, what were you like as a child?

What questions can you ask a girl: preparing for a first date

Preparing questions is a kind of cheat sheet that gives confidence. You don't have to use it, but it's worth preparing. Developing a communication plan can be divided into three stages:

  1. Determining the focus of the questions.
  2. Compiling a list of topics.
  3. Rehearsal.

At the first stage, you need to decide what you want to know about the girl on the first date. These could be: plans for the future, type of activity, personal qualities, outlook on life and priorities.

The second stage is the direct recording of questions. There is no need to write a list of hundreds of topics; 10–20 guiding questions will be enough to get started. At the same time, keep in mind: the topics of the conversation should be interesting not only to her, but also to you, otherwise the date will be more like an interrogation.

The third stage is practicing questions and leads to them. Practice in front of a mirror, record a video, or ask someone to look at you from the outside. It may seem stupid, but it's better than making a mistake on a date.

Rehearsal will allow you to filter out uninteresting topics, correct your own speech and even facial expressions. However, don't worry too much about the details, as this may increase your anxiety about the upcoming meeting.

Helpful Tips:

  1. Do not ask questions that can be answered in monosyllables (yes/no). Remember: a question is a tool for developing a conversation. You should not ask “Do you like pizza?” if this is not a reason to order it. If such questions cannot be avoided, supplement them, for example, “Do you like flowers? What are your favorites? Why do you like them?
  2. Don't ask vulgar questions. If you don't want your first date to be your last, avoid vulgar topics. Of course, some ladies even welcome such behavior, but this is the exception rather than the rule. Such conversations are only permissible between well-known people. Otherwise, you will be given the impression of being an ill-mannered and anxious person.
  3. Avoid certain topics. As a follow up to the previous point, don't speak too much personal topics. On the first date, a girl may be scared off by questions about her attitude towards children, family, marriage. Also, don't even think about asking about past relationships. Similar questions can be asked as you get closer to the person on your fifth, tenth, or even twentieth date.

Example of inappropriate questions:

  • How much do you earn?
  • Why are you lonely?
  • How much do you weigh?
  • Have you had many boyfriends before me?

These questions are not only inappropriate - they are offensive. By asking them, you risk ending the date with a slap in the face. After this, if you are not Adriano Celentano, you can’t count on a second meeting.

Also, don’t even think about asking permission to kiss. Even if the girl doesn't mind, she will never agree. It's also stupid to ask whether she liked you or not. Believe me, if yes, you will soon find out about it.

A first date is always exciting, because everyone wants to be interesting and fun. Remember: anxiety is normal, the main thing is not to turn it into panic.

A list of interesting questions will help you relax and act at ease, which is very important for a positive first impression. Good luck on your first, second and all subsequent dates!

So, fate brought you on a date with new girl. You don’t know anything about her yet, except that she’s a girl and she’s new. Of course, you can't wait to ask everything about her and tell everything about yourself. Don't rush! First, we will tell you what questions are best to ask a girl when meeting her, and what questions are best not to ask. Memorize them, or write them into your phone (and try not to forget it at home).

What questions can you ask a girl?

What makes you laugh?

Who influenced you the most?

What's your favorite city?

What's your favorite movie?

What were you like as a child?

Do you have a nickname? Why do you have such a nickname?

Do you have bad habits?

Have you already found yourself in life?

What do you dislike most about first dates?

Here are some questions you should never ask a girl:

What's your salary?

How many children do you want?

Why did you and your ex break up?

Why don't you have anyone?

Are you on a diet?

Do you think your parents will like me?

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Have you ever cheated?

Have you ever truly loved?

Are you afraid of commitment?

P.S. Important detail. Girls pay attention to how you behave around you. Therefore, do not go to extremes: you should not be rude to the person bringing you food, nor should you kiss her or his hands (only if you forgot your wallet at home).
Don’t forget about the pleasant aroma - the perfume should emphasize your brutality, but at the same time be moderately soft, like