Calls to action example phrases. Regulations on the competition for the best text of congratulations for voters voting for the first time, as well as for the best slogan - a call to participate in voting in the elections of deputies of the Tyumen City Duma of the sixth convocation

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Such calls to action are unable to bring you the fantastic results that you hope for, because your target audience has become more callous to standard marketing techniques.

If you want to learn how to write an effective and impressive call to action that will attract many more customers and increase sales, then this article is for you.

The main reason why your Landing Page , commercial offers,Email newsletters and other marketing tools produce mediocre results - this is a poor call to action.

Amazing fact:More than 70% of companies do not use a call to action at all in their marketing communications with the client. Just imagine, you spent certain resources to win the attention of a potential client, but forgot to tell him what you expect from him...

I suggest you solve this problem once and for all today. Now, when the world markets are jumping and suffering losses, it is time to come up with a compelling and effective call to action that will increase your sales by 15-100%.

Here are 7 tactics for writing the best calls to action for your business.

1. Offer something for free.

Forget about “Find out more” calls. Offer your customers something for free and you will see how much difference the results make.

This technique is actively used by service and software developers who offer us to try their program for free for a certain period of time.

It would be foolish to refuse such an offer. You have nothing to lose. You can study the product and only then pay money for it if you like it. This is why this tactic is the most effective for coming up with the best calls to action.

2. Offer to take advantage of the main benefit

Use your product's main benefit in your call to action./ services that the client will receive. If the client is not sure that he needs this benefit, then most likely you will not get it. But if the client simply does not see this benefit, then you have simply lost the client out of your own hands (or the hands of the manager).

Do a little brainstorming, or better yet, ask your customers directly what benefit is most important to them when making a decision. Perhaps this is a guarantee of some result or the most low price on the market.

3. Offer to do it “right now”

People are very impatient. Nobody likes to stand in long lines. I think you are one of those people.

This is why it is so important to act quickly in business. This is why it is important to call the client back within 5 minutes, respond to the email within 12 hours and offer to take the next action right now.

According to research by our American colleagues, more than 35% of consumers consider delays in a company’s work to be poor service. Use this information to your advantage.

Quench your customer's thirst for action now. The client thinks: “It won’t be a big deal if I buy it right now” or “I have nothing to lose if I call right now.”

4. Create suspense

Using intrigue in your call to action produces great results.

In 2014, the famous marketer Andrew Sobel published an article “6 Rules for Creating Intrigue,” one of which reads:: “Tell people what you do and what results you achieve, but leave some mystery in how you do it.”

Curiosity forces us to go a little further. If you know how to write a call to action so that a person wants to learn more, then success will not be long in coming.

This is especially true for contextual advertising, where the indicator is important CTR ( percentage of clicks relative to the percentage of ad views). If you intrigue the client by informing him about some fact, but leave something unsaid, the person clicks and ends up on your site. Give it a try.

5. Address the customer's pain point

Another study of consumer behavior showed that more than 96% of potential customers are not aware of the presence, importance and scale of their problem.

Point to it. Offer to solve it. And the client is in your pocket.

6. Use social proof

Have you ever noticed that you automatically trust brands and companies that your friends, family or colleagues trust? Every person has in their DNA the feeling of doing like everyone else and trusting the opinions of others.

Social proof is a powerful tool in marketing. Take advantage of people's desire to use what many others are involved in.

For example, you can indicate how many customers have already used your service. Or how many people have already purchased your product. Or maybe you can report that hundreds of people have positive reviews about your product.

7. Offer a bonus

We all like to receive gifts. Of course, we don’t run to stores where they hand out product samples, but we won’t mind turning down a lucrative discount or a free additional option.

Offering a lucrative bonus in your call to action is a very effective tool for increasing conversions and attracting more customers. This way, you will be offering the customer a reward for taking a risk and contacting your company.


Your website, sales pitch, presentation, newsletter and banners will generate more leads for your business if you simply write the right call to action.

Create an effective call to action. It won't take much time and won't cost anything. Implement!

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  • promote health and physical development;
  • promote the expansion of extracurricular sports activities;
  • involving schoolchildren in regular classes physical exercise;
  • nurturing the moral and strong-willed qualities of patriotism, collectivism, courage, determination, perseverance, and determination.


The celebration is held in the gym of school No. 26.


Young men of 10th and 11th grades, admitted by a doctor, who have undergone appropriate training, in sports uniform, are allowed to participate in the competition.


The organization of the competition is carried out by the physical education teacher and the school’s physical education committee council.


The winners are determined by the highest amount of points, victory in the stage -2 points, defeat -1 point.


Teams are awarded certificates and each participant is awarded a prize for their places.


(Music sounds - at first quietly, then louder, gradually the sound decreases, and words are heard against the background of the music.)

LEADING : Another call to the Army...

And again the immortal march of separation “Farewell of the Slav” floated over the squares and streets, over the station platforms and stops. The spring conscription will begin soon, the guys are being escorted to serve in the ranks of the Russian Army. And although some of them still have a few days, weeks, maybe a month left to stay at home, the countdown is already on until the day when the summons arrives.

Well, for now...

The military registration and enlistment office has not yet sent
That summons with your name...
They didn’t hand you your machine gun -
He's with someone else today...

Words of oath in ringing silence
You didn’t say it before the formation.
I didn’t see my father’s house in my dream
And I didn’t wear my clothes for days.

The collars are not hemmed...
And in the clothing warehouse there are badges
There is no counting of soldiers' days...
They are waiting for your coming valor...

HOST: And as soon as you guys, our dear conscripts, become military, then the school director will give you the first word - parting words (……….)

HOST: In a few days, when you, having received the summons, go to the recruiting station, your relatives, friends, and beloved girls will go with you to accompany you to the service. Well, if someone doesn’t have a loved one, it doesn’t matter. Maybe today you will meet her, the most beautiful girl in the world. And let the song become the guarantee of fidelity. (Song plays).

Most of you join the Army from your parents' home. Your parents are worried and worried. Where will you have to serve? My soul hurts doubly for the guys who will end up in hot spots. What kind of relationships will you have with other military personnel? Is there hazing in the unit where you will be sent? Do you have enough strength, health, and knowledge to enter adulthood with dignity?

Of course, mothers worry the most. After all, they remember their children when they were very tiny and helpless, they remember their first steps, their first words... They remember their childhood and adolescence year after year. They believe that your future life will be great and interesting. After all, every mother hopes that her son will become, if not the strongest and smartest, then certainly the happiest!

Dads are no less worried. Most of them themselves served in the army at one time, and they have something to say to their sons today. Their manly instructions and advice, perhaps some special secrets, will certainly be useful in the service, the word is presented to the father of our future conscript...

Well, guys, you almost felt like soldiers. Now is the time to listen to the song. (Song plays).

And now, I think no one will mind if we arrange a little warm-up for our conscripts. Let's test their ingenuity, resourcefulness, and dexterity. The army is waiting for a strong, healthy, strong generation.

So we begin.

1. Team formation (name and motto).

“Routine.” Dear guys, every day goes according to your schedule, especially if it’s a school day: And so...

“Rise” From a prone position, the participant runs up to the place where he is lying sports suit and puts it on. Each participant completes the task.

“Charging” Moving the cuttlefish to the “shuttle run” mark, transferring 3 balls (one at a time) from one hoop to another, returning to the starting point by running.

“Garbage collection” Scatter the inflatable balloons and collect them one at a time with a scoop, without using your hands, carry the ball in the scoop to the mark and put it in the basket.

“Preparing for classes” Participants run to the mark and solve the crossword puzzle.

“Going to school” The participant runs to the mark, braids her “sister’s” hair, helps her assemble her backpack, puts it on her shoulders and runs with her “sister” to the starting line.

3. Any holiday is not complete without humor and laughter. Therefore, the following relay races are sporting and humorous.

Participants start in pairs, one in a prone position, moving at the same time pushing with their hands to the mark, and return to the start, changing roles at the mark.
Participants start in pairs, holding a volleyball ball with their foreheads.
Participants cross the distance on skis.
Participants simultaneously dribble two basketballs to the mark, return the balls in their hands, and run.
Participants dribble two soccer balls to the mark at the same time, then run back, balls in their hands.

4. The time has come for the competition, where, in addition to drill bearing, you need to demonstrate your vocal abilities. Review - formations and songs.

5. Captains competition. Tied to each captain's leg balloon. Martial arts in pairs. The task is to step on the opponent's ball with your free foot, so that the ball bursts.

6. Every a real man must be physically developed and ready to serve in the armed forces. Military sports competition: lifting weights, doing pull-ups, shooting, putting on a gas mask, disassembling and assembling a machine gun.

7. While the judges sum up the results of the competition, the audience chooses the “Mister” of the competition from among the participants.

LEADING : So, judging by their faces, the future warriors are in a good mood.

Man... What does this word mean?

A man is courage, will, courage, generosity, nobility. (Song plays)

We all want to believe that there, in the Army, everything will be fine with you. The days of service, believe me, will fly by very quickly, and in just two winters we will be greeting you. (Song plays). And most importantly, remember that no one will wait for you as much as your mothers. They will listen to every knock, they will wait for you on long, sleepless nights, and in the morning they will greet the postman with hope. And therefore I want to tell you: “Write letters to mothers.”

Guitar marching strings sing
In the taiga, in the mountains, among the seas...
And how many of you are young today,
Lives far from his mothers!
You are always somewhere on the road -
You'll show up here, then there...
And your mothers are worried
Everyone is waiting and waiting for news from you.
They count the days, weeks,
Words fall out of whack...
Since mothers turn gray early -
It's not just age that's to blame.
And therefore, serving as a soldier
Or wandering the seas
More often than not, guys,
Write letters to mothers!

8. Summing up and rewarding.


about the competition for best text congratulations for first-time voters, as well as for the best slogan - a call to participate in voting in the elections of deputies of the Tyumen City Duma of the sixth convocation


1.1. This provision determines the procedure for organizing and conducting a competition for the best text of congratulations for voters voting for the first time, as well as for the best slogan - a call to participate in voting in the elections of deputies of the Tyumen City Duma of the sixth convocation (hereinafter referred to as the competition).

1.2. The founder of the competition is the Election Commission of the city of Tyumen.

1.3. To prepare the competition, an organizing committee is being created, which includes representatives of the Election Commission of the city of Tyumen, Department of Education of the Administration of the City of Tyumen, Department of Sports and Youth Policy of the Administration of the City of Tyumen, MBOU "Information and Methodological Center of the City of Tyumen".


2.1. Promotion legal culture, as well as the interest of future voters in the elections, providing them with the opportunity to express their active civic position and show creativity.


3.1. You can take part in the competition students of general education institutions in the city of Tyumen, students of additional education institutions, young people.

The age of the competition participants is from 14 to 30 years.

3.2. The requirements for competition entries are as follows.

The following are accepted for the competition:

Propaganda phrases (slogans - appeals: mottos, slogans, quatrains (hereinafter referred to as slogans) related to the topic of voter participation in elections, promoting their active turnout on voting days.

The greeting and slogan should be simple, memorable, meaningful and unique.

3.3. Works containing signs of campaigning for a particular candidate or electoral association, as well as those performed in violation of the requirements of these regulations, will not be considered by the competition commission.

3.4. Texts of congratulations and slogans made on A4 paper, as well as on electronic media, are accepted.

The number of texts and slogans accepted for consideration from one participant is unlimited.

Submitted works must contain reverse side information about the author: author’s full name, age, place of study or work, contact phone number.

3.5. Texts of congratulations and slogans of the winners (participants) of the competition will be used to create election invitations, banners, banners, posters dedicated to the topic of elections, organize an exhibition, and publish a special brochure.

The organizers reserve the right to exhibition display and non-commercial publication of works submitted to the competition while preserving their authorship.

3.6. Works submitted to the competition will not be returned.


4.1. Applications for participation in the competition are accepted c January 21 to January 30, 2013 at izbirkom @tyumen-city. ru. The application form is set out in Appendix 4. Detailed information on all questions of interest can be obtained by phone, contact person - c Secretary of the Election Commission of the city of Tyumen - .

4.2. Competitive works are accepted from February 5 to February 15, 2013 0, office. 224 Election Commission of the city of Tyumen, contact, from 09.00 to 17.00, lunch from 12.00 to 13.00.

4.3. The award ceremony for the winners of the competition will take place on February 21, 2013. The time and place of the award ceremony will be specified additionally.


5.1. To sum up the results of the competition, a competition commission is created, which includes representatives of the Election Commission of the city of Tyumen, Department of Education of the Tyumen City Administration.

5.2. The composition of the competition commission is approved by the decision of the Election Commission of the city of Tyumen, the Department of Sports and Youth Policy of the Administration of the City of Tyumen, and the MBOU "Information and Methodological Center of the City of Tyumen".

5.3. The competition commission evaluates the submitted competition works in the period from February 18 to February 19 of the year.

The competition is held in the following categories:

- “The best text of congratulations for first-time voters”;

- “The best slogan is a call to vote.”

The competition committee evaluates the participants’ work on a five-point scale, in accordance with the following criteria:

Compliance with the goals of the competition;

Originality of the idea;


Degree of information content.

The winners are determined by the highest amount of points received.

5.5. Based on the protocol of the competition commission on the results of the competition, the Election Commission of the city of Tyumen makes a decision on the results of the competition.


6.1. Participants who take 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in each nomination according to the results of the competition are awarded, by decision of the Election Commission of the city of Tyumen, diplomas and valuable prizes.

6.2. Payment of expenses associated with the preparation and conduct of the competition is made from the funds of the Election Commission of the city of Tyumen.


7.1. Coverage of the competition is carried out:

City newspaper "Tyumen Courier";

On the websites of the Tyumen City Administration;


organizing committee for the preparation of a competition for the best text of congratulations for voters voting for the first time, as well as for the best slogan - a call to participate in voting in the elections of deputies of the Tyumen City Duma of the sixth convocation

Senior Inspector of the Department of Educational Work of the Department of Education of the Tyumen City Administration


competition commission to sum up the results of the competition for the best text of congratulations for voters voting for the first time, as well as for the best slogan - a call to participate in voting in the elections of deputies of the Tyumen City Duma of the sixth convocation

Chairman of the Commission:

Chairman of the Election Commission of the city of Tyumen

Members of the Commission:

Secretary of the Election Commission of the city of Tyumen

senior department inspector educational work Department of Education of the Tyumen City Administration

Head of the Department for the Implementation of Youth Projects of the Department of Sports and Youth Policy of the Tyumen City Administration

Methodist MBOU "Information and Methodological Center of the City of Tyumen"


to participate in the competition for the best text of congratulations for voters voting for the first time, as well as for the best slogan - a call to participate in voting in the elections of deputies of the Tyumen City Duma of the sixth convocation

Information about the competition participant

Last name, first name and patronymic of the participant - in full

Date, month, year of birth

Contact phone number and e-mail of the participant

Name and address educational institution, class/place of work

A call to action or CTA (call to action) is a key component of the process, connecting the two most important parts of the application process: incoming traffic and the trigger for converting it.

The successful call to action examples of which you will find in this article illustrate the application of best marketing techniques in practice. You will also learn which call to action elements are best used to demonstrate a product or service, promote videos, and engage the target audience.

By using contrasting colors, unusual lead forms and thereby provoking the attention of users, you will learn how to increase the effectiveness of your landing pages.

Learn from the experience of international brands and apply your knowledge in practice.

Chapter 1

Using contrasting colors

Let's start with how companies use color and contrast to make their CTA elements more effective. As a reminder, contrast is one of the most powerful visual techniques used in design. Most quick way attract attention - highlight the CTA from the rest of the landing page content, making it the dominant element of the landing page.

This can be achieved by choosing the color of the button (or text hyperlink) to contrast with the main background. What colors should you use to highlight your CTA?

Some marketers believe that red significantly increases click rates. Others argue that the context of the landing page should dictate the color scheme.

First of all, you need to consider the color scheme of the main design of your landing page.

Below is an example of using a dark background and a catchy color range. Notice that “Airbnb” has a background filled with an image, and a dark, translucent box behind the text highlights the CTA, making it stand out. Pay attention to the page title: “Live Richer.” This is what call to action headlines should look like!

Save up for something more

Another example of a filled background that doesn't distract from the call to action. Here, the white CTA text is framed by a bright orange box that makes it stand out.

Find out more

This is the third example in a row of a CTA placed on the left side of the landing page. This is no coincidence: in European languages ​​the text is read from left to right and from top to bottom.

Find out more

Besides the obvious contrast, note this: A white headline above the CTA button gives readers more information about the target action.

Let's scroll!

In this example, the call to action button is the only warm color element on the page. Warm colors such as red and orange make the image appear larger and closer.

Find out more

The examples discussed so far only illustrate the use of CTA buttons. However, it’s not just the button that can create contrast. Marketers at Hoi moon marketing, for example, simply changed the hyperlink font color to orange.

Find out more now

HubSpot creates contrast against a plain white background using three various colors for each of the CTA options. The main call to action is orange, the second most important is gray, and the third is a simple blue link.

Start free trial period
Marketing assessment
Program information

This example confirms the contrast between cold and warm tones. The blue background is cool, and the call to action is highlighted with an orange-yellow hue.

Search domain

"Jive" uses an element-heavy image as a background. Notice that most large, distracting objects (people, windows, floating pieces of paper) are positioned away from the call to action. And one more thing - the CTA here is orange on a dark blue background.

Try Jive

The examples above stand out on landing pages due to the contrast. However, you can use this technique in any area of ​​the site. LinkedIn, for example, offers contextual and contrasting calls to action throughout its platform.

The debate about whether to use red for calls to action is still relevant today. After all, the associations it evokes are contradictory: fire, passion, danger and even... an international stop sign.

Zynga, a leading provider of social gaming services, has taken a clear stance on this issue.

Login via Facebook or enter your email and get started

Try to make the subscription process personal and fun. After all, this is the start of a long-term relationship with your followers: make them feel special.

Chapter 8

Primary and secondary options in calls to action

Often, a landing page will have 2 or 3 competing target actions vying for visitors' attention. For example, you want a person to request a consultation and at the same time try your product, or for him to subscribe to news and download a release.

Decide which call to action is most important and place it in a prominent place, make it large, and design it to contrast with the rest of the page. If there are several calls to action on a page, they are usually of different colors, indicating which option is most preferable.

To figure out which offers are a higher priority, you need to use marketing analytics: make decisions based on data, not assumptions. Also, keep in mind that the context of your landing page will affect your conversion rate, so make sure your call to action matches the content around it.

The quickest way to prioritize is to design the more important call as a button and the secondary call as a hyperlink.

Start now
Or get a demo version

Many companies separate the primary call to action from the secondary call to action by using warm and cool colors. For example, like here:

Register today
View all speakers

Another example of placing a primary CTA in the form of a button next to a text hyperlink that acts as a secondary call to action.

Use free for 30 days
or take a quick tour

Decide whether your primary and secondary calls to action should have the same theme or be completely different. In this example, both options promote the same product: the first leads to a pricing page, and the second provides information about the product.

View plans and prices
Product Tour

Typically, the primary CTA is directly related to the sale, while the secondary CTA plays a supporting role. Either way, you need to determine which pages are more important for lead generation.

Get started for free!
Or take a product tour

You've probably noticed that various help and FAQs (for example, a product overview video) are good option for secondary CTA.

Free trial
Take a Product Tour

Placing a call to action also communicates its importance. In the example above, the top CTA is the main CTA, although its color matches the background of the page. Perhaps PlanHQ should do an A/B test to see if click-through rates and conversion rates would improve if they made the CTA a warmer color.

When working on your primary and secondary calls to action, make sure you are offering the same offer.

Contact us
View our work

Your calls to action should reflect some of the company's key branding colors. “Top Chef University,” for example, has an orange site navigation and logo, so an orange CTA on a dark blue background looks harmonious and matches the overall color theme of the brand.

Other graphic elements (arrows and dotted lines) can also point to the main CTA, further highlighting it.

Make sure that the colors of your multiple calls to action do not compete with each other, but clearly indicate priority. Don't follow the example below.

Chapter 9


Who is your buyer and how can you make your conversion element even more targeted to your target audience? For example, if you are a marketer working in a hotel, then a vacationing couple is one target audience, and a traveling businessman is another.

How to take into account the differences between them? Very simple! Let everyone in your community identify themselves personally. Offer calls to action that will facilitate the segmentation process. Let's look at a few examples.

Find chefs near me
Post a chef vacancy
Create a store

Do your own marketing to help your business grow
Work with a team of marketing experts to help your business grow

Another way of segmentation is through images that convey different messages to each segment.

For companies
For investors
For shareholders

note that appearance The CTA and description style are virtually identical across different segments. They differ (and this is the main thing) in the context around them - headings, images and bulleted lists.

Chapter 10

Examples of using video

A video is a great opportunity to quickly explain complex ideas and convey the specifics of a product or service. Video easily conveys strong emotions and drives decisions, so a good video can greatly help or act as a call to action.

Many companies try to indoctrinate the audience with certain concepts before motivating them to take targeted actions. An example of this approach is Nike: Just do it.

At 3playmedia, the video is a call to action. The core of this landing page invites visitors to simply press play. In addition to the embedded video, the yellow text on the left also encourages people to watch.

It is not always possible to show the actual video thumbnail. In the above example, marketers prove that a hand-drawn illustration also looks convincing.

Call-to-action videos are very important if video content is your main product, as is the case with Khan Academy.

Carefully consider the video thumbnail you will use - it should be viewable and compelling. Take advantage of the opportunity to include an arrow or symbol to indicate that this is a video, such as a "Play" button or a videotape icon.

Chapter 11

CTA of non-standard form

Most calls to action have the same shape: a standard rectangular box. Shay Howe, user interface designer and engineer at Groupon, recommends rounding the corners of a button. “Otherwise,” he writes, “the CTA becomes like a banner, and therefore the visitor can simply ignore it.”

Sometimes you will come across calls to action that have very unusual shapes. For example, CTAs can be oval, star-shaped, or some other object. Such creativity creates an element of surprise and can be effective in increasing click-through rates. So experiment with rare, asymmetrical and unusual shapes.

If most companies, including your competitors, use traditional CTAs, you can stand out with something out of the ordinary. A unique call-to-action format will help tell a different, fresher story than what others are offering.

The ribbons attract attention, conveying a sense of quality and exclusivity.

Experiment with hand-drawn illustrations. If you are a restaurant, this could be your table reservation page:

Several other forms that serve as calls to action.

The arrow is very easy to create and is associated with active movement and subsequent steps - the perfect frame, isn't it?

You can also place your text on the sticker image. This is another visual element that creates a sense of productivity and evokes the association of completing an important business task.

High conversions to you!

Based on materials