Analysis of planning the work activity of preschool children. Diagnosis of work activity. High in - developed combinatorial skills. the use of operational maps, a generalized design method; complete independence; high quality result

Diagnostics (from Greek. "dia"– transparent and "gnosis"– knowledge) about a general way of obtaining advanced information about the object or process being studied (I. P. Podlasy).

Main diagnostic tasks:

· clarification of the state of development of the corresponding property;

· determination of the dynamics of its development and transformation over a certain period of time;

· establishing those real changes that occurred under the influence of organized educational influences on the part of the teacher;

· determination of prospects for the development of property (quality);

· division of subjects (children or groups) into categories for further differentiated work to achieve development results;

The diagnostic activity of a teacher involves:

· permission from the manager to conduct diagnostics

· studying;

· data collection;

· comparison;

· interpretation;

· analysis;

· forecasting;

· bringing to the attention of the manager the results of diagnostic activities

The study of children should be aimed at uncovering causes, and not just stating facts. The study of children is carried out at the initial stage of the property (quality) being studied and after work has been done with children to improve the property (quality) being studied.

Studying the work experience of preschool teachers educational institutions allowed us to describe the most good example diagnostics of labor skills of young children preschool age.


The teacher conducts diagnostics taking into account the requirements educational program, according to which the preschool institution operates.

Educator at the first stage developed criteria for determining the level

formation of labor skills, which are presented in Table 1 .

Table 1

high level intermediate level level that requires special guidance from the teacher
1. The child dresses and undresses independently in a certain sequence The child dresses and undresses with the help of an adult in a certain sequence Doesn't know how or in what order to dress
2. A child washes his hands without the help of an adult When reminded by an adult, washes hands Uses water not for washing hands, but for playing with water
3. The child helps the teacher’s assistant set the tables for lunch (arranges the dishes on behalf of an adult) On behalf of an adult, removes toys after playing Removes toys when the teacher contacts him repeatedly
4. With a little help from an adult, water the plants. Pays attention to instructions and tries to show independence in caring for plants. Knows the names of many indoor plants. With the help of an adult, waters the plants. Knows what it's called. However, he does not show initiative for independent action. The child is not interested in the process of caring for plants. In the process of jointly watering plants, he gets distracted

At the second stage The teacher prepares a diagnostic card of children’s labor skills age group, which is presented in Table 2.

Table 2

At the third stage The teacher finds out the reasons for the lack of development of labor skills and abilities in individual children and draws up a long-term plan (for one or three months) of differentiated work with children who have low rates of development of labor skills and abilities.

The third stage of work is presented in Table 3.

Table 3

After the work, the teacher at the fourth stage carries out repeated (comparative) diagnostics in order to study the effectiveness of the work performed. The teacher prepares recommendations for long-term work with children on the formation of labor skills ( fifth stage).

For diagnostics labor education good to use

didactic games: “Guess what I’m doing?”, “What’s first, what’s next?”, “Who can’t do without them?” etc.

Diagnosis of labor skills of children of senior preschool age

Diagnostics are carried out in accordance with the requirements of the educational program, which contains criteria for assessing labor skills in children of senior preschool age.

Examples from the experience of preschool educational institutions:

Example 1.

Labor in nature.

· The child is asked to work hard - water the plants, loosen them, remove dust from them.


· the child accepts the goal of work, willingly accepts the teacher’s offer;

· the child agrees to the teacher’s proposal, but needs additional motivation (“Help me”);

· the child does not accept the purpose of work outside game situation(“Dunno doesn’t know how to care for plants. Do you want to teach him?”).

The child is asked to select two plants from a corner of nature that need watering, loosening, and dust removal, and explain why he chose these particular plants


· is independent in determining the subject of labor, identifies its features (signal signs of a living object: the soil is dry, there is dust on the leaves, etc.);

· the subject of work and its features that are significant for work are highlighted with the help of the teacher;

· does not highlight the subject of work with its characteristics (even with the help of an adult).

The child must answer what the plants will be like after he takes care of them


· the child anticipates the result of labor (flowers will grow well after watering and loosening);

The child is asked to talk about the sequence of work actions and explain the need for such a sequence. If it is difficult, give the child a set of pictures depicting labor actions to remove dust from plants and offer to arrange them sequentially


· the child independently tells and explains the sequence of work actions;

· arranges pictures in the correct sequence and explains;

· cannot plan the sequence of work actions.

Invite the child to select the equipment necessary for work. Put him in a situation of choice: along with the necessary tools and equipment, put in those that are unnecessary for a given work process (for example, a net for transplanting fish, etc.)


· independently selects the necessary equipment;

· with a little help from an adult, selects the necessary tools;

· cannot complete tasks.

The child is asked to show how he will care for the plants: water the plants correctly, loosen the soil, remove dust from different plants


· performs all labor actions quite efficiently and independently;

· carries out individual labor operations quite independently, but with poor quality;

· the quality of work performance and the quality of the result are low.

The results are summarized in Table 4.

Table 4

Diagnostics of labor activity in caring for plants

requiring special attention- A

average- B

high- IN

Household work.

1. A subgroup of children is asked to wash the plant trays. Each person washes 1-2 trays. Result: all trays are clean. When completing a task, the teacher pays attention to how the children distributed objects of labor among themselves, selected the necessary equipment, performed a labor action, and assessed the quality of the labor actions performed.

Senior preschool age:

Must know about the work activities of adults in the following areas:




institutions of cultural and consumer services;

education and medicine;


Know about the basic labor processes, materials, tools, instruments and mechanisms necessary for work.

Know about the interaction between people of different professions.

Know about heroic professions (cosmonauts, polar explorers, rescuers)

Criteria for assessing the implementation of the Labor Education Program for Children

I. Knowledge, abilities, skills of the teacher. Work planning

The teacher’s knowledge of the Labor Education Program for children in the sections: “Self-Service”, “Work in Nature”, “Household Labor”, “Manual Labor”.

Methodological support of the pedagogical process in labor education.

Forward planning work.

Scheduling various types of labor education of children. Work system. Relationship with other types of children's activities.

Methodology for the teacher to conduct classes, management of joint and independent activity on labor education of children. Individual work.

II. Creating conditions

Availability of equipment for each type of work and the feasibility of its placement.

Compliance of the equipment with the requirements of pedagogy and SanPiN.

III. Knowledge, abilities, skills of children.

Children's possession of labor skills and abilities in accordance with the requirements of the Labor Education Program.

The presence of interest, independence and activity of children.

Children’s use of skills and abilities in independent work

Children's knowledge about adults' work activities

Program for developing labor activity for preschoolers

Children of senior preschool age can perform the following types of work:

2. Wipe down the furniture (together with an adult.)

3. Wash clothes for dolls, small personal items (handkerchiefs, socks, ribbons), napkins for the bread bin, etc.

4. Set the table and remove dishes after eating; wash cups, spoons and other utensils after breakfast.

5. Help adults with cooking: peel boiled potatoes, cut boiled vegetables for vinaigrette, wash vegetables, make pies, cookies, pick and peel berries.

6. Provide all possible assistance in various household matters.

7. Show care for your younger brother, sister (help with dressing, walking, playing), sing a song, read a poem by heart.

8. Provide attention and assistance to grandparents, mom and dad, and the elderly.

Therefore, the program includes the following types

§ familiarizing children with the work of adults,

§ labor training;

§ participation in adult labor kindergarten;

§ role-playing games;

§ work with family.

Goal: developing a positive attitude towards work in preschool children.

1. Familiarization with the work of adults, the formation of ideas about the social significance of work.

2. Fostering respect for working people and caring attitude towards the results of labor.

3. Formation of work skills, positive relationships of the child with adults and peers.

Types of work of preschool children

1. Self-service.

2. Household work.

3. Labor in nature.

4. Manual labor.

Purpose and objectives of the work: preparatory group

· Continue to cultivate interest in various professions and parents’ place of work.

· Continue to introduce children to professions related to the specific local conditions.

· Expand ideas about the work of adults. Foster respect for working people.

· Create the need to work.

· Foster a love of work.

· Teach to diligently and carefully carry out assignments, take care of materials and objects, and put them back in their place after work.

· Cultivate a desire to participate in joint work activities on an equal basis with everyone else, the desire to be useful to others, to achieve results.

Organization of work by subgroups

When organizing work activities, children were offered several types to choose from. Children had to choose the most interesting activity for themselves.

The following work options were proposed: making flags for children from the younger group as a gift, caring for indoor plants, cleaning the group room, collecting leaves on the site, washing toys, washing doll clothes. The choice of these types of activities is determined by the need to carry them out in a group. All work carried out was carried out under the supervision of the teacher and assistant teacher.

It should be noted that children changed types of activities, citing the following: I want to do other things (20%); tired of this activity (30%); I’ve done everything, I still want to help (40%). 10% of children did not change their type of activity.

Thus, as a result of observation, the following results were obtained:

production of flags for children from the junior group as a gift - 5 people;

care of indoor plants – 4 people;

group room cleaning – 3 people;

collecting leaves on the site - 6 people;

wash toys – 3 people;

wash doll clothes – 3 people.

Organization of healthy lifestyle events

Children's physical health is inextricably linked with their mental health and emotional well-being. The system of physical education and health work includes therapeutic and preventive and physical education and health activities.

Every year at the beginning academic year A plan of health activities for the year is drawn up:

Morning exercises/daily for a year/

Gymnastics after sleep /daily for a year/

Breathing exercises/2 times a week/

Acupressure/during acute respiratory infections epidemics/

Air baths /before bedtime, after sleep/

Physical education classes /3 times a week/

Airing the bath /before, after sleep/

Finger gymnastics/3 times a week/

Gargling /daily/.
Herbs / once a quarter for 10 days /

Fortification: juices, drinks, syrups, vitamins /daily

Preventive vaccinations

Hardening by sun, water /in summer/

Prevention of flat feet /daily/

Prevention of children’s posture /daily/

Physical education minutes /daily/

Outdoor games /daily/

Walks /in the warm season/

Work with parents on prevention of health-improving activities throughout the year

The level of socialization of a preschooler’s personality largely depends on proper physical education. According to academician N.M. Amosova, a child of the late 20th - early 21st centuries is faced with three main vices of civilization: accumulation negative emotions without physical exercise, overeating, physical inactivity.

Marina Avdoshina
Self-analysis of the ECD lesson “Let’s help plants in a corner of nature”

Conducted direct educational activities with children of the older group, age 5.10-6.0 years. There were 13 children present.

Prepared methodological development GCD on the topic « Let's help plants in a corner of nature» ; envelope with letter; plants of a corner of nature; equipment for work; diagrams indicating the type of inventory; diagrams - cards with catchy designations of the necessary conditions for growth plants; watering cans, spray bottle, baths, aprons, oilcloth, rags, brushes, sticks. I arranged the tables so that the children were comfortable.

In preliminary work with children were carried out: observation plant of a corner of nature(features of appearance, structure, observation in favorable and unfavorable conditions (experimentation) observation of the teacher’s work, familiarization with the model of the labor process). Conversations, looking at illustrations, writing stories about plants, asking riddles, work, reading.

Before the GCD, sanitary and hygienic standards were observed conditions: done assistant teacher wet cleaning in the group room; corner ventilation (at this time the children were in the music room). The furniture is arranged so that the child feels comfortable throughout the entire period of the activity. classes.

Materials, visual aids, and equipment for educational activities were selected at a level accessible to children and corresponded to their psychological characteristics and was rational for solving the set goal and assigned tasks. Their appearance– colorful, bright, aesthetically designed, meets general requirements.

Directly – educational activities– complex type.

Integration of educational regions: educational,

social-communicative, speech.

Program content:

Target: To develop children's interest in plants

In the introductory part it was decided task:

Cognitive development:

Cultivate children's interest in plants.

The main part was decided tasks:

Cognitive development:

To clarify and consolidate children’s knowledge about how to care for plants and about the sequence of work.

Train children in the ability to identify plants in need of care, draw conclusions about the lack of certain conditions.

Cultivate children's interest in plants, create a desire to observe and care for them.

Social and communicative development.

Strengthen the ability to plan your activities and distribute responsibilities between participants.

Strengthen knowledge about actions with inventory.

Develop a work culture and curiosity.

Speech development:

Develop dialogical speech.

In the final part it was decided task:

Speech development:

Develop dialogical speech.

The purpose and objectives of the GCD meets the program requirements age group(“Program of education and training in kindergarten” under. edited by M. A. Vasilyeva).

The duration of the GCD is 25 minutes. Introductory part – 3 min. ; main part – 18 min. ; final part – 4 min.

The duration of the GCD corresponded to the requirements of the program.

In the introductory part of the GCD, to create interest in the topic, I used a technique - a surprise moment (letter).

In the main part, the NOD used techniques - conversation, showing methods of action, using samples, explanation.

There was individual work with children in the main part of the educational activity - giving instructions in words.

In the final part of the GCD, the analysis of children's works was carried out with by looking at, questions.

All parts of the GCD were interconnected and subordinated to a given topic, purpose and objectives of the GCD. A properly organized change of activities made it possible to prevent fatigue and oversaturation in children.

Used methods:

Verbal (for questions for children, encouragement);

Visual (removal);

Practical (in completing a task);

Control method (in the analysis of completed work - approval and praise).

All teaching methods and techniques corresponded to the program content and age characteristics children.

The speech was expressive, calm, and reasonable.

Used health saving components: change of poses of children; to keep children interested.

I believe that the form of organization of children's educational activities I chose was quite effective. Throughout the entire educational activity, UUDs were formed (universal educational activities, in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard).

Analyzing the activities of children in the educational activities, I would like to note that they showed cognitive activity in environmental education, used competently having knowledge and skills in cognition, in work activities in nature. They were interested, attentive, organized. Involved indecisive and shy children in answering questions questions asked, helped verbal instructions at work. The children were eager on one's own analyze your work and the work of your comrades.

Analyzing the GCD, we can say that the set goals and objectives were successfully completed.

The children worked at their own pace and completed the task according to their individual capabilities.

The children pleased me that the kindness of a child’s soul, their curiosity, interest in the environment was felt throughout the entire NOD.

Publications on the topic:

In the process of introducing children of younger groups to nature, the teacher solves a number of problems: forms the first ideas about certain objects.

Summary of GCD in the middle group “Planting onions in a corner of nature” Goal: Systematize knowledge about the process of planting seeds. Objectives: Develop the ability to identify the subject of work, select tools and materials.

Labor education lesson “Children’s work in a corner of nature” 1. Type of activity: labor education 2. Topic: “Children’s work in a corner of nature.” 3. Program content: To develop labor skills.

At the end of February, after a walk, the children and I brought birch and poplar branches to the group for observation. Purpose of observations: to consolidate.

Self-analysis of GCD for FEMP “Let’s help Kolobok find his way home” Direct educational activities Educational area"Cognition" (FEMP) Topic: "Let's help the bun find its way home" Goal:.

MBDOU kindergarten No. 6 st. Vekovka. Educator: Maly Tatyana Evgenievna. Integrated lesson using ICT

Natalia Zolotova
Diagnosis of work activity

Labor activity

The study was carried out using a questionnaire proposed by G. A. Uruntaeva, Yu. A. Afonkina.

Target: learn the ability to plan labor activity.

Conducting research: observation of children in the process of execution labor assignment. Hand washing.

Object: group of children 4-5 years old, 15 people.

During the research process, many children had difficulty planning their activities.

Only two children completed the task in accordance with the planned plan, and did not experience any difficulty in planning their activity.

Seven children, with the help of questions from an adult, made a plan for their activities, but adhered to it partially during execution, making mistakes at the beginning or at the end activities. One part of the group forgot to raise their sleeves, the other part of the children did not evaluate the result of their activities, and hands were not thoroughly washed. Some of the children did not wipe their hands on the towel, although they planned to. The hand washing skill is not automatic; to successfully complete the task, they require adult accompaniment or visual guidance; with a little help, children will successfully complete the task.

It was difficult for two children to plan their activity. They described in detail how they would wash their hands and used the movements, but could not independently describe the sequence of actions. During the washing process, they asked for the help of an adult to open the tap, paid great attention to the washing process, and did not evaluate the result. Failed to follow the steps required during hand washing. What was their plan? activities. The skill of hand washing has not been learned; it is difficult to plan and carry out activity, are associated with ignorance of the sequence of actions.

Four children from this group could not tell their plan activities consistently and completely. They rearranged actions and forgot about some points. However, they completed the task successfully without skipping actions or disrupting their sequence, which was not in accordance with their plan. This group of children has developed the hand washing skill, but there are difficulties in speech development. With this group of children it is necessary to talk through the actions in the process activities, which will allow you to successfully master the ability to plan your activity verbally.

It is worth noting that the beginning activities and actions during the washing process, children paid more attention than evaluating the result and the end of the process (wiping hands with a towel and rolling up sleeves).

2. Analysis and diagnosis of labor skills of children of senior preschool age

During observation of the organization and content of children’s labor in senior group Answers were given to the following questions:

1) What kind of work activity took place in the groups (senior, preparatory). Duties:

a) around the dining room (setting tables, serving second and third courses, collecting dishes from the table after eating);

b) in preparation for classes (distributing and putting away manuals and materials, washing brushes, glue and paint utensils, washing rags, wiping tables after work, sweeping away scraps of paper);

c) in a corner of nature (they prepare and give food and water to animals, wash their dishes, together with adults they wash or clean cages and enclosures. They take care of plants: water them as needed, wash them, cut off wilted leaves, loosen the soil in pots, keep a calendar weather).

2) What kind of work is done by children besides duty:

a) household work (cleaning a group room: wiping window sills, furniture, building material, wash toys, wash and iron doll clothes and linen);

b) cleaning the area (in the fall, leaves are raked, in winter, snow is removed from the paths, playground, a slide and other buildings are built from snow, colored ice pieces are made, etc., in the summer, flowers and sand are watered, benches are wiped after playing with sand);

c) labor in nature.

In the fall, they harvest in the vegetable garden, in the garden, collect seeds, participate in transplanting plants into the ground, digging up beds, flower beds, replenish the corner of nature with inhabitants of reservoirs, prepare food for wintering birds, and begin feeding them.

In winter, root crops are planted - beets, carrots, oats are sown, i.e. They grow green food for animals in this corner of nature and feed wintering birds.

In the spring, seedlings are watered and seedlings are planted in the vegetable garden and flower garden.

In the summer, they continue to care for the plants of the vegetable garden, flower garden, garden: watering, loosening, hilling, thinning, tying up);

d) manual labor.

Working with paper, cardboard, making various crafts for games and gifts, repairing books, manuals, boxes.

Working with fabric: sewing doll clothes, seed bags, threading a needle, tying a knot, sewing on buttons, hangers. Working with wood: hammering, sawing, painting for making toys, etc.

Working with natural material: bast, grass, bark, leaves, pine cones, crafts of various souvenirs, toys).

3) It was determined that children have the skills, abilities, and habits to work carefully, in a certain sequence, to complete a task, and to handle tools and materials correctly.

4) The methods of organizing children’s work are characterized (the number of participants, grouping, children’s independence in the distribution of work, the nature of the relationships between children in the process of activity).

Diagnostics are carried out in accordance with the requirements of the program of education and training in labor skills in kindergarten and contains criteria for assessing labor skills in children of senior preschool age in the following sections:

Labor in nature;

Household work;

Manual labor;

Hard work while on duty;

Ideas about the work of adults.

The diagnosis was carried out with children of the older group, consisting of 6 people.

2.1 Diagnosis of labor skills and abilities Labor in nature.

1) The child is asked to work hard - water the plants, loosen them, remove dust from them:

The child accepts the goal of the work and willingly accepts the teacher’s offer;

The child agrees to the teacher’s proposal, but he needs additional motivation (“Help me”);

The child does not accept the goal of work outside of a play situation (“Dunno doesn’t know how to care for plants. Do you want to teach him?”).

2) The child is asked to select two plants from a corner of nature that need watering, loosening, and dusting, and explain why he chose these particular plants:

Is independent in determining the subject of labor, identifies its features (signal signs of a living object: the soil is dry, there is dust on the leaves, etc.);

The subject of work and its features that are significant for work are highlighted with the help of the teacher;

Does not highlight the subject of work with its characteristics (even with the help of an adult).

3) The child must answer what the plants will be like after he provides care:

The child foresees the result of labor (flowers will grow well after watering and loosening);

The result of labor is determined with the help of an adult;

Cannot cope with the task even with the help of an adult.

4) The child is asked to talk about the sequence of work actions and explain the need for such a sequence. If it is difficult, give the child a set of pictures depicting labor actions to remove dust from plants and ask them to arrange them sequentially:

The child independently talks and explains the sequence of work actions;

Arranges pictures in the correct sequence and explains;

Cannot plan the sequence of work actions.

5) Invite the child to select the equipment necessary for work. Put him in a situation of choice: along with the necessary tools and equipment, put in those that are unnecessary for a given labor process (for example, a net for transplanting fish, etc.):

Independently selects the necessary equipment;

With a little help from an adult, selects the necessary tools;

Cannot complete tasks.

6) The child is asked to show how he will care for the plants: water the plants correctly, loosen the soil, remove dust from different plants:

Performs all labor actions quite efficiently and independently;

Performs individual labor operations quite independently, but with poor quality;

The quality of work performed and the quality of the result are low.

The results are summarized in Table 1.

Table 1 - Diagnosis of work activity in caring for plants

Last name, first name of the child 1. The ability to accept the purpose of work
Vorobyova Valeria IN B B B B B
Gorlinskaya Sofia B B A A B B
Ilchenko Denis B IN B IN IN IN
Ionova Vera IN IN IN B IN IN
Shilin Ivan IN IN B B B B
Shpak Sergey B IN A B B B

LOW A - the effectiveness of work activity is low, instructions and direct assistance from an adult in performing work actions are required.

MEDIUM B - the child’s work is effective with a little help from adults; The child has an expressed desire for independence.

HIGH B - the child is completely independent in work activities caring for plants. The work is productive.

Table 2 - Level of formation of attitude towards work activity in caring for plants

Level 1. The ability to accept the purpose of work 2. The ability to highlight the subject of work 3. The ability to foresee the result of work 4. Ability to plan the work process

select the necessary equipment

6. Mastering labor skills and abilities
High 3 4 1 1 2 2
Average 3 2 3 4 4 4
Short 0 0 2 1 0 0
Household work.

1. A subgroup of children is asked to wash the plant trays. Each person washes 1-2 trays. Result: all trays are clean. When completing a task, the teacher pays attention to how the children distributed objects of labor among themselves, selected the necessary equipment, performed a labor action, and assessed the quality of the labor actions performed.

2. A subgroup of children is told that paint cans are dirty. What to do?

Collective work assumes that each child performs a certain labor action (one washes, another rinses, the third wipes, puts on a tray, etc.). Children distribute responsibilities and negotiate among themselves. When completing a task, the teacher pays attention to the ability to set a collective goal of work, distribute work between participants, distribute labor equipment for each participant in joint work, organize workplace, work at a general pace, etc.

The results are summarized in Table 3.

Table 3 - Diagnostics of the development of household labor

Last name, first name of the child 1. Skills and abilities with the child’s participation in collective work according to the general type (the content of the tasks is the same) 2. Skills and abilities with the child’s participation in collective work (the content of the tasks varies)
Vorobyova Valeria IN B
Gorlinskaya Sofia B B
Ilchenko Denis B B
Ionova Vera IN IN
Shilin Ivan B B
Shpak Sergey B B

Analyzing the attitude of children, we determine which group the child belongs to:

LOW A - the child willingly accepts and gets involved in work activities, but the work activities are hasty and of poor quality. In collective work, he prefers “work nearby.”

MIDDLE B - the child willingly accepts and gets involved in work activities, shows diligence in performing work activities. Willingly participates in collective forms of work activity, but performs the role of an assistant.

HIGH B - the child likes to work. Performs all actions skillfully and efficiently. Acts as an organizer in collective forms of children's labor activity; distributes work kindly and interacts with other children.

Table 4 - Level of development of children’s attitude towards household work

Manual labor. 1) The child is asked to make a snowflake. The child must choose the paper of the desired quality, color, size and the necessary tools (scissors, pencil) and make it according to one of the variable samples. The teacher lays out on the table in front of the child 3 options for making snowflakes and the corresponding operational cards, which clearly represent the method of making snowflakes. When performing a task, attention is paid to the presence of general labor and special skills, the formation of generalized methods of design, the development of combinatorial skills, and the reproductive or creative nature of the activity. 2) The teacher identifies to what extent the child can accept the goal of the activity, choose materials and tools, organize the workplace, use operational cards, master self-control actions, and the ability to independently achieve results.

The results are summarized in Table 5.

Table 5 - Diagnostics of formation manual labor

Analyzing the attitude of children, we determine which group the child belongs to:

LOW A - helplessness in all components of the labor process; refusal to engage in activities, low independence, need for direct assistance from an adult; the result of low quality work. MEDIUM B - high independence in reproductive activities. the quality of the result is high, but without elements of novelty or close transfer, insufficient combinatorial skills and independence for the implementation of a creative plan (advice, instructions, inclusion of an adult in the work process are required); the plan was partially realized. HIGH B - developed combinatorial skills. The use of operational maps, a generalized method of construction; complete independence; the result is of high quality, original or with elements of novelty.

Table 6 - Level of development of children's attitude towards manual labor

Table 7 - Summary table of the development of labor skills of children of senior preschool age

F.I. baby Introduction to adult labor Self-care skills Labor skills


Labor productivity Communication with peers

Total quantity

Vorobyova Valeria 2 2 6 4 3 5 22
Gorlinskaya Sofia 4 2 5 4 1 3 19
Ilchenko Denis 3 2 7 6 3 4 28
Ionova Vera 3 2 10 6 3 6 30
Shilin Ivan 2 2 7 5 2 4 22
Shpak Sergey 3 2 6 4 1 3 19

Criteria for examining labor skills in children of senior preschool age (Appendix).

Table 8 - Results

1. Children have well-developed work skills and abilities. Children are happy to carry out instructions from adults and take a responsible approach to fulfilling the duties of duty officers.

2. In the senior group, children develop skills in various types of manual labor: embroidery, sewing, beading, working with natural and waste material etc.

2.2 Diagnosis of hard work in different types duty

Children were observed while on duty in the dining room, play corner, and nature corner. To do this, we assigned two people to each type of duty. The types of duty were changed every two days, and the quality of work was assessed together with the children, i.e. formed self-esteem.

In this study we determined:

Do children want to be on duty, and is their desire reflected in the actual work process;

What are their motives, the nature of their behavior while on duty: are they avoiding duty;

Are they on duty only under supervision from the teacher and the children?

Do they work well while on duty as assigned by the teacher;

Are they on duty well, do they do work outside of duty, do they help others.

The data obtained was recorded in the form of table 9.

Table 9 - Diagnosis of hard work during duty

Name Type of activity

Duty on

dining room

Duty in the play area Duty in a corner of nature
Vorobyova Valeria B B A
Gorlinskaya Sofia A B A
Ilchenko Denis IN B B
Ionova Vera IN IN IN
Shilin Ivan B B B
Shpak Sergey B A A

Analyzing the attitude of children to duty, we determine which group the child belongs to:

Group A (low level) - children are on duty carelessly, willingly delegate their responsibilities to others, refuse to be on duty, forget about it, do not complete the task, believe that order is the responsibility of the assistant teacher and other children.

Group B (below average) – the attitude towards duty is unstable, the quality of work depends on the mood.

Group B (average level) - perform their duties well, actively, do not forget about them, but do not help others, they strive to get the approval of adults.

Group G (above average) – children are willing, perform good duty, and remember their responsibilities. If they are not on duty at the moment, they still pay attention to the disorder in the group and eliminate it, asking to be appointed to be on duty.

Group D (high level) – children constantly strive to participate in group activities, work well, and help their friends in various activities.

Table 10 - Level of development of children's attitude towards duty

Attitude level Duty
around the dining room in the play corner in a corner of nature
High 0 0 0
Above average 0 0 0
Average 2 1 1
Below average 3 4 2
Short 1 1 3

These results indicate that most children prefer to be on duty in the play corner.

Thus, it is clear that children’s diligence is formed as follows: children work without control, but only while on duty. They do only what is part of their responsibilities (group B) In this group, the majority of children belong to group B - 3 children, but there are also children who belong to groups A and B. These children understand the importance of work, but do not complete it , they need systematic external control (group A) - 2 children.

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