A holiday in nature for a large company. Mobile competitions (for outdoor recreation)

To be honest, it is quite difficult to hold such a holiday. Firstly, being a picnic, children least of all want to play in an organized way - everyone has their own interesting business. Secondly, organization children's holiday in nature requires certain physical data. For example, a loud voice :-).

If you still decide to gather guests for a picnic and plan to entertainment program, without the temperament of a clown and the skills of an experienced animator, use my selection of contests.

I chose only those games and competitions in nature that are easiest to organize (most of them can be held with the number of participants from 4 people).

So far, only 20 ideas, but I plan to add interesting outdoor contests to this article, so there will be many more over time!

Eat . It describes games with props that can be played outdoors.

There are, some of them are also suitable for a picnic.

- a lot of this can be organized at a picnic

Throwers and throwers 🙂

I like this competition for simplicity and objectivity in identifying the winner. It is easy to establish who hit the target more times.


Catching games


Lay out the toys, pots, bags, and items you brought for the picnic in the clearing. Plant a bear in the center of this composition, draw a line on the ground at a distance of 5-7 steps, behind which there will be a “house”. The host shouts: "The bear woke up!". Children must save property and put it behind the line, and the bear can only catch the one who has nothing in his hands (at the moment when the child returns for things from the safe line). The one who collects the most things wins. And the bear becomes the player who was in the paws of the bear.

Catchers "Short legs"

The participants of the game will need to catch up and run away with an empty plastic bottle sandwiched between their knees.


Players line up. The leader turns away and steps back 5 steps.

- Knock Knock?
- Who's there?
— I don't know myself.
- Why did you come?
- For paint.
— For what?
- For blue!

Everyone who has this color on their clothes holds on to this color with their hands and remains in place, the rest run away from the leader. The next one is driven by the one who was caught.


Fight with balls

In nature, such a game will turn out fun. Tie small balls to the right ankle of the players (string no more than 30 cm). Only 2 players participate in the duel. Hands are not involved, they need to be clasped behind the back in a lock. The winner is the one who manages to burst the winner's balloon with his foot. To the one who won, a new opponent comes with a ball on his leg. This continues until one player remains with a whole ball on his leg.

Knight Tournament

If there is a relatively even and not thick log, you can fight with long thin balls. The winner must stand on a log.

Comic games

Game "Obstacle Train"

1 stage of the game.

Between the trees at a height of 30-40 cm, pull the rope in zigzags. All participants of the holiday get into the train one after another, holding on to the waist. To the music, the first player starts moving in small steps, choosing a difficult route. You need to step over the rope, go around the tree, and so on. It's just fun, especially if there are more than five participants.

Stage 2 of the game.

One of the players is taken aside and tightly blindfolded with a handkerchief. At this time, the rope must be removed, brought to the beginning of the route. And now the host tells you how to raise your leg, how many steps to go, where to turn. The player follows the commands, thinking that the rope has remained in place and diligently overcomes non-existent obstacles. Try it, it's fun!



Most suitable for an autumn picnic, as fallen leaves are needed. As usual, we divide the children into teams. We collect the leaves in advance. Determine the distance for running (no more than 6-7 meters). At the end of the route, put a skewer for each team (a stick on which you need to string a sheet). The player runs, strings a piece of paper on a stick, returns to the team. The winner is the team that, of course, will have the most luxurious barbecue by the time the cheerful children's song ends.


The distance of 5-7 meters and back must be overcome by firmly holding the ball between the knees. At the same time, cones, nuts or small pebbles can be attributed to the “mink”. The winning team is again revealed by the end of the song.


We divide the children into two teams. We collect small pebbles or cones according to the number of participants. Small juice boxes will do. It is necessary not only to run up and put a piece of coal in the fire, but to move, tossing the object up slightly. It's an ember, it burns your hands! The team that puts down their fire the fastest wins.


Hot weather game. Each team member has empty disposable cups. Teams need to be built in a line, right side to the direction of movement.

The last player in line must have a full glass of water. On command, he pours water to his neighbor into an empty glass as carefully as possible, runs and becomes the first (always next to the previous participant). It is the turn of the one who now has a full glass of water. He also pours it to a neighbor. This is how you get to the target. The team with the most water left at the end of the relay wins.

On the mound

Everyone ran, tired. Sat on a log...

Time for sedentary games and competitions, which, by the way, are also very fun.


The host divides the guests into groups (if there are few children, everyone gets a separate role). Let frogs, cows, dogs, cats, pigs, ducks, bees, sheep and so on appear on your holiday.

They will have to perform a song for the birthday boy to the melody " Happy Birthday to You. First, each sings a line. The conductor points with a baton, and...

Kwa-kva-kva-kva woof-woof

Oink-oink-oink-oink meow-meow

Quack-quack-quack-quack ju-ju-ju

Mu-mu-mu-mu beee-beee….

And now all together!

The main thing is that there are no other vacationers nearby, since the choir turns out to be very solemn :-).

The fairy tale came to life

We take the simplest children's fairy tale. All guests get roles. Those who lacked the main characters become trees, the sun, clouds, wind.

For the forest, "Masha and the Bear" is best suited. Just think about who you will give the role of hemp, because a bear will sit on it!

Crocodile on a picnic

One of the participants shows with gestures some object necessary in nature, the rest guess. Matches, firewood, barbecue meat, a thermos, a backpack and a pump look fun in such a pantomime.

Scarecrow garden

It is necessary to tie two sticks in the form of a cross (the transverse one is shorter). Each team should receive such a blank. You need to make a garden (or forest) scarecrow from improvised materials - jackets, hats, buckets, garbage bags, bottles, etc. The team with the funniest scarecrow wins.

I appeal to all readers of the blog "Again a holiday"! If you have proven ideas for a children's picnic party, please write in the comments. Let's collect best contests in nature for children together!

  • These competitions in nature are suitable for students elementary school(grades 1-4).

After the daily bustle and long stay in a stuffy and noisy metropolis, it is so nice to get out into nature with friends or family. The bustle during the gathering, the preparation of snacks and, thinking through the menu and a fun road - all this gives a feeling of approaching the holiday.

And finally, a fire is kindled, an impromptu table is laid out in the clearing and the breathtaking aroma of meat fried on coals begins to spread.

But often after tasting snacks and treats, the company begins to feel sad. And boredom is the first enemy of positive emotions and have a nice rest. Therefore, we turn on the fantasy and come up with entertainment for a picnic. And this will help calm and active games, adapted to the conditions of the outdoors.

Outdoor Activities: "The Camping Lasso"

This game is great for playing outside. You will need bottles of different heights.

You can take both plastic and tin containers.

A variety of bottled drinks are taken to the picnic. So use them for outdoor fun.

You will have to take rings with you, which will pounce on impromptu skittles.

If there are small children in the family, there will be no problems with such props at all. But you can make rings yourself from wood or hard wire.

If the idea to organize a game came already at a picnic, then such rings can be easily made from ordinary willow twigs.

Arrange all the bottles in the clearing or place them in one box. Let them be of different heights, so it will even be more interesting to compete.

Determine from how many steps you will throw the rings, and even better, make a restrictive line.

Throw the rings one by one and don't forget to count the points.

You can complicate the task by placing the bottles at different heights and assigning them a different number of points.

Outdoor Activities: Park Bowling

If a picnic takes place in a park and there are paved paths nearby, you can organize a real bowling alley. For this we take plastic bottles equal volume and fill halfway with water.

These will be the skittles, which we set at one end of the track.

We will knock down improvised skittles with an ordinary soccer ball, which is always found in a cheerful company.

Of course, you will have to lift the pins yourself, but this will add a special flavor to the game.

Or you can just put an attendant near the pins, who will play the role of a “lift”.

Children's calm games: twister on the grass

Favorite outdoor fun Twister is easy to play in the fresh air. If it seems like you have to tinker with the preparation, then consider that the reward will be fun entertainment.

Moreover, children play this game with pleasure even without the participation of adults. But parents do not refuse to take part in it.

So, to make a Twister field on the grass, you will need spray paints in cans, as well as a cardboard sheet with a circle cut out in it with a diameter of 20 - 25 cm.

We paint drawings in the form of multi-colored circles directly on the grass.

Recall that in classic version four rows of 6 circles.

Red, yellow, blue and green colors are used, that is, each row is drawn in one color.

But you can complicate or diversify the task for the players by drawing a whole field of multi-colored circles.

And let the colors be not in the same row, but in a scatter.

For the leader, you will need a roulette wheel, which determines the actions of the players.

There is a shop version of Twister at home, take a tape measure with you.

But its manufacture is not particularly difficult.

On a square white sheet, draw a circle, which we divide into four sectors. Each sector corresponds to the participant's leg or arm.

Now we divide each sector into four more parts, and decorate it with a certain color or simply sign it.

It remains to fix the arrow in the center, which can be cut out of cardboard or built from wire.

All the props are ready - you can start playing. At the command of the leader, who turns the hand of the improvised dial, the participants move their legs and arms to a circle of the desired color.

It is forbidden to occupy the cells on which the opponent is standing. The one who could not keep his balance is out of the game.

The result is the most intricate poses and, of course, a lot of positive.

Calm games for kids: tic-tac-toe on the grass

The game, familiar to everyone since childhood, takes on a completely new shape in the fresh air. No, we will not draw leaves and draw familiar figures. Let's create a real "theatre of stones".

You need to find 9 stones of medium size, they will play the role of cells. We lay them out on the grass in standard three rows.

But instead of "crosses" and "toes" you can use any natural material.

It can be cones, acorns, sticks, and even flower buds.

As a last resort, take smaller stones, but you will have to figure out how to put distinctive images on them.

The preparatory phase has been completed. We invite friends and children to play an old game that helps develop memory and thinking.

Calm games for children 5 years old

When the kids run up, you can invite them to play funny calm games.

Preparing for such competitions so captivates the kids that they forget about pampering and completely surrender to the process.

Building a monster

Invite the kids to build a real monster. Definitely, for such a construction you will need improvised material.

But in the field, let the monster be unusual. Therefore, any sticks, twigs, newspapers, buckets, toys, stones, flowers can be used as building materials.

You can build one large monster or individual monsters.

To make the kids not so bored, turn on the perky music. By the way, it is with the help of music that you can limit the construction time.

And at the end of the competition, let each creator present their work, giving a name to their monster, and telling what unusual abilities it has.

Where, if not at a picnic, you can make plenty of noise. Therefore, the idea of ​​organizing a noise orchestra will appeal to children. Moreover, the orchestra will not be simple, but from improvised materials.

You can, of course, take musical toys from home such as a drum, tambourine, whistle, musical hammer.

But it will be much more interesting if creative ideas are used.

Pots with lids, glass bottles filled with different volumes of water, grass whistles, sticks and branches - everything can sound.

It remains to choose a conductor, put on butterflies for the plausibility of the orchestra, and you can turn on your favorite song that the children should play on their instruments.

Watermelon Constructor

Did you have watermelon as a treat at the picnic? Collect all peels. They can be used to conduct an interesting competition.

We give the children watermelon crusts - these will be the details of the designer.

And as connecting elements we use ordinary toothpicks.

Each kid receives a task that he must build.

It can be any animal, machine or monster.

It is not forbidden to use improvised materials in creating the composition.

When all the crafts are ready, be sure to organize an exhibition.

And give sweet prizes to inventive builders.

Calm games for girls and boys of school age

It is problematic to captivate schoolchildren by building monsters or singing songs.

They like noisy competitions in the air. But here, too, there is a way out.

It is easy to entertain students with the help of various quests. It's so interesting to look for treasures or solve intricate riddles.

You can organize a common game or team competition if there are many children in the company.

Parents will have to thoroughly prepare for such entertainment, but it's worth it. Both boys and girls love to search for treasures.

Even adults and teenagers are happy to join the children.

We draw the road to the treasured treasure on a map - a regular A3 sheet.

At each point indicated on the graphic image, the participants should be in for a small surprise - they must complete a certain task, there will also be instructions on the further direction of movement.

Hints should make children complete the next task.

For example, find a boulder in the clearing and take 15 steps to the southeast from it.

What is a boulder? Where is the southeast of this? This is where adult tips and props may be needed.

If you already indicate the cardinal directions, provide the children with a compass.

Choose the difficulty of the task depending on the age and interests of the children.

And at the end of the path, a treasure awaits them. It can be buried or hidden under a bush in a box.

For a picnic, a prize in the form of hiking souvenirs or sweets intended for all guests will be appropriate.

The game will appeal to everyone without exception. After all, children are waiting for awards. But to get the coveted prize, you have to become a real tracker for a while.

You need to look not for the gifts themselves, but for the numbers, according to which the drawing of prizes will take place.

The numbers of the prizes to be drawn can be written on boxes from under kinder surprises, balls, chestnuts.

The main thing is to hide them in different places: under the bushes, in the grass, in a hollow.

Make preparations with a margin so that there are enough prizes for all children.

An increased appetite, healthy sleep, a surge of strength and vivacity, the absence of harmful computer and television radiation - all this gives us outdoor recreation. Back in the 30s of the 20th century, Professor Alexander Chizhevsky proved the benefits of fresh “live” air. The fact is that air contains both positively charged cations and negatively charged ions (aeroions). The latter strengthen the immune system, nervous system, improve brain function, relieve stress, increase physical activity. In nature, there is a natural saturation of air with air ions. Most of them are in the mountains, near water bodies, in the forest, after rain, thunderstorms, etc. And cations are “dead”, exhausted, polluted, “office” air. That is why it is so useful to spend at least a little time on the street, in the country or just in nature. Today we will tell you how to diversify your leisure time outdoors and organize games that the whole family will enjoy.

Outdoor games strengthen the muscular apparatus, develop coordination and speech skills. A small amount of money will be required only for the game in the style of "Robin Hood".

Robin Hood

The number of participants may be different, but the more guests will be involved in the process, the better - this way the game will become massive and infect everyone with a good mood.

You can come up with your own scenario for the development of this fun, and its name is purely symbolic, for the most part due to the fact that the main equipment for the game will be a set of targets, bows and arrows with suction cups (its price varies from 200 rubles and more). Accordingly, the competition for accuracy will become the main one. But you can add other contests to the game. For example, hang envelopes with the names of trees and shrubs that grow in your garden (or near the place where you relax in nature) and put a leaf or twig into the envelopes in the wrong order. Participants (single or divided into teams) will have to lay out the sheets correctly.

A competition for identifying traces is made according to the same type: on paper we print out the trace and the animal / bird that leaves it. Players must correctly match the paw/hoof print and its owner. You can add a competition for the strongest knot.

The award based on the results of all competitions will be the knighting of the winner or winners by King Richard the Lionheart himself.

The sea is worried

Entertaining game for all ages. Again, the more participants, the more interesting the course of the game. Even grandparents can be attracted to this fun.

With the help of a counter, a leader is selected. The rest of the participants stand at some distance from each other. The host turns around and says:

"The sea is worried,
The sea is worried two,
The sea is rough three
Marine figure freeze in place!

At this time, the players, swaying or spinning, come up with a figure related to the marine theme, and freeze in this position at the word “freeze”. A marine figure can be any fish, starfish, ship captain, mermaid, seagull, etc.

The host can approach any player and “revive” him with a touch. He, in turn, must show with movements a scene from which it will become clear what kind of figure he depicted.

Before the start of the game, it is necessary to determine who becomes the second and subsequent leader - who depicted the marine figure best or most incomprehensibly.

We add that instead of a marine figure, there can be any other - flower, forest, bird, profession figure and everything that comes to mind of the presenter. It can also be some specific object for everyone, for example, a figure of a dolphin or a car.


The number of participants is not limited, but even, as the game is played in pairs. It is desirable that the couple has one adult, one child. In advance, you need to prepare plates with interesting inscriptions and words.

Each “rider” child is given a sign on their back with a word that none of the players should see. Participants are seated on the backs of adults. At the command of the facilitator, each pair must read what words the other pairs have and not let them read their own. The players with the most words are declared the winners!

Sense of elbow

This simple and fun game perfect for lifting the mood. The number and age of participants are not limited.

All players stand in a circle and take each other by the elbows. On command, they begin to squat. With each squat, the pace should accelerate. You can even turn on suitable music like “Kalinka-Malinka”. The task of the players is to stand still. If someone falls, everyone falls after him. A burst of fun is guaranteed!


Perhaps this is the oldest game of all listed. It can be played by different ways. A large circle is determined in advance, where there are no sharp objects, stones, etc. to avoid injury.

Option number 1

The player is blindfolded, twisted, and then they scatter. Players can make sounds about their location - clap their hands, stomp, ring a bell, but not talk or laugh. The task of the driver is to catch the player and call him by name. If the name is guessed correctly, the one caught becomes the driver, no, the game continues.

Option number 2

A bell or bell is hung around the neck of one player and his hands are tied behind his back. The rest of the participants are blindfolded. Everyone is trying to catch the “ringer”, who quietly, trying not to ring, runs away from the “blind” participants.

Option number 3

The driver is blindfolded. He gives the command: "All to me!". The players run up to him, touch him with their hands and freeze in this position, then the driver says “Everything is from me!”. Players scatter in different directions as quickly as possible. After a few seconds, the driver gives the command “Stop!”, And at these words everyone freezes in their places. The driver is looking for players. At the end, they are allowed to take only one step, the rest of the time, in order not to be caught, the participants can squat, bend over, without moving. The leader must identify the found player, who becomes the next one. If the presenter guesses the name incorrectly, he continues to search.

Mobile competitions (for outdoor recreation)

"King of beasts"

Props: A large flat rock that can be climbed by one person. Several people are needed to play the game.

Everyone becomes in a circle. The leader says that now he will come up to everyone and say the name of some animal in his ear, and then he will shout out the word "lion", and the one to whom the leader said this word must run out of the circle and climb a stone to become "king animals."

The rest of the participants must interfere with him and delay him. When all the rules are agreed, the leader steps aside and shouts: “Lion!” Together with this word, almost the entire circle will rush to the stone, because the leader said “lion” to all the players.

Polo game

But do not think that this is the same polo that is played on horseback, with a ball and a special club. No, everything is much simpler (although no less interesting)! In advance, you need to inflate as many colored balloons as possible. Participants will compete to see who can pop the most balloons... by sitting on them! The game will be much more entertaining if you assign a certain number of points for each color of the ball (for yellow - 1, for green - 2, for blue - 3, etc.). In this case, each participant in the game has the right to choose, and he himself can aim at the ball that will bring him more points.

The winner of the game is given chocolates (preferably in multi-colored packages), and their number should be equal to the number of points scored by the participants during the game.


The participants of the game become in a circle. The essence of the game is to step on the foot of your neighbor. To prevent a dump immediately, the participants begin to try to step on each other's feet in turn. The one whose shoes have lost their original purity due to a successful raid by a nearby person is declared the loser and leaves the game, after which the “offensives” resume. There can only be one winner in this game: the one who courageously holds out for the entire game, strenuously guarding his boots from the danger that threatens them and actively attacking others.

Note: women in stiletto heels should not be included in the game: they will either break the heel or pierce their neighbor's boot with it, trying too hard to step on his foot. Either way, you won't run into trouble.

"Ball with a ball"

Each participant in the game (there should be three contestants in total) has a balloon attached to the back of the thread. Then everyone who takes part line up strictly in a straight line. A small rubber or plastic ball is placed in front of each of them. The winner is the one who reaches the finish line first. Moreover, pushing the ball is allowed only with a tied balloon. You can complicate the task and ask them to score a “goal” in an improvised goal at the finish line (to do this, place two empty bottles at a certain distance from each other). The winner is awarded the title of "the most dexterous football player" and is given the opportunity ... to sing his favorite hit without musical accompaniment.


Participants are divided into two teams that line up in front of each other in two lines. Everyone stands on the right leg, and raises the second and holds it with the left hand by the shin. The right palm is put forward. After that, all the players begin to jump on their right foot, trying to hit their opponent's palm with their palm so that he stumbles. Those who stumble out of the game.

The loser is the team whose players are all out of the game. As usual, the winners receive a prize. And what, you really think for yourself.

"Wet and Dry"

Props: several unbreakable cups or small deep bowls.

Option 1.

The facilitator marks the start and finish. Cups or bowls are half filled with water. Then the participants of the game put them on their heads and, holding them lightly with one hand, run a race to the finish line. The winner is the one who reaches the finish line first and who has the largest amount of water left in the cup.

Option 2.

Props: eye patches. The same can be done, but blindfolding the participants. For this version of the game, you need to choose the largest cups or bowls and determine the distance on a more or less flat piece of land. Although everything is a matter of taste.


Option 1.

Props: a few balloons, a bucket or a basket. Bucket or basket (at worst, it will fit and big bag) is hung from a tree at chest height of an average person so that your balloon can be thrown into it. Several people who expressed a desire to be the breeze (7-9 people) stand in a circle, in the middle of which stands the leader (he is also the judge).

The referee tosses the inflated balloon up, and the players must blow on it with all their might to drive it into the basket. If the ball falls, then the referee takes it and throws it up again so that the game can start again.

The referee must be vigilant to ensure that no one touches the ball with their hands or otherwise “helps” it into the basket.

Option 2.

Props: two buckets or two baskets, balls. In this variant, the players are divided into two teams (for example, women's and men's), and buckets are hung from trees at different ends of the clearing. Everything is the same as in the first version of the game, only the teams should strive to score a "goal" in the opponents' basket. The winning team receives as a prize the ball that it so diligently "stuffed" into the "gates" of rivals.


Props: big ball. The host stands in the middle of the clearing and throws the ball as high as possible. As soon as one of the players takes possession of the ball, he must press it to himself as tightly as possible and not let go for anything in the world. The rest of this ball will be taken away from him with all his might. There are several ways to determine the winner. First: simply limit the time of the game, and whoever has the ball after the "whistle" is considered the winner. But this method is not very fair. Second: the leader carefully observes the course of the game and marks the one who was able to hold the ball the longest. And, finally, the third way: the host looks at who owned the ball more often than others during the game. One way or another, but in the game there must be a winner, and no matter how you use to determine it, the winner must be determined in the same way as you need to somehow reward him for his diligence. We bring to your attention such a way of encouragement: the winner makes a circle of honor with a ball across the clearing, and then goes to collect firewood for the fire, so as not to ask.


Props: threads and matchboxes. A minimum of two people are required to play the game, but the more participants there are in the game, the more fun it is. Each player is tied to a belt with a thread, the end of which goes down to the floor. A matchbox is tied to the very tip, which should lie on the floor. The task of the players is to, having stepped on the thread, tear off the boxes from the opponent without the help of hands. The one whose box is torn off must leave the game. The winner is the one with the boxes left the longest. If the game is pleasant, then it can be continued with the losers until only one, the most clumsy, remains. He is given the right to fight with the winner. Whoever emerges victorious from this duel is considered the main "tail". He deserves a prize.

Competitions between teams

"It was winter..."

Despite the winter name, this competition can be held at any time of the year, even if it is the hottest summer outside. The main thing is to stock up on "skis" - several album sheets. Two or three people should take part in the entertainment. Each contestant is awarded a pair of skis. The essence of the game is that its participants must “get on the skis” and, in the shortest possible time, go through a certain section on them from start to finish. In addition, they cannot be lost in any case. In other words, they will have to move to the finish line, moving their feet on album sheets, as if they were skiing.

"Ice, ice, melt away"

There are two teams participating in the competition. Each of them is given one ice cube. The winner is the team that melts the ice cube as quickly as possible. But at the same time, a mandatory agreement must be observed: team members are obliged to transfer ice to each other all the time. You can melt it as you like: warm it with your breath, warm it between your palms, scrape it, etc. And one more victory condition is that the team that manages to melt the ice cube faster wins, while all participants will be involved in the process.

"You to me, I to you!"

Participants of the competition are divided into two equal teams and stand in two rows. Those standing first extend their right hand with the palm up. After that, they bend all fingers, except for the index finger, on which the host puts a button. In this position, the participant must turn to the neighbor in the line and pass him, also on the index finger, a button, and he, in turn, must hold the button only with his index finger without the help of other fingers (and even more so the other hand). The team whose members quickly pass each other a button only on the index finger, never dropping it, is considered the winner.

Funny contests

"Spider line"

Seven to eight people are invited to conduct this entertainment, but if possible, it is better that there be as many participants as possible. The more participants, the more interesting the competition. With the help of a counter, the leader is selected, he leaves the room, and all the other participants form a circle, hold hands and tangle the line of the circle as much as possible, (but!) without disengaging their hands. When the web is woven, a driver is invited from the next room, who must unravel the web in a short time so that the circle takes its normal shape. The same player who was the last to unravel becomes the leader, and the game starts over. The winner is the driver who managed to weave the cobweb in the shortest time. He is awarded a prize and a diploma of the "Honorary Spider".

"Nose or Ear"

Props: eye patch. Absolutely no preparation is required to play the game. You just need to choose a driver. First of all, it is necessary to determine on which part of the body the upcoming "identification" will be carried out. It's done like this. The driver is blindfolded, spun around the axis, and then he walks around the room with his arm outstretched until he stumbles upon someone (you don’t need to dodge, it’s still not a blind man’s blind man). Which part of the body the driver's hand touches, identification will be made on that. After that, everyone sits down, and the driver stands somewhere in the middle. Players take turns approaching him, he must determine who it is, according to the above agreed part of the body. If the driver calls the name correctly, then he becomes a participant in the game, and the one whom the driver “recognized” replaces him “in a responsible position”, and everything repeats all over again.

"Cut the Prize"

Props: a harsh thread, prizes (it can be anything: a bottle, a carrot, a candy, cigarettes ...), a blindfold, scissors. The thread is pulled in the middle of the room, at chest level. Prizes are hung on a thread on thin threads at a short distance from each other. The players stand about seven meters from the thread. They are blindfolded in turn, given scissors in their hand, untwisted and offered to cut off their prize. Tip: The game is quite fun, and so that it does not end too quickly, make a supply of prizes that you will add to the thread.


Props: several balloons, the same number of brooms. Several participants are invited to play the game. Each is equipped with a broom and a balloon and lined up along the starting line. The task is to carry the ball through the entire room on a broom without holding it with the other hand and without dropping it. The one who first runs to the finish line with a ball is proclaimed an honorary virtuoso.

"Attension, please"

As many people as possible should take part in this game, it is better if everyone present at your table agrees. So, game.

Her goal is to draw attention to herself. You can use any means, except for the use of force or, for example, explosions. Each participant must strive to complete the task, which is further complicated by the fact that, as they say, he is not the only one so smart, that is, this task is for everyone.

The winner is the one who in the shortest time managed to win the attention of the majority of those present. It is good to play this game at the beginning of the feast in order to choose the one who will play the honorary role of toastmaster or leading feaster.

Creative contests


A classic board game that can be played in any alcoholic state. First of all, those sitting at the table choose a leader. After that, they must be very careful, as the leader's task is to ensure the presence of players. To this end, he will strive by all sorts of tricks to lure or simply steal some thing from those sitting at the table. Moreover, the more things he manages to get, the more he will then have "victims". Especially interesting game it turns out when people do not even suspect that their phantom is already with the host, and ingenuously consider themselves outside observers. So, forfeits are obtained, now the fun itself begins. The host invites a person whom he trusts, or someone who did not manage to steal a phantom, as his assistant. The host turns his back to those present, and his assistant takes out one by one and shows everyone the forfeits, while asking the host what this phantom should do. Tasks can be very different: from a simple song and a picture of a cockerel to making, say, a cocktail for everyone.

It all depends on the leader's imagination. A person receives a phantom back only if all those present are satisfied with the task. The recalcitrant, on the other hand, can be given more complex or even phased tasks.


Rules of the game. All participants are given notes in which Russian folk proverbs known to all are encrypted. It is required to guess what these proverbs are.

1. The lady got out of the chaise, the horses ran faster. Answer: A woman from a cart is easier for a mare.

2. Children's philosophy. Answer: Truth speaks through the mouth of a child.

3. Without effort there is no reward. Answer: You can’t even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty.

4. Feelings are not subject to reason. Answer: Love is evil - you will love a goat.

5. Why did Eve choose Adam? Answer: On lack of fish and cancer fish.

6. Continuous reproduction of their own kind. Answer: The apple does not fall far from the tree.

7. Idleness from fear. Answer: To be afraid of wolves - do not go into the forest.

8. Whom does God sponsor? Answer: Who gets up early, God gives him.

9. The first one is always doomed. Answer: The first pancake is always lumpy.

10. Matter is primary, consciousness is secondary. Answer: They are greeted by clothes, escorted by mind.

11. One old and two new. Answer: An old friend is better than two new ones.

12. The conflict of generations in the chicken coop. Answer: Eggs do not teach chicken.

13. He can only be compared with a Tatar. Answer: An uninvited guest is worse than a Tatar.

14. Only owners of patches and Americans sit like this. Answer: Put the pig at the table, she and her feet on the table.

15. Here you are not there. Answer: Away is good, but home is better.

16. If he sobers up, he will drown. Answer: The drunken sea is knee-deep.

17. On what basis is the level of intelligence determined. Answer: Laughter for no reason is a sign of foolishness.

18. Goose-pig hierarchy. Answer: A goose is not a comrade to a pig.

19. Purposefulness. Answer: He who seeks will always find.

20. Cat's sadness. Answer: Not all cats have Shrovetide.

21. Education of the eyeless. Answer: Seven nannies have a child without an eye.

22. Russian national cuisine. Answer: Shchi and porridge are our food.

23. Thinking out loud in an extreme state. Answer: What is on the mind of a sober person is on the tongue of a drunkard.

24. Fear of the golden hand. Answer: The work of the master is afraid.

25. Priceless baby. Answer: The spool is small, but expensive.

26. Follow the market. Answer: The word is not a sparrow - it will fly out, you will not catch it.

27. The written is not afraid of piercing and cutting objects. Answer: What is written with a pen cannot be cut down with an ax.

28. Smile of crooked mirrors. Answer: There is nothing to blame on the mirror, if the face is crooked.

29. Lenders don't like to wait. Answer: Debt by payment is red.

30. Everyone went, and you catch up. Answer: Seven do not wait for one.

31. Great things await great people. Answer: A big ship - a big voyage.

32. Someone else's shirt is life-threatening. Answer: Your shirt is closer to the body.

33. There are five weekdays, and two days off. Answer: Business - time, fun - an hour.


Props: prepare an envelope in advance, in which there will be headlines cut out from newspapers and magazines, and the more they are prepared, the better. Everyone present must take part in this game. The host takes the envelope, approaches each player in turn and offers, without looking, to get one piece of paper.

When all participants acquire such pieces of paper, the host asks them, in the same turn, to say the phrase “And in my shoe ...” and then read what is written on the clipping from the magazine.


Props: any gardening equipment. Several volunteers are invited, who are divided into pairs. One person from the pair steps aside and closes his eyes. To another, the host hands something from the tools, such as a rake and a pruner, and says what needs to be depicted. Most the best option when plots are taken that are not related to the garden. A player who needs to portray something can invite one of the spectators to help him.

Example: with a rake and a pruner, you can portray a hairdresser. With a shovel - a servant with a fan. The winner is the one whose composition will be guessed faster than others. As a reward, he is given an honorable trip to the garden or to the kitchen for onions or radishes.

"Baron Munchausen"

All those present can take part in this competition, since there is something, but we all know how to lie, and how. And at the same time, check which of your friends is the most skillful liar.

So, before you start lying, you need to specify what topic your stories will be about. Once the theme is set, you can start playing. The first one (it can be one of the especially brave, or you can just count) begins his story: “Once I ...”

It is important to ensure that the story is more or less logical and the narrator does not think for more than half a minute. As soon as any of these conditions is violated, the right to speak passes to the next participant in the game. And so on. After all the stories are heard, the participants in the game themselves must decide who managed to outdo everyone in the ability to lie.

Dance competitions

Competition "Lazy dancing"

This competition is very simple. The necessary props are five chairs. Participants should be one person more, that is, six. The game starts. The leader announces the dance. Appropriate music is turned on, and those taking part in the entertainment begin to dance. The one who, in the opinion of those not participating in the competition, dances the worst of all, is eliminated from the game. There are five people left. Then the host invites the remaining contestants to sit on chairs and dance while sitting. Already tired dancers gladly agree to this proposal and even sit on chairs for some time, actively waving their arms and legs.

But still, it will turn out worse for someone and he will have to leave the game. The remaining four people continue to sit on chairs. The presenter explains to them that now they will have to dance without the help of their legs. It turns out that the players sit on chairs and do the most bizarre movements with their hands, leaving their legs motionless. This stage of the competition, as a rule, is the best for the participants, but you still have to look for one loser. Three participants of the competition dance sitting, without the help of their hands (the legs also remain motionless).

How to dance the dance without using either the arms or the legs is up to them. Perhaps they know how to do a belly dance? At worst, each of them will be able to nod his head to the beat of the music. After that, the two most inventive players are chosen, who continue the fight, and the third, not so active, is declared the loser.

The remaining two participants in the game will have the last task: without moving at all, they must “dance” ... with the help of only facial expressions! If you have not had to do this yet, try it somehow and see how difficult it is to dance rock and roll or lezginka only with the help of various grimaces. The winner is the one of the two remaining contestants who coped with this task better. The prize can be anything. Just do not give the winner the opportunity to order a dance as a gift: he will not want to dance anyway!


Now find a mop, a broom, a broom (a kettle, a rolling pin, a colander will do) and give it to one of those present. All guests should be divided into pairs, only one remains - with a mop (for example). Music is playing. Everyone dances slowly as they move around the room. The man with the mop pretends to be leading his partner in the dance. Someone suddenly turns off the music, at which point everyone should switch dance partners. Who did not have time - that gets a mop. Music continues to play, and so on until the next shutdown. It will be a lot of fun, as there will be a terrible confusion: men will dance with men, and women with women (the main thing is not to be left alone with the mop).

"Dancing on Paper"

Props: several uncut newspapers. Several couples are invited to play the game. Each of them is given a newspaper, which spreads on the floor in order to dance on it later.

The music is turned on, the couples begin to dance, after about 20 seconds the music is stopped and they are asked to fold the newspaper in half. Then the music is turned on again, and after another 20 seconds everything repeats again.

When newspapers get very small, the presenter makes sure that no one goes beyond them. Those pairs in which one of the partners stumbles out of the game. The couple that lasts the longest wins. A little trick: if the partner is confident in himself, then he can take his lady in his arms and dance like that.

The winners are entitled to a prize, such as commissioning music for the next dance.

Joke Contests


Several people stand in a circle, in the middle of the circle there is a leader who announces that a warm-up, exercises or something else (optional) will now be held. The facilitator asks everyone to stretch their arms to the sides and shake their hands. (Performed.) Then the host asks the players to turn left and right with outstretched arms. (Performed.) After that, the host asks everyone to perform the first and second movement together, adding to it a sound similar to the rumble of empty cans. When all this is done, the leader says: “Congratulations, your course has successfully passed the final exam at the school of garden scarecrows!”


Props: several sheets of paper, blindfolds. The game is this: the participants (five people) must imagine that there is a swamp in front of them and they have to overcome it over small bumps and islets. The players line up one after another, the presenter or just one of the spectators lays out in front of them a chain of "islands" - sheets, along which the participants have to go. For a while, the players carefully look at the “road”, trying to remember it as accurately as possible. Then they are blindfolded and offered to start moving one after another (if the participants want, they can hold hands - they will fall, so all together). The whole trick of the game is that as soon as the movement is started, someone must quickly collect all the sheets and put them aside, but after that you can observe the creative efforts of the participants with a “clear” conscience. As a rule, there is no winner in this game, but it is necessary to encourage those who played such a tricky game. Though kisses of all the ladies present, if the team is purely male; if the team is mixed, then, you yourself understand, the male spectators will also have to smack a couple of cheeks.


Props: chair or low table, stone or brick. To conduct the game, you need to invite five or six people who are not averse to experiencing the effects of hypnosis. They all stand in a semicircle in front of the leader. The host announces: “Imagine that the stone on the table is a huge diamond sparkling with all its facets, its radiance blinds your eyes, close your eyes (performed). You want this stone to belong only to you, and to take possession of it, kneel down (performed). You do not want others to notice your intentions, so you stretch out your right hand to the diamond, deliberately relaxed (performed). From tension, you slightly, like a child, stick out your tongue (performed). Freeze! Open your eyes and don't move!!!" Then the presenter approaches one of the spectators and says: “Comrade commander! A detachment of service dogs to search for the missing sausage is built!

"A round the world trip in the style of Cousteau"

The host says that he intends to give everyone who wants an unforgettable experience: send someone who wants it on a trip around the world under water. Having chosen the one who is especially zealously striving to complete this unusual round-the-world voyage, the leader proceeds to action.

Having blindfolded the “traveler”, the presenter lights a lamp and guides the player around it, at the same time holding a transparent container with the most ordinary water above his head. After the “traveler” has completed a full circle, the host declares that the journey is over, and shows the puzzled player all the props that served as a trick.

Contests "kissing" or with elements of light flirting (adult contests)


Props: two chairs. An equal number of ladies and gentlemen are invited to conduct the game. Chairs are placed back to back. A man sits on one chair, a woman sits on the other. At the command of the host, they should look around at the same time. If the players looked in the same direction, then they will have to kiss on the lips. If they are different, then the man will have to confine himself to a kiss on the cheek. After the first couple finds out their relationship in this way, another takes its place.


Props: a long and rather strong rope. Several men and women are selected from those present. Couples go to the middle of the room. Ladies and gentlemen stand facing each other, and the leader tightly ties each pair with a rope. At the signal to start the game, the couples begin to spin and wriggle, trying to free themselves from the fetters. The pair that managed to cope with the rope faster than anyone else is the winner of the game. She gets the honorary right to dance "encore" one slow dance.


Props: eye patch. Several girls and one boy are invited to conduct the game. The young man is blindfolded, and the girls sit on chairs in a row, lift their skirts so that their knees are visible. The driver must, having felt the knees of each of the girls, call her name, but this is not the most interesting thing. While the young man is doing the knees of the first girl, one of the middle gets up and leaves the row, and one of the guys sits in her place and also exposes her knees (it’s good if they are not very hairy, although these will fit). Are you wondering what the drivers say when they get to the "suspicious" knees? U.S. too! Play the proposed game and you will be able to answer this question.

The only advice: if the driver not only understands that he ran into a replant, but also can determine who exactly they slipped him, then give him a prize without delay.


An equal number of men and women participate in this game. The conditions are as follows: at a certain signal, each man must choose a woman and pick her up in his arms, hold her for as long as there is enough strength. Conditions can be complicated. For example, you need to not just stand with a woman in your arms, but go through a path with obstacles.

"Drunken" contests (very adult contests)

As an introduction to these competitions, a little advice: a holiday at the table is much more interesting and more fun than under it. Do not overdo it!


It is desirable that all those present at the table take part in the game. Everyone puts his right hand on the knee of the person sitting on his right, and his left hand on the knee of the person sitting on the left. When all hands are laid, the game begins: you need to clap your hands on your knees in turn, but so that the claps go in order. The one who makes mistakes first and claps at the wrong time loses. He is awarded a fine - to do something or drink a penalty glass. Tip: the game should not be started on a sober head. It goes much better and more fun when all the participants in the feast have taken a decent dose.

"Relay race"

Props: chairs, threads, chalk, paper. This game is best played after emptying the sixth or seventh bottle. You need at least 10 people to play the game. They will have to split into two teams (for example, women's and men's). Then two identical lines of obstacles are arranged: a long straight line is drawn on the floor with chalk, along which the participants of the relay will have to pass; then several pairs of chairs are placed, threads are pulled between them. On the first pair of chairs so low that a person could hardly pass under it, on the second - so high that a person could hardly step over it; and so on as much as you like. After the chairs, sheets of paper are laid out on the floor with the letters “P” and “L” drawn on them (right and left). Moreover, sheets for the right leg should be placed to the left, and for the left - to the right. After the sheets on each strip, place a chair. Relay participants will have to take turns going through this entire strip and, having run around the last chair, run back to pass the baton to the next team member. The team that completes the obstacle course faster and better wins. This team is awarded the honorary title of holiday teetotalers, and so that they do not fight off the team, they bring each one a full glass of vodka and make sure that everyone drinks to the bottom.

"Who is faster"

Props: two or more bottles of alcohol, salt. The host does not have to specifically invite those who wish to take part in the game. It will be enough for him to say: “And who can drink a glass of an alcoholic drink in a minute?” We are more than sure that there are many more people who want to, who are confident in their abilities, than two. (By the way, if those present wish, then not two, but many more participants can take part in this game).

So, each player is placed in front of the table, on which there is a bottle, poured exactly to half. At the leader's signal, they grab the bottles and start drinking in a race. The winner is the one who can drink every drop the fastest. But the most interesting thing is that in the bottles there will be not alcohol, but salted water. And the one who can drink it, and even the fastest, will be declared the winner.


If you feel like the party is getting boring, throw interesting competition. Who will drink a bottle of juice from a pacifier faster. The main thing is to find a pacifier and that the juice is in the right amount, and you are guaranteed fun.

"Swiss Watches"

Props: twelve chairs, twelve glasses and one bottle of alcohol. You need to start playing this game when people are not yet very drunk, but not completely sober either, that is, after the third or fourth toast. Thirteen people are invited to conduct the game, from which it is necessary to choose a leader. Then you need to put the chairs in a circle, in the manner of a dial. A filled glass is placed on each chair. Each chair is approached by a player, and a certain hour is assigned to him. Players must memorize the location of "their" chairs so as not to confuse them during the game. When the preparation is over, the leader picks up a bottle and stands with it in the center of the circle (do not be jealous, he will not drink from the bottle). All players on his command begin to move counterclockwise, to revitalize the game, you can turn on the music and invite the participants not just to walk in a circle, but to dance. Then the host loudly calls some hour, for example "five".

The player at five o'clock goes to his chair and drinks a glass, and after him the player at twelve o'clock drinks his glass. If none of the participants made a mistake, the leader fills the glasses again from the bottle he has. If someone makes a mistake and drinks a glass that is not his own, then he takes the place of the leader and takes a bottle (you can’t drink from it). The game starts over. Usually played until the end of the second bottle.

"Glue the Tail"

Props: a dog drawn on a piece of paper, quite large; something adapted for a tail, equipped with Velcro; blindfold. Everyone present can participate in this game.

The essence of the game is that the blindfolded driver glues the tail to the dog. The player is placed at a short distance from the wall on which the drawing is fixed, they are blindfolded and given a tail in their hand. There are usually no winners, especially after the second bottle.


Props: a few crackers, beer. At least two participants are invited to play this game. One of the spectators will have to keep track of the time.

The host invites the first player, puts a small cracker on his nose, and he takes a mug of beer and invites the participant to smell the beer. The participant must keep the nose as close to the mug as possible without dropping the cracker, and the leader can raise, lower and move the mug to the side.

As soon as a player drops a cracker, the next one takes his place, and everything repeats again. The winner is the one who managed to keep the cracker on his nose the longest and whose nose was closest to the mug. The winner is entitled to a prize - the same mug of beer, to which he was so drawn with his nose.

"Mini bowling alley"

Props: beer caps and roach heads. At one end of the table, the heads of the roach are laid out in the manner of skittles. Then each participant in the game is given three covers. The task is to drop as many heads as possible on the floor by flicking the lid on the table.

The one who "knocked out" with three covers largest number"skittles", is considered the winner of the game, and in each game they are held three times. The winner of the game is entitled to free beer from the losers.


Props: a pair of vobl. Two people are invited to play.

Each of them is given a wobble. At the command of the leader, the participants begin to clean the roach. The winner is the one whose roach will be cleaned better and faster. He is awarded a prize - a liter mug of beer.

"Low bow"

Each participant in the game, holding a button in his hand, becomes his socks at the edge of the carpet and tries to put the button as far away from himself as possible in an inclined position (you can’t squat!) The winner is the one who can put it the furthest without losing balance or falling.


Props: several pieces of gauze 60–70 cm long, several mugs, compote with a lot of berries. Several participants are invited to conduct the game, each of them is given a piece of gauze and a mug with compote. And that's it!!!

At the signal of the leader, the participants in the game must strain and drink compote. How will they do it? It's none of your business, it's your business to watch the process. Okay, we'll tell you what to do. Gauze is either tied to a mug, or directly to one's face and drink compote through it. Berries in a mug, it's done!

"Take a glass"

Props: a glass filled to the brim with alcohol. This game requires two players. One stands in the middle of the hall and picks up a filled glass. The second is blindfolded and brought to the first participant. The task is to take away the glass without spilling its contents. The first participant has the right to move the glass away, hide it behind his back, lift it up, that is, in every possible way interfere with the second. But you can’t push the “blind” and take a glass from him if he has already managed to take possession of it. And one more condition: the participant holding the glass must move it very carefully so that the contents do not spill through his fault. We recommend finding the largest glass - in case the second participant still manages to take it away, then it will become his prize.

"Polar bear"

Props: glass, liquor, tonic. Two participants are invited to play the game. Each has a glass in front of them, half filled with liquor and half tonic. Team players begin to drink from their glasses. As the drink in the glass is drunk, tonic is added there. This must be done until the liquid in one of the glasses becomes completely colorless. The player who completed the task first receives a prize - a full glass of the purest liquor or, even better, a bottle.

"Brown bear"

Props: glass, liquor, tonic. This game is essentially the second, softer version of the Polar Bear game. Only now the liquid in one of the glasses should acquire the color of dark liquor. But the prize remains the same - a glass or a bottle of liquor to the winner.

"Who is this?"

All participants in this competition are given a piece of paper on which one of those present is recorded. Let it be, for example, the head of the family, his wife, their children. Task: to portray without words right person. The main thing is not to be tied to gender and age.

Even better, if a man is portrayed by a woman, a three-year-old child - old man. The rest guess who "was talking about."

"Learn by description"

And now the previous game is reversed. Without gestures, without facial expressions, with the help of adjectives, you describe the person who was drawn out on a piece of paper. For example: tall, handsome, smart, blue-eyed, kind.

The next player no longer has the right to use the same adjectives to describe his person, he must choose other epithets for him.


For this game, first of all, you need a sculptor. Have you chosen a sculptor? Now we need clay - working material (two people: a man and a woman). The sculptor received an order: to sculpt a sculpture of love to decorate the city park. After the sculpture is ready, a person from the Ministry of Culture should appear (the host will call one of the guests) and make his changes to the sculpture. The sculpture of love is finally ready.

And now the sculptor and the man from the Ministry of Culture are taking the place of their sculpture.

"Compliment in the ear"

Remember the children's game "broken phone"? So this is the adult version. To some woman, for example, the hostess of the house (or even better to involve all the women in turn), the person farthest from her at the table decided to compliment her. Since it is indecent to shout, he said it in the ear of a neighbor sitting next to him, and so on, until he reaches the recipient of the compliment.

It will reach her, perhaps a completely different compliment has already been made. The main thing is that - a compliment!

Original gifts

What can I give you, my dear man,

How can I thank fate for bringing me to you?

Gifts are different. They can be: gifts for some special occasion or gifts "just because" to please a good person. Unfortunately, not everyone knows how to give gifts, moreover, they consider this noble occupation to be a pure formality, and they also approach the selection of a gift formally.

It's no secret that giving gifts is much more pleasant than receiving, but only if the gift is really chosen with love, taking into account the tastes and interests of the hero of the occasion. Flowers are the most popular gift. They give people joy and are suitable for any event: birthday, wedding anniversary or anniversary. However, sometimes it is not possible to limit oneself to one bouquet of flowers. Especially in the event that at one time today's birthday gave you not only flowers, but also some kind of gift.

Should I wrap flowers when giving them? In the old days according to the rules good manners it was believed that if you give flowers right in the hallway, without entering the room, then you can not remove the packaging; and in the event that it was not the birthday man who opened the door for you, but one of his relatives, then before entering the room and handing the flowers, remove the packaging from them. Naturally, this advice can be used at the present time. Although, of course, flowers can be packaged in such a way that the packaging itself is a work of art, making up one complete composition with flowers. Of course, you can give flowers in a package only when it has an aesthetic appearance. Also, do not forget that the bouquet must be presented so that the flowers are directed upwards. Flowers can also be given in a pot. Especially good in this case are flowering houseplants with fancy buds that have already blossomed.

If you are sending flowers delivered from a store, put a greeting card in the basket or directly in the bouquet.

Men of middle age and older, as well as their boss, should not give a bouquet of flowers for an anniversary or birthday, and it is generally not customary to give flowers to young men on holidays.

So, you are invited to a birthday party (or the birthday of your loved ones is expected from day to day) and now you are puzzling over the question of what to give? Do not give expensive gifts to friends or acquaintances. Such gifts can only be given to your close relatives. Not so long ago, things made by one's own hands were considered a particularly valuable gift. But now this tradition is no longer so popular. But even now, any person will be pleased if he is presented as a gift with things made by the hands of our friends and close relatives, for example knitted scarf, gloves or just a trinket made of wood.

Keep in mind that the value of a gift is not determined by its monetary value. It is possible that an expensive gift will turn out to be very useful, only it can be presented in such an offensive form that the hero of the occasion simply will not accept it.

Presentation to the birthday man an expensive gift is primarily evidence of the material wealth of the person who presented it. However, giving valuable gifts is not only a privilege of wealthy people; they are sometimes given by those who do not have a developed imagination, who simply do not feel an inner need to bring joy to another person with their gift.

A woman rarely manages to please a man if she presents him with a tie as a gift. Similarly, a man will never be able to choose the right color of lipstick. The best solution would be to exclude gifts of this kind altogether, unless the man knows exactly what kind of cosmetics the lady prefers.

It is also not recommended to give animals as gifts if you have not discussed this topic with the birthday person in advance. Paintings, reproductions will also not always be a good gift, especially if you do not know exactly how a person relates to such things. Of course, it's okay if you, having given a gift of this kind, no longer come to this house, the birthday man can safely lock him in the pantry ... But if you are a frequent guest in this house, then a person with good upbringing he will be obliged to hang the presented picture in a conspicuous place, even if he does not like it too much.

Gifts that are particularly original, such as a pewter lamp that many people would keep in the attic, or various plaster figures purchased at the fair, are worth giving only to collectors and lovers. In other cases, such a gift in the apartment will be superfluous rubbish. It is not necessary to give those things that were stored in your house, even if they are completely new, because if you have not found a use for them, then they may seem unnecessary to another person. Used items are only valuable if they are antiques or jewelry. If you want to give away your umbrella or former bag close person, it is better to do it without any pretext. On your birthday, you need to give a new thing, even if its cost is not so great.

Should you give money as a gift? Of course, this gift will be useful. But he can lose all his appeal because of such frank practicality.

However, sometimes you can make such a gift, especially if they are beautifully presented. For example, give a wallet with a large bill put in it, or simply wrap the money in a beautiful package, decorate it with a bow, and when handing such a gift, say: “Dear (s) ... I give you what you want yourself (yourself)!”

Official gifts: flowers, cut or in a basket; artistic edition, good wine, crystal, chocolates in a box.

Wardrobe items: bag, scarf, slippers, men's shirt, gloves, socks, belt, stockings, sunglasses, dress cut, kerchief.

Gastronomic: cake, tea, expensive coffee, sweets, exotic fruits.

For smokers: cigarettes and cigars, ashtray, fashionable lighter.

Jewelry: necklace, earrings, brooch, beautiful pendant. If you want to give jewelry, choose the most fashionable pieces.

Living gifts (after agreeing with the future owner): puppy, kitten, gold fish, Siamese cat.

Cosmetics: perfume, original shaving cream, powder box, fragrant bath salt, cosmetic bag.

Housekeeping gifts: travel iron, nightlight, whistling kettle, tablecloth with napkins, elegant shopping bag.

Other gifts: an album for stamps or transparencies, a high-quality fountain pen, a wallet or purse (with one coin inside), good writing paper, a compass, an expensive watch, a vase, car accessories, a beautiful decorative pillow.

You can give underwear to loved ones.

A difficult question often arises: “What gift to choose for a person who has everything?” In this case, it is better to give something that is useful for long-term use.

It is not necessary to specifically thank for the written congratulations received by mail, you can do this verbally at the next meeting. For sent flowers, be sure to thank by phone or in writing.

If your friends have a baby, then you should not come without warning and congratulate on the first birthdays. Many still believe in omens and folk beliefs that you can’t show your child immediately after birth, that he can get sick or he can be jinxed.

It is best to call in advance and arrange an appointment. If a young mother is in the hospital, then you should send her flowers, not bulky toys and gifts. And it is best to wait for the safe return of the mother with the child home and give everything that your heart desires.

If you have been invited to be the godparents of a child, then think carefully before agreeing to take on such a responsibility. After all, you will become his second parents and will be responsible for him for the rest of your life before people and God. You will be required to take an active part in his upbringing and the formation of personal qualities, in addition, you will have to be responsible for his spiritual development. Giving gifts for his birthday is not the main task of godparents, but this should not be forgotten either. Gifts for the godson is a long tradition. In ancient Rus', it was customary to give godchildren silver spoons and mugs.

Nowadays, they choose something brighter and more fun that will delight the child during the first months of his life - crawlers and rattles. I would like to note that if you bring flowers to the christening and small gifts for a happy mom, it will be wonderful.

Well, everything seems to be clear with birthdays. And what to present to such an important and solemn event as a wedding? It has long been customary to give newlyweds things that can be useful in the household: tea or coffee sets, a TV table, electrical appliances, linen.

Most often these days, newlyweds give money. If you decide to give a gift, then the amount should be large enough. Their money is usually given as a gift in sealed envelopes, accompanied by the words:

"On a New Way of Life"

But remember that in some cases it is not appropriate to give money: for example, when you are not familiar with the newlyweds, or if they are much older than you.

There is a tradition of giving certain gifts on wedding anniversaries, especially when anniversaries are celebrated, although of course it is not necessary to follow this tradition.

Recall when and what to give.

1 year from the date of the wedding - calico (gauze, wadded). On this day, newlyweds are given calico items.

2 years - paper wedding - gifts made of paper, plastic, also furniture.

3 years - products made of leather or any leather substitute.

4 years - gifts made of linen, natural or synthetic silk.

5 years - wooden wedding. The anniversary is already solid. They give wooden products - caskets, candlesticks.

6 years - cast iron products.

7 years - copper (woolen) wedding. Copper is a material that is highly valued, although it is not considered a noble metal. You can give spouses copper coins, which will become symbols of this date.

8 years - tin wedding. Best gift- kitchenware.

9 years - faience, porcelain, glass or crystal.

10 years - pink (tin) wedding. Those who were at the wedding are invited to visit. Give items made of tin or aluminum. The husband presents his wife with a beautiful bouquet of scarlet roses.

11 years - steel products.

12 years - nickel (porcelain) wedding - porcelain items.

13 years - products made of lace or fine wool.

14 years - ivory or agate.

15 years - crystal (glass) wedding - crystal or glass.

20 years - porcelain wedding - porcelain or some furniture.

25 years - silver wedding. For a silver wedding, silver jewelry is usually given as a gift.

30 years - pearl wedding - pearls.

35 years - coral or jade.

40 years - ruby ​​wedding - rubies or garnets.

45 years - sapphire wedding - sapphires or tourmaline.

50 years - golden wedding- gold items.

55 years - emerald wedding - emeralds or turquoise.

60 years - diamonds or gold.

75 years - diamond wedding - diamonds or gold.

What other holiday is hard to imagine without gifts? Certainly, New Year! Yes, he probably would not have been so beloved if not for new year surprises. What should be a gift for the New Year? The gift should be an expression of your good relationship to a person, because if you treat him badly, then you are unlikely to give him a gift. So, based on this wise rule, try to please your neighbors by giving them presents for any holiday, on occasion and without occasion!

We hope that after such an exhaustive story, you will never make a mistake when choosing a gift and really please the hero of the occasion.

Toasts and congratulations

Expensive! Native! Favorite!

Our Beloved Suns!

Congratulations our dear

Vova, Lesha, Andryusha and Sasha!

We can't live an hour without you!

And it's hard to live a minute too!

We love you! Confess at once

Misha, Kolya, Nikita, Seryozha!

So, let's go ahead and create!

We go side by side and go!

Just don't forget us, look!

It's better not to find us anyway!

My knight! My brave Don Quixote!

May you always be lucky in everything!

And the image of the beautiful Dulcinea

I'm over you, my love, I'll winnow.

Feel sad, whether in reality suddenly, in a dream,

You call, because I'm Dulcinea!

Air kisses are not easier!

I congratulate! I send them in these lines!

And a thousand more later at the meeting!

And a million hugs, that's for sure!

Our dad is the best dad!

He is the best in the world!

And there is this date

To tell him about it!

To say how brave he is

For the joy of us, for the joy of people

To say how nice he is

And how dearly we love him!

beloved men,

Native glow of the eyes.

Today there is a reason

Congratulate you tenderly!

Spouse reliable, faithful

Beloved son and me!

And I'm overjoyed

That you are my family!

Congratulations in verse.

Do you want me to give you a bouquet?

The brightest stars?

Put it in a vase. Let them shine.

Do you want from the dawn sequins

A string of marvelous beads?

Raise up to the sky

Your magical taste

Do you want a dress from the beautiful,

Delicate petals?

Just nod that you agree

And no words are needed.

Mom, Mommy, dear

Congratulations on the eighth of March,

We sincerely wish you

Bright days!

Your holiday is still with frost

We will give you roses

The snow on them shines like dew

Be spring!

May every moment be a joy to us

And in the heart - to reign in the spring!

May it be the eighth of March

One of the best days.

I wish you a floral mood,

Glare of the rainbow in cute eyes,

And read between the lines

Everything I dared not say!

Light, airy and careless

Barely opened spring bud

Let our holiday be a little snowy

He's even cuter than that!

Let life easily mix the cards

Giving moments of love!

On the eighth I want to congratulate March

All the women in the world and yourself!

Below we offer you some texts of congratulations (as an example, for the New Year), which you can send by telegram or postcard.

Also, posters with such texts, hung around the apartment, will create a festive mood and complement the festive interior.

1. Seeing off the old one, don't forget to meet me. New Year.

2. Those wishing to order Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden - contact the city shooting range.

Society of hunters.

3. You are lucky - you raise the first glass! We already have a hangover...

Inhabitants of Chukotka.

4. Only with us you can celebrate the New Year nine times in one night!

The crew of the Tu-144 aircraft.

Congratulations in verse (for your birthday)

May every moment be good

And bright every hour

Let good luck clear face

Forever will not leave us!

Let the sky be clear

Above your head

Let the smell of fragrant roses

The blizzard will blow you.

Let the white snow sparkle

Let the light play with ice

May happiness be a blue bird

Fly into the house soon!

A handful of sun and drops of sky

I want to give this morning - hold it!

Let truth and fiction mix.

I want to give you a handful of soul

And warmth, and radiant smiles,

To be light every moment and all life

With our quiet and quivering secret.

Dream! Let dreams come true!

Love! And the world will love you!

All flowers for you today!

Let there be everything! And there will be happiness!

Sunny, Bunny, Kitten!

I wish you happiness!

Let everything happen and come true

In life, love and destiny.

Moonlight gold dress

Want? I can wish.

Shoes, the ones that Cinderella has,

Better never to be found.

Do you want diamond placers?

Necklace made of diamonds?

All wishes are stellar,

All for my friend!

I want to say a hundred thousand words

And wish soon

Love is your companion

And affectionate friends!

May your birthday be glorious

And every moment is more wonderful than others,

Let them take you across the oceans

Prince Charming in a Mercedes!

Let the ocean of wine flow

Runs for toast toast,

May life be more beautiful than sleep

A dream - like an invited guest!

To you on this glorious birthday

I wish you happiness without borders

Always healthy by all means

Let there be your little prince!

We wish to admire every day,

And we wish you clear and serene days!

On the street to meet with everything

More smiling passers-by for you!


The ancients said that repetition is the mother of learning. So let's drink to the fact that this holiday is repeated from year to year and becomes more fun!

There is only romance at the table, if there is a simple tactic: you need to drink, eat, then repeat again. I drink so that you are always given awards, honors, medals! And so that you always have a glass filled with wine!

For our glorious hostess, let's move our glasses in our toast. May there never come a day in your life when guests would not knock on your house!

A long time ago in one village there lived a woman, ugly and dissolute. But when she left the house, she always preened herself, put on bright multi-colored dresses, and people pointed to each other at her. Once, on a sunny winter day, the inhabitants of the aul came out of their houses, sat down on the square and began to talk. That woman also appeared, dressed up, smart, so that at first glance she seemed attractive. She passed by the inhabitants of the village, and everyone paid attention to her. Some looked at her, others said: “You will envy the one who has such a woman in the house!”

It so happened that among the inhabitants of the village was the husband of that woman. When he saw signs of approval and heard how his wife was admired, he called her to him, lifted the net of the veil and said loudly: “People, take a good look, and you will understand that I was struck by what is inside, and you by what is outside. !" So let's drink to the fact that women conquer us not only with external, but also with internal beauty!

I drink so that women do not feel sad without affection, I drink so that they do not go crazy with grief! For the fact that the hands of strong men do not hug the handles of the machine gun, so that there is no war on the planet for men, tears for their wives!

One wise man remarked: “A woman in love loves the most, a wife loves best, but a mother loves us longest.” So let's drink to the longest and boundless love of our mothers!

Things are over, it's time to relax, it's time for the table, friends! Let's forget about business for a while and allow ourselves to relax, because we deserve it. Let's drink for the long-awaited rest and meeting!

The most loving people in the world - the French - believe that real woman the one next to the man. So let's drink to the fact that a woman at any age does not remain lonely, and next to her there is always a loving and reliable man!

The purpose of a real man is to work, work and work, but work in order to be able to give joy to his beloved woman, and to be able to fulfill any of her whims. If a man does not understand this, then he lives in vain in this world. Let's drink to the meaning of our life - to the beautiful ladies!

The Sultan enters his harem and whispers in the ear of one of his wives: “Your eyes are like midnight stars, your lips are like corals, your camp is like a vine. Pass it on." Let's drink to the fact that such words were intended for only one woman, the one and only!

When a man was asked, if his wife was guilty, what punishment he would choose for her, the man thought and replied: “If I wanted to punish my wife harder, I would buy her a lot of jewelry and lock her in a room without a mirror.” So let's drink to the fact that women will never be subjected to such a punishment!

Any man has one weakness - he cannot help but drink for women at the table. Here I am no exception. For you, dear women!

Smart people say: “If you want to be happy for one day, drink wine; if you want to be happy for two days, drink wine for two days; if you want to be happy all your life, respect, appreciate, take care of your wife!” So let's drink to our women who prolong our happiness for life!

A long time ago there was a custom: if a woman kisses the enemy of her husband, then the enemy becomes a friend of her husband. So let's drink to the fact that women often give men their kisses!

Wise people say if you want to be happy for one day - then get drunk, if you want to be happy for one month - get married, if you want to be happy for one year - get a mistress, if you want to be happy all your life - take care of your health!

So let's drink so that in the New Year we please ourselves and those around us with good health!

I want to wish the owner that his house be a full bowl, that his wife be a true friend and helper, that the children help and always come to the rescue. Honor and praise to the owner! Let's drink to him!

Let's gape with the letter "c", that is, shine!

When my gaze falls outside the window, I see how the night creeps up unnoticed and scatters the stars. I would like to wish everyone gathered at this table that your life be as brilliant as the stars. To the delights that await us!

There was once a very poor man. And he asked God for a ruble to buy bread for himself. And then God gave him an unchangeable ruble: no matter how much he bought, the ruble remained in his pocket. So let each of those present here in the New Year have an unchangeable ruble in their pocket. Friends, let's drink to our well-being in the New Year!

We forget about our friends when we are in love or just happy, and remember when trouble knocks on our house. Let's drink so that we remember our friends not only in misfortune, but also in the brightest and happiest days of our lives!

One wise man who lived for many years on this earth said: “If you want money to always be in your pocket, put it there!” So let's drink so that each of us has something to put in our pocket!

In winter, of course, the main and most memorable holiday is the New Year. And all next year we will remember this night. So let all next year, you thought only of good things, work was like a holiday, and close friends were always there.

Festive table

It seems that it is difficult to lay the table for home holiday? An, no. Even choosing the right tablecloth is an art. Please note that a white tablecloth is most often used on various holidays and celebrations. Its main advantage is that any dishes and various flowers look good on it.

Crystal glasses, silver candlesticks, antique china, roses and, of course, good wine will create the very atmosphere that should reign when celebrating, for example, an engagement or wedding anniversary.

A tablecloth in light green, blue or pink shades with white embroidery will help create good mood. And spring flowers (tulips, crocuses, lilies of the valley, daffodils or willow branches) will perfectly complement the picture. In hot sunny summer it is best to use a tablecloth yellow color with embroidery in delicate shades of ocher. Field flowers, fruits in baskets, flowers from your own garden and spikelets of wheat, which are a symbol of summer, will also be a wonderful table decoration. In a calm, quiet autumn, an ocher-colored tablecloth will look best, and fruit dishes and bouquets will decorate the table. autumn leaves. The grapes themselves are beautiful: yellow, green, red, black... Well, what is a holiday without flowers? And what a beautiful festive table, tastefully decorated with flowers! But even here difficulties can arise, and we will help you to avoid them.

When decorating holiday table flowers, do not forget to pay attention to the vases you have. You have a good opportunity to show all your imagination and ingenuity if your vases differ in color and shape.

In translucent vases of delicate shades, flowers look best. If you have your own garden, then pay attention to the flowers that you have planted in it and choose them in such a way that they are combined with a tablecloth and a service according to color scheme. Do not forget that flowers of the same type look best in a vase. And when using different colors to create a bouquet, the main thing is to pay attention to its color scheme. If the flowers have beautiful, large leaves, then you can not use additional greenery for decoration. Before putting flowers in a low vase with special holes, or pricking them on a hedgehog, you must first cut them to a certain length. Since flowers with weak stems are poorly resistant, it is recommended to tie 3-4 flowers, and then plant them on the hedgehog.

Before pricking a flower with a hollow stem, a piece of a stronger stem is inserted into it. Do not forget that even in a very low vase there should be enough liquid for the plant.

The bottom of the dish can also be masked with leaves. The ability to make bouquets is a great art. The most important thing for this is the love of flowers. But a developed sense of harmony and aesthetic taste will also help you in making bouquets.

Well, how can you forget about the indispensable attribute of the festive table - a napkin! By the way, a napkin can perform not only a hygienic function, it will serve as an excellent table decoration, however, for this you will have to work hard.

There are many ways to roll napkins. During breakfast or lunch, when setting the table, napkins are usually folded in four or in half, as well as in the shape of a triangle. In some cases, napkins are wrapped in a roll, despite the fact that this is not easy, for ceremonial receptions, more complex options for laying napkins are needed - a sail, a cap, a candle, etc.

Rolled up napkins should be placed on each guest's dinner plate.

If you decide to use linen napkins instead of paper ones, don't cut them apart.

We offer several ways to fold napkins that do not require much time and effort.


Put the unfolded napkin on the table with the hemstitch towards you.

Fold the napkin in half with the fold away from you.

Fold the napkin into an accordion.

Fold the napkin in half with the fold down, folds outward.

Raise the napkin and hold the folded side with your right hand.

Bend the smooth side of the napkin diagonally down with your left hand so that the smooth side goes down. The descending part of the napkin must be turned from below to the other side.

Then you can put a napkin, while releasing the folds (accordions).


Lay the unfolded napkin on the table. Fold it in half so that the fold is on the opposite side of you. Lower the upper corners of the napkin down, bringing them closer to the middle of the edge, in other words: fold the napkin into a triangle without jamming the folds (connect both lower corners of the napkin).

Place the folded napkin on the plate at the corners.

"Triple Tent"

Place the unfolded napkin on the table, directing it with an angle towards you. Connect the lower corner to the upper one, without jamming the fold. Raise the right and left corners towards the top corner. Then fold them back “in the lock”, in other words: holding a napkin in your hands, tuck one of its corners into the other.

Place a folded napkin.

And now let's remind you the basic rules for table setting at an informal dinner, as well as at a friendly feast.

Table setting before serving the first course

It is customary to put the first course on the table even before the moment when the guests take their seats. The dinner napkin should be on a small plate, on the left side of the cutlery.

Table setting before serving the second course

If the dinner is not official, then most often it consists of two courses - the first is some kind of aperitif (salad, appetizer), and the second is most often soup. At formal dinners, soup is served in traditional shallow soup bowls.

Table setting before serving the third course

The easiest way is to serve the salad at the same time as an intermediate dish. The choice of knife is made in accordance with the type of salad, and it also depends on whether cheese is served with it.

Table setting before serving the fourth course

Sometimes the salad is served separately as a fourth course; it can also be served in place of dessert, most often in such cases, various types of cheese are served with it.

Table setting before serving the fifth course

If the dinner is not considered official, then dessert utensils can be placed on the table in advance, but they are placed in front of a small plate. In other cases, they are either placed on a dessert plate or brought on a dessert plate and given to guests along with dessert.

In cases where dessert is served in advance and there are dessert devices on a filled plate, you should not shift them.

And when the devices are located on an empty dessert plate, on which there is usually a bowl for rinsing fingers, a dessert fork should lie on the left, and a dessert spoon should be located to the right of the plate.

Dessert serving

When serving dessert, the dessert fork and dessert spoon should be placed on the dessert plate, and between them on a napkin or small plate, you need to put a bowl for rinsing your fingers (a mandatory accessory for a formal dinner and lunch).

The rules here are as follows: a napkin (as well as a bowl for rinsing fingers) is placed on the left side in front of the plate, the fork is also placed on the left, and a spoon is placed on the right side of the dessert plate and waiting for the dessert to be served. Black coffee in small cups along with dessert is often served on occasions when lunch is not considered official.

buffet service

Buffet set for a small friendly dinner. The table must be covered with a tablecloth, moreover, its edges must hang almost to the floor. It is better if on a round table, serving items and appliances are arranged along a radius. The table should not be overloaded. The central part should be occupied by cold appetizers, salads.

Along the edges - glasses for drinks, snack plates, napkins. Instead of appliances, you can use special skewers. If the main table is not too large, then everything you need can be placed on additional tables.

You can serve stuffed eggs, chopped bacon, sausages, a variety of salads in baskets, stew, pancakes, chopped vegetables and sauces for them, as well as bakery products, butter, cheese. From drinks - coffee, tea, juices, wine.

Dessert cutlery arrangement at an informal reception

Undoubtedly, it is more convenient to dine sitting at the table. During lunch, table setting is performed in the usual way, only small and serving plates are not placed. All necessary appliances, salt shakers, ashtrays, napkins, pepper shakers, glasses for water and wine should be placed on the table, you can also put a chandelier on the table, and sometimes put name cards.

For especially solemn occasions, dinner parties are arranged - official and semi-formal receptions that require appropriate table setting.

Receptions and official celebrations include not only meetings with work colleagues, business partners, presentations, but also receptions on the occasion of an engagement, the baptism of a child, the successful completion of a grandiose project, a promotion, etc.

The easiest way out is to invite guests to a dinner party or dinner in a restaurant or cafe. In addition, such a cunning move can be justified by its employment.

But not everyone can afford it, and some simply do not like the restaurant atmosphere.

Hosting guests in your own apartment is a more traditional way of hosting dinner parties. Today provides the owners with ample opportunities for holding such holidays. And so that this celebration does not turn out to be a stressful situation for the owners of the house, you must always arrange it in accordance with your financial capabilities.

This means that you should not invite more than 10 people to a one-room apartment for an official reception, otherwise you and your guests will experience discomfort, and the holiday may not work out at all.

If you have little money, then carefully distribute everything so that your guests do not leave hungry from your dinner party. Calculate how many people you can actually feed, be sure to take into account various little things and unforeseen situations.

Not everyone is ready to spend their last money to amaze everyone invited with a sumptuous dinner. And none of the guests will expect the impossible from you, so the menu for a festive evening can be modest and not contain a whole list of gourmet dishes. You can also resort to a little trick and choose a specific cuisine for the celebration. It can be inexpensive, but very tasty cuisine of some Asian tribe or African people. Thus, you will maintain the style and be original.

With a small variety of menus, it is better to refuse dishes with a completely unconventional taste. Remember not to be too zealous in inventing new exotic dishes, since many guests most likely adhere to more familiar tastes in food and may not appreciate your efforts: consider, for example, that raw meat in a salad is inedible, and an orange salad was salted in vain .

A gala dinner or lunch provides for grandiose preparations, which include not only a full set of dishes and drinks; the hosts will have to constantly entertain guests with conversations so that the guests do not get bored.

Carrying out such a celebration is a whole ritual with a great many rules of conduct. If you own enough funds and are familiar with etiquette, then you can arrange a great holiday.

An invitation to a tea party, a cocktail, a wine tasting, a buffet of fish dishes will create much less problems. This is also a completely official event, and it will require a minimum amount of money from you.

You may need help preparing for the official reception. With sufficient funds, you can order several dishes or their preparations from a restaurant or culinary. You can ask your friends for help if you think you can't do it on your own. In addition, you need to think about yourself in time, because you don’t want to look mortally tired and exhausted at this holiday?

So, having determined the circle of guests and their number, choosing a certain type of official event, you should think about inviting guests. This must be done in advance: warn guests 10-14 days in advance. These are friends who can drop everything and rush to you for a feast after the midnight bell, despite the fact that everyone has work waiting for them the next day. And official receptions do not tolerate such a frivolous attitude towards themselves, so the owners of the house must definitely invite their guests in advance.


A dinner party or dinner is called a banquet (French banquet), which is arranged in a solemn form in someone's honor. If we divide banquets according to the type of service, several varieties can be distinguished: a banquet at the table with partial or full service; combined banquet; banquet buffet; banquet tea; banquet cocktail.

Banquet at the table with partial service

For weddings, anniversaries, holidays in family circle and friendly meetings, the most frequent part-service banquet is held.

You can place invited guests at the table at your discretion, but it is better to seat the person in whose honor the banquet is arranged and special guests of honor in the center of the table. The banquet table is served with cutlery, glass and crystal, napkins in accordance with the menu.

It is important to remember that 30–40 minutes before the guests arrive, cold dishes and snacks are served on the table, as well as drinks and fruits in vases, they put cutlery with spices and decorate the table with flowers.

The duration of a banquet at a table with partial service is on average 1.5–2 hours (however, weddings and new year holidays last longer).

A wide range of cold dishes, snacks and various drinks is one of the components of the banquet menu. In the event that a banquet at a table with partial service takes place during lunch, soup is added as the first course to the menu.

If dishes and snacks are served in vases, salad bowls and other dishes with high sides or legs, then it is recommended to place them closer to the central part of the table, dishes with low sides are placed closer to the serving items, while snacks consisting of fish and meat alternate and birds.

Depending on how wide the table is, cutlery with dishes and snacks is arranged in one or two rows, depending on the number of snacks and the size of the dishes.

Fruits and flowers in vases are located along the central axis of the table, and drinks are placed between them. Bottles with drinks have a label for guests sitting at the table. Bottles sealed with corks can be opened in advance. Bottles closed with crown corks (water, beer, juices, kvass, etc.) are uncorked 5 minutes before the guests take their places at the table. Snacks and drinks should be arranged along the entire length of the table so that each guest can easily get their chosen treat.

Wheat and rye bread, immediately before inviting guests to the hall, is laid out on patty plates for each guest. Further, in the presence of the customer, they check how ready the table and attendants are, and only after that guests are invited to the banquet hall.

Banquet buffet

The name "banquet buffet" comes from the French word "a la buffet", which means "on a fork". The main cutlery during meals here is a snack fork.

A banquet-buffet is usually organized in cases where it is necessary to receive a large number of guests in a limited time (1–1.5 hours) (this can be an official reception, anniversary, family celebration or other festive event). Each guest can freely choose a seat in the hall for himself. He also makes a choice among the dishes and drinks on the table. Guests eat at the buffet table. In order to leave the banquet, they do not need to wait for it to end, they can leave at any time.

In the banquet hall, tables are most often arranged in the shape of a rectangle or in the form of the letters P, T and W. Guests must move freely between the tables, for this the tables are set at a distance of 1.5 m from each other and from the walls. Small square or round tables are covered with tablecloths and placed against the walls or in the corners of the room. Tall flower vases, paper napkins, as well as ashtrays, cigarettes and matches are placed on these tables.

The location of the treats can be seen in Fig. 1, where the numbers indicate the order of the dishes.

The range of appetizers in the buffet banquet menu is much more diverse in comparison with other banquets. Sometimes the banquet-buffet menu includes not only cold appetizers, but also second hot dishes, for example, whole roasted pig or turkey, etc., which are served as a hot appetizer. The cut slices of meat are again given the shape of a carcass. For this dish, a snack plate and snack utensils are used. In order to make it convenient to eat while standing, using one fork, portions of snacks are made small.

buffet table setting

When serving a buffet table, it is very important to ensure that the ends of the tablecloth hang at the same distance from the floor (5-10 cm) on all sides. All corners of the tablecloth are turned inside from the end, the ends are fastened at right angles to the sides.

The buffet table is served in two ways: one-sided and two-sided. The first option is used most often for guests of honor or banquet organizers, since the table setting is performed only on one side. In this case, the table is placed at a right angle to the main table at a distance of 1–1.5 m, or they are turned on one side to the wall. Table setting on both sides is called two-sided.

The buffet table, covered with a tablecloth, is first served with glass (crystal): wine glasses, shot glasses, vodka, lafite and rhine wine glasses. Most often, some of the glasses and glasses are located on the auxiliary tables and, if necessary, are displayed for guests.

It is most advantageous to perform table setting on both sides. In this case, there are several options for the arrangement of crystal and glass: in two rows, herringbone, groups and snake.

Glasses for drinks are placed to the right of the plate - a glass for water, a glass for champagne, then a glass for white and (or) red wine, glasses for cognac or vodka. Moreover, if the number of vessels exceeds three, then they are placed in two rows, but observing the rule that large glasses do not block smaller ones.

Meat and red fish are served with red wine, fruits, snacks and white fish are served with white wine.

The size of the glass directly depends on the strength of the drink, that is, for example, champagne is poured into tall glasses, and vodka is poured into small glasses.

The buffet table is served mainly with snack and dessert plates.

The number of plates for a banquet is determined at the rate of 1–2 pcs. snack bars, 2 pcs. dessert for each guest.

Snack plates are placed on both sides along the table in stacks of 6-10 pieces. at a distance of 2 cm from the edge of the table.

Stacks of plates are located at a distance of 1.5–2 m from the end of the table.

Dessert plates in stacks of 3-4 pcs. located in front of the eateries closer to the right side, next to the glasses. When placing snack and dessert plates, one should not forget that the monograms (emblems, brands) of the restaurant on the plate should be facing the guest.

For each guest (person) the required number of devices is calculated: snack forks - 1-2 pieces; snack knives - 1-2 pcs.; dessert knives (fruit) - 1-2 pcs.

Serving buffet table snacks can be done in two ways:

Option 1: forks, according to the number of snack plates (6-8 pcs.), Are placed on the edge (point to the plate) to the left of each stack of plates, and snack knives (3-4 pcs.) Are placed on the right side of the plates.

Option 2: snack forks should lie on the edge to the right of the snack knives and point towards the plate with a tip. The first way of serving a banquet-buffet is most common in restaurants. The number of fruit cutlery is equal to the number of dessert plates (3–4 pieces). The distance between the edge of the plates and the first knife and fork should be 1.5–2 cm. It is advisable to use open-type pepper shakers and salt shakers and place them on the table behind the bread plates. In all pepper shakers and salt shakers it is necessary to put a spoon for spices and turn its handle to the right. Linen napkins, folded in four, and then in half, in the amount of 30% of the number of guests, 3-4 pcs. stacked behind each stack of snack plates.

Banquet cocktail

A cocktail banquet is organized when serving participants in international symposiums, conferences, congresses, meetings and other meetings.

Although, who is stopping you from organizing a cocktail banquet in honor of your family celebration?

At a cocktail banquet, even in the smallest hall, you can receive a sufficient number of guests.

The characteristic features of the cocktail banquet are that the guests drink and eat while standing; banquet tables do not need to be arranged, but small tables are placed in the corners of the hall and near the walls, on which vases of flowers, ashtrays, cigarettes and matches are placed; skewers are used instead of forks; cutlery is not served to guests.

The cocktail banquet menu consists of small portions of appetizers. Cold appetizers include sandwiches or canapes with granular caviar of sturgeon and salmon fish, salmon (chum salmon, salmon), sturgeon, sausage, cheese, ham, tartlets with pate, salad; and hot dogs can be classified as sausages, kebab, pieces of fish in dough, pieces of shish kebab, meatballs; dessert includes cream, ice cream, jelly, nuts, fruits, etc.

As hot drinks, coffee and tea are offered, and cold drinks - juices, water (mineral and fruit), cocktails.

At the cocktail banquet, the following sequence is expected:

1) an aperitif and then cold appetizers;

2) hot snacks;

3) dessert;

4) fruits;

5) hot drinks (coffee, tea).

Banquet tea

Banquet tea is held in the afternoon, most often at 16-18 hours. The duration of the banquet should not exceed 2 hours.

A round, oval or rectangular table and chairs (armchairs) are placed in the center of the hall. Sofas and armchairs are placed along the walls, and between them there are 1-2 small tables covered with tablecloths for flowers, cigarettes, ashtrays and matches.

For a tea banquet, the menu consists of confectionery (cakes, pastries, sweet pies, cookies), chocolates, chocolate, jam, honey, fruits, sugar, milk or cream, etc. A couple of sweet dishes - ice cream can also be included in the menu , jelly, mousse, cream, etc.

If tea is poured from a samovar, then the banquet-tea will take on a more solemn look. A tray with a samovar is placed on the edge of the tea table or separately on a side table covered with a tablecloth. A second tray with cups, saucers and teaspoons is placed on the left side of the samovar and covered with a napkin. Teapots are placed on a tray in front of the samovar on the right side.

The tea table is covered with a colored tablecloth and a dessert plate is placed in front of each guest, dessert knives and forks are placed on both sides of it, and if there are fruits on the menu, then the fruit device should also lie on the table (behind the dessert plate), then to the right and left of plates lay out dessert knives and forks.

On special occasions, champagne glasses are placed in front of the dessert plates. When serving a tea table, wine glasses are not placed, because it is not customary to serve mineral and fruit water at a tea banquet. Following this, linen napkins are placed on dessert plates.

Sweet dishes and various confectionery are arranged half an hour before the banquet. The cake or pie is pre-divided into separate portions.

Each sweet dish, with the exception of fruits and sweets in wrappers, is served with spatulas, forks, tongs and other devices for unfolding. Rosettes are placed in stacks of 5-6 pieces next to all vases with honey, jam or jam.

Before serving a sweet dish, they put in front of the guest not a dessert plate, but a pie plate, having previously covered it with a carved paper napkin, with a dessert spoon (the handle is turned to the right of the guest).

A bowl with a sweet dish is placed on a plate. Then the waiter (or the hostess) removes the used dishes, replacing them with dessert plates and cutlery. 10 minutes before the arrival of guests, you can serve sweet dishes, with the exception of ice cream.

The tea banquet menu may also include coffee. At the same time, coffee cups with spoons and saucers are placed on a tray next to tea appliances, and a coffee pot with hot coffee is placed near teapots.

Combined banquet

A banquet that includes two or three types of banquet, such as a buffet banquet and a banquet at a table with full service, is called a combined banquet. In order to hold such a banquet, you will need at least two halls. In the first hall there is a buffet table (tables), cold snacks and drinks are offered there. 30-40 minutes after the first hall, guests are invited to go to the second hall, which is specially prepared for a banquet at a table with full service or partial service. After each guest takes their place at the table, lunch or dinner is served depending on the time.

Hot appetizers are served at the very beginning. At lunchtime, they are immediately followed by soup, a main course, dessert, and coffee (or tea).

In the case when hot appetizers are served at the buffet table, the service begins with them.

Also, a combined banquet may consist of a cocktail banquet and a banquet at the table with full or partial service.

In some cases, a banquet is organized at the table with full or partial service, while coffee with dessert is served in the second room. As a dessert, chocolate, flour confectionery (cake, pastry), appropriate drinks and tobacco products are served.

When laying the festive table, think carefully about how to seat the guests. A strictly defined place should be assigned specifically to each guest. Before the start of the reception, lay out the menu for everyone, and on the plates - cards indicating the name, patronymic and surname of the guest.

Colored cards with funny pictures and funny inscriptions are not suitable for an official holiday. The design of the card and the menu should be classic and at the same time not spoil the beautifully laid table.

Often, guests leave the menu for themselves as a memento of pleasant hours spent together, so pay due attention to this issue.

The menu can be made in the form of an old papyrus with a “family stamp”. But the folding menu is more widespread. This form is the most convenient. On the right inside on the menu, indicate the order of the dishes, and on the left, inform the guests about the drinks that you are going to offer them. You can also write the name of the drink under the name of the dish to which the drink will be served. It is better if the menu and cards with the names of guests are designed in the same style.

For a more successful evening service, invite waiters from the restaurant. You can choose the type of service at your discretion. In the case of full service, you don't have to worry about anything - the waiters will take care of everything. But if you opt for partial service, there are some things you will have to take care of yourself.

If you are forced to serve the table yourself, then give up those dishes that require your frequent presence in the kitchen. Perhaps your adult children will want to help you and will be happy to manage the kitchen on their own.

The table must be set in accordance with the rules of etiquette.

Great imagination and refined taste will help you to cope with this task in an original way. So believe in yourself, listen to our advice and boldly go for it.

The first thing you should decide when setting the table is what kind of tablecloth will be on the festive table. And it depends on many reasons: on who you invited and for what reason, on the color of the dishes that you are going to put on the table ...

Now in the store you can choose anything you like, to satisfy even the most sophisticated taste. You can choose dishes, tablecloths and napkins that match perfectly in color and pattern. Therefore, your possibilities are quite wide, and the only thing that can limit the field of your activity is the family budget.

But with a strong desire to arrange an official holiday, we are sure that you can cope with this problem.

Fortunately, now it is not at all necessary to set the table for a festive dinner with a white tablecloth and silver. The only rule that you should adhere to is that everything must be done with taste and from the heart.

For formal receptions, you can use white, pink tablecloths, as well as tablecloths in pastel colors. If you are not sure that you can choose the right tablecloth with a pattern, then it is better to stop at plain options. Grandma's lace tablecloths haven't gone out of style, so don't rush to throw them away. They will look very elegant on the festive table and create a more comfortable atmosphere.

For dinner parties, you can use tablecloths in all shades of pink and blue, colored and striped tablecloths. In this case, your imagination can be limitless. For evening celebrations, you can opt for traditional white, pastel or even darker tones (cherry, coffee or navy blue). The main thing is that the combination of tablecloth with dishes is not disturbed. So, on a dark cherry tablecloth, white dishes with golden flowers will look very impressive.

Napkins should match the tablecloth. Cloth napkins are simply made for official holidays. But that doesn't mean you can't use paper napkins. On a festive table decorated in modern style, they will always come in handy.

Don't forget to decorate your holiday table. For this you can use bouquets of flowers. At official receptions, "low" bouquets are more often used. They do not block the guests and do not interfere with their free communication. For a classically set table, decorations made of ribbons, plain or with fine embroidery, are also suitable. Elegant garlands of flowers, fabrics, paper will complement the festive style of the upcoming event.

It is absolutely unacceptable for an official reception to have plates from different sets on the table. All table setting should be in the same color scheme. For a dinner party and evening, the number of plates, glasses and cutlery is quite large.

Try to ensure that there is nothing superfluous on the table, except for dishes and cutlery that guests need for a meal. Arrange forks, spoons, knives, glasses and plates, etc. according to all the rules of etiquette.

The table must be set in advance, even before the guests arrive, so as not to forget something important in a hurry. Try to put yourself in order and prepare for the arrival of guests so that you don’t have to rush around the apartment at the moment when the first guest rings the doorbell. Yes, and do not forget that the official ceremony lasts about two hours, and a cocktail banquet or tea banquet - 1.5 hours.

Nowadays, many wealthy people, trying to avoid unnecessary fuss, celebrate holidays in restaurants. For other segments of the population, with the current high cost, the mere visit to such a respectable institution is a holiday.

So, you invited guests to the restaurant for your anniversary. Or another case: a husband invited his adored wife to a restaurant for his wedding anniversary.

In any case, having ventured to go to a restaurant, you need to know certain rules of conduct, otherwise the evening may simply be ruined.

Guests must arrive strictly at the appointed time. According to the rules of etiquette, latecomers are expected for about 20 minutes, after which they do not bind themselves with obligations in relation to them.

Moreover, the initiators of the meeting must come on time, otherwise the invitees will drearily stomp on the street, waiting for the heroes of the occasion, and not wanting to enter a cafe or restaurant without them.

A man accompanying a woman at the entrance to a restaurant or cafe should be the first to let the woman through, but about halfway through he can get ahead of her and lead her to a free table.

There is usually a wardrobe in front of the hall of a cafe or restaurant. In some countries, women (but only them!) are allowed to sit in raincoats in cafes.

Then, sitting down, dear women, do not lift it, you are afraid to crush it - leave it on a hanger. In our restaurants, outerwear is left in the cloakroom.

Leaving the restaurant hall, a man gives his companion a coat.

Here, in the locker room, we leave voluminous bags and packages; it is desirable that men leave their briefcases. In the hands can only be a small elegant handbag for women and a cigarette case for men.

At the mirror in the wardrobe you can straighten your hair, but you can comb your hair, touch up, tie a tie, tighten stockings only in the toilet.

At the table, the most convenient place is near the wall, that is, facing the hall. If you are sitting in the center of the room, place of honor for the lady - facing the entrance.

In cases where there are no free tables left and you have to choose a seat at already occupied tables, it is best to ask the waiter for help. You can, of course, find a place yourself, after politely inquiring: “Will you allow me to sit here?” Sometimes in response you can hear: "Busy", "We are waiting for a friend." Under no circumstances should you insist.

In a cafe, sitting down with a friend who is sitting in the company of a person you do not know is quite acceptable. This is not accepted in restaurants. An exceptional case is if sitting acquaintances ask you about it.

We will give you some tips on how to behave at the table. The cup should be held by the handle. Only tea is stirred with a teaspoon, and then spread on a saucer.

You should not help yourself with a spoon even at the first sips of coffee or tea. If it’s hot, we patiently wait until it cools down, and don’t blow into a cup or glass. We do not take a saucer in hand, you can only lift a cup or glass. coffee grounds we leave it in a cup, even if it is the eve of Christmas and you really want to tell fortunes on the coffee grounds.

A slice of lemon in a glass can be carefully squeezed out with a spoon, then put on a plate, but it is better to leave it in a glass. The presence of a lemon in a glass in no way gives us the right to sip (although a slice of lemon is sometimes very conducive to this). Lemon from tea should not be eaten.

If tea leaves are served in bags, then, having obtained the desired result, we take out the bag and put it on a saucer (not in an ashtray).

Sometimes it is very pleasant to drink a drink through a straw, but in such cases you should not suck it out to the last drop, as a piercing gurgle will introduce some dissonance into the general conversation.

Cigarettes are extinguished only in an ashtray, never on a plate or saucer.

Those invited to dinner or lunch should not choose the most expensive dishes. And the amount of food ordered shouldn't be like it's the last meal of your life...

In the case of a common lunch or dinner in a restaurant, it should be quite obvious in advance who and how is calculated - everyone pays for himself or the initiator of the event. Otherwise, an awkward situation may arise in which everyone assumes that they were invited, and then it turns out that everyone pays for himself.

The person who officially invited you to a restaurant can independently, without taking into account the wishes of the invitees, draw up a menu, for example, invite you “for trout”. In this case, without further discussion, he orders the same thing for everyone.

When can you smoke? The first suitable moment for this is presented immediately after the order is placed - in anticipation of its implementation. But during dinner it is better not to smoke, especially when people sitting next to you are eating.

It is also very important to be able to maintain a conversation at the right time at the table.

The art of conducting a conversation in society, of course, can be learned, for this you just need to develop the necessary skills in yourself, just as ancient orators mastered the art of eloquence.

But this does not mean at all that meetings with friends should turn into competitions in oratory.

In the art of conversation, you need to practice without falling into talkativeness, you need to be able to navigate the topics of conversation, you need to adapt to the person, and only with time can success be achieved in this.

First of all, the noisy "I" should be avoided in a conversation. Entering into the interests of others is a special skill.

Good tone requires us to avoid conversations that are unpleasant to the interlocutor or that bring him down.

It is very indecent to speak to someone in a language unfamiliar to the rest of society. You should show courtesy and delicacy if someone else intervenes in your conversation, and the topic of the conversation is purely intimate. Do not forget that in society they talk about everything, but do not delve into questions, do not analyze any subject comprehensively, but argue briefly, but not superficially.

You should never show that you are bored or tired of talking, or that you would like to talk to others.

In a conversation, you should not exalt yourself, exaggerate your merits, brag about your circle of acquaintances, or mention the name of any famous person.

And yet it must be said that society likes nothing more than good topic conversation.

In order to feel easy and at ease when communicating with strangers, to start a conversation without effort and freely conduct it (and not just agree), some preparation is necessary. At the same time, we must remember that in any society your behavior should be natural. Affectation and pretense are the enemies of any interesting conversation.

The range of issues discussed can be wide, but it is still better to talk about topics where you feel confident, where you are “at home”. Do not bore the interlocutors with your complaints about health or reasoning about the weather.

It is useful to learn not only to speak, but also to listen. And that doesn't mean just being silent. You can not look at the interlocutor with "empty eyes", which reflect their own concerns.


Well, your wonderful holiday has come to an end ... But do not be discouraged, because if you wish, you can repeat it after a while, or maybe even make it even better, more beautiful, more interesting. For a holiday of the soul, a reason is not at all necessary, the main thing would be the desire to relax and cheer up yourself and your loved ones. Do not forget that even if today is not a red day on the calendar, anyway, you can create your own little family holiday, thereby delighting your loved ones. In the end, you can please yourself with a beautiful table setting, in case you are left alone at home and do not expect guests. After all, the main thing would be desire, right? A properly and tastefully decorated table will cheer you up and set you in a festive mood.

We created this book precisely in order to give free rein to your inventions and fantasies, so that each of your celebrations would not be like the previous one, because this book is the key to your success. Now you can entertain your guests with fun games and contests, set the table with unusual (or rather, well-forgotten traditional) dishes. Men will always know how to make a pleasant surprise for their lovely ladies on the 8th of March, and the weaker sex will please the strong half of our Fatherland with cheerful and amazing deeds.

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